Chapter 409 Roubaul

"Choose for yourself, would you join the Crime Sorciere or be sent together with Zero by me."

Looking at Racer, Asahi didn't talk nonsense anymore, as he really couldn't find the weakness of this guy. After all, this guy's obsession was a little too strange, that was, to run faster.

At the beginning, he thought that he was caught and brought to the Tower of Heaven because he was not running fast enough to directly run away from his captors, and because he was not running fast enough, he blindly pursued speed.

However, the magic he used was actually to weaken the perception of others, and strictly speaking, it was not speed magic.

That's why Asahi doesn't want to talk nonsense with him, although Asahi does have the kind of magic that can speed up the user.

But to deal with Racer, that kind of thing is not a bargaining chip, so in the end, he just let him choose.

This guy is not the kind that is too bad... and he can be saved. He is different from the other two hard-headed people with weaknesses, so he can be taken care of with just direct threats.

"Hey, hey, why did it become like this when it comes to me!"

Racer almost stared out his eyes, just as he thought, he has no weaknesses, so the other party simply threatened him.

"You haven't given me the answer yet. I will only give you three seconds to choose! If you didn't choose, that means you reject my offer and you will go with Zero!"

After Asahi glanced at Racer, he started counting down, and Racer really panicked at this moment.

"Surrender, I choose to surrender!"

Although there are all kinds of cursing in his heart, Racer doesn't want to be with Zero. After all, that bastard is super abnormal.

He can have a good life later, so why would he chose to suffer? Because of that, he decisively compromised.

In this regard, Asahi also nodded in satisfaction, and directly threw the things for contact to the three of them, and asked them to contact Ultear on their own.

With this, the scale of Crime Sorciere is getting bigger and bigger now.

After taking care of these guys, Asahi found Natsu and others, as they are still waiting for Asahi to tell them the result.

As for the Council's army that should appear in the original work, they didn't come this time.

Because they did not experience the previous disintegration, there was no new Council.

And after knowing the appearance of the Fairy Tail in the battle against Oracion Seis, they didn't even dare to show up, and they could only stay home honestly.

"It's done, the Oracion Seis have been completely eradicated. As for Nirvana, it has become a pile of rubbish!"

Looking at everyone, Asahi gave the final announcement, after which everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

"Um…, this place is not far from our Cait Shelter. Everyone, why don't we all go to Cait Shelter to rest!"

Wendy sent out an invitation. Her guild was very close from their current location, so the others naturally raised their hands in agreement.

The group of people came to the Cait Shelter so quickly. There were a lot of people in Cait Shelter, but these people were all created by Roubaul's illusion.

When he first saw Asahi, Roubaul couldn't help being taken aback, but he didn't say much.

After the others rested, Roubaul went to meet Asahi alone.

"Asahi-sama, have you rested?"

Roubaul, who was standing outside the door, asked.

"Come in, I knew you would come to me tonight, after all your obsession has been eliminated!"

Asahi spoke, and then, Roubaul walked in.

"I didn't expect to be able to see Asahi-sama in this era. Four hundred years ago, I only heard about Asahi-sama, and have only saw Asahi-sama's projection. I have never met you face to face like this!"

Roubaul said. Four hundred years ago, it was the dragon's era. And in that era, human beings could only live in the cracks.

But because they were struggling constantly, countless outstanding talents appeared.

It can be said that the dragon is the catalyst, as without the dragon, Zeref's family will not be killed.

If that didn't happen, perhaps Zeref would not have embarked on the path of a mage, nor would he be cursed, nor would the Alvarez Empire appear in the later period.

Without the dragons, humans would not have research such a wonderful thing like Dragon Slayer Magic, which finally created Acnologia.

It can be said that dragons are the catalyst, the catalyst that caused countless troubles.

From Roubaul's words, Asahi knew that he had never seen this guy four hundred years ago, but there should have been many people who knew his appearance back then. After all, the magic projection is just like the photo, which makes it much more convenient for people to see his appearance.

"You are amazing. You have stayed in this world for four hundred years with such condition, and your tribe is also crazy enough to dare to make things that plays with human nature. You guys are simply impatient to live!"

Asahi said with a nod, and Roubaul smiled bitterly when he heard this.

Indeed, they paid a heavy price, and the Nirvit Tribe has disappeared completely.

"If we could do it all over again, our tribe would never touch this kind of thing, but unfortunately, we have no chance for that."

"Right now, my obsession has been eliminated, and after the obsession in me is eliminated, I can no longer stay in this world."

"But Wendy, I don't feel relieved, unlike the other members I created, this guild was created for Wendy."

"Once I disappear, this guild will also disappear. Asahi-sama, can you help me take care of Wendy?"

Roubaul asked.

"I will take care of her even if you don't need to tell me, after all, I have already promised Grandeeney before!"

Asahi didn't refuse, but said Grandeeney's name, which also made Roubaul startled. After hearing Asahi's answer, Roubaul was grateful and left the room.

Although he didn't know Grandeeney, he knew that if Asahi has promised so, then there is no problem.

Now that his last bit of obsession has completely disappeared, he planned to say goodbye to Wendy the next morning.

In this way, the time flies to the next morning, and then, it happened the same as the original work. Roubaul exposed his identity and eliminated all the illusion he had created.

Seeing this, Wendy finally understood why the guild never recruited members from outside, and only she and weren't the Nirvit.

It turns out that this is because everyone is fake.

And Roubaul also surprised everyone else. After all, a person who has been dead for four hundred years can still create so many life-like illusions.

This is simply horrifying to the extreme. After all, even Jura would never be able to do so.

After Roubaul finally disappeared, Wendy started crying.

"Don't be too sad, you should be happy for him. After all, he had waited for four hundred years just for this moment. From now on, you will be a member of our Fairy Tail!"

Asahi comforted Wendy and announced the final decision.