Chapter 413 Let Me Introduce You, This Is Your Daughter

He didn't say anything to Gildarts. After wiping out Acnologia's power from Gildarts's body, Asahi activated time magic, and the time of Gildarts' wounds and the position of his hands and feet kept moving backwards.

As time went back, Gildarts's wounds quickly disappeared, and his hands and feet quickly recovered under everyone's eyes.

The ability to manipulate time is indeed very useful. After a few seconds, Gildarts's injuries have completely disappeared.

"This… How did this happen so quickly? My severed limbs are completely recovered!"

Gildarts's three views were also greatly impacted. Of course, it was not just him, as everyone else was also dumbfounded.

"It's a kind of time magic, I have reverted the time of your wounds, hand and foot to the state before you were injured."

"Of course, it's better to not use this kind of magic casually. The more time is reversed and the larger the scope, the more magic power it will consume. After your magic power is exhausted, if you still dare to continue, then it will consume your vitality. In other words, your life span."

"For the time I spent returning time of Gildarts' wounds, using Erza's magic power as the template, it will consume at least 30 years of Erza's life."

"I don't know if you will encounter this kind of magic in the future, and learn this kind of magic, but remember, don't use it casually!"

Asahi warned everyone. If there was a deviation due to his butterfly effect, and someone really learned this magic, they might kill themselves when using it, so he felt that it's better to explain everything now.

"What an exaggerated sequelae! It absolutely can't be used!"

The boys felt terrible, let alone the girls. Thinking that if they learned this kind of magic and used it too much that makes them turned into an old lady, the blow would be a little bit too much, so they didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"I guess we will never encounter this kind of magic in our lifetime, but it feels really good to recover!"

Gildarts shook his recovered arm. This feeling is so good. Although the previous prosthetics can be controlled easily, it is always fake, and it is incomparable to the real.

"Gildarts, now that you have recovered, accept my challenge."

After Natsu finished speaking, he rushed over, but after Gildarts saw Natsu, he waved his hand and defeated Natsu in less than a second.

The strength gap is too big, let alone Natsu hasn't really use his magic, but even if it does, the result will still be the same.

"To celebrate Gildarts's return, let's have a banquet!"

Makarov suddenly shouted, and the others immediately echoed and started shouting crazily. In an instant, the guild became lively again.

"Before that, Gildarts, you should deal with your private affairs!"

However, Asahi spoke again at this moment, suppressing everyone's voices, and causing everyone to look at him again.

"Private affairs? What private affairs?"

Gildarts asked in a daze. He didn't remember any private affairs he had.

"In the guild, I sensed that someone has a blood relationship with you. And not just blood, as even your magic signature is almost the same."

"There is only one result of this, that is, someone here is your immediate family member. Are you not going to recognize your daughter?"

Asahi decided to tell him in advance, otherwise, the father and daughter's situation would be really awkward.

Hearing Asahi's words, everyone else looked like they had seen a ghost, and Cana was so scared that she kept backing away, planning to find a chance to run away.

She couldn't guarantee that Gildarts will recognize her. If he dislikes her because she is too weak, then Cana can't imagine what she would do.

"Are you planning to leave like this? Do you think your father is someone who will dislike his own daughter because of her strength?"

Seeing that Cana was planning to run away, Asahi uttered a word again, making Cana's movements stiff.

At this moment, everyone followed Asahi's gaze and saw Cana who was about to run away.

"Ca… Cana, you are Gildarts's daughter. Wait… I remember that when you first came to Fairy Tail, it was to find relatives. It turned out to be Gildarts!"

"Gildarts, you bastard, you don't even recognize your daughter here!"

Makarov angrily kicked Gildarts directly.

When Cana first joined the guild, he also knew some of her purposes, but at the time, he didn't know that Cana's relatives were in the guild, and it was actually Gildarts.

Now that he knew it, he was so angry. After all, Gildarts hadn't recognized his own daughter for so many years. He immediately thought that this was Gildarts's fault.

"Makarov, how can you be so irritable? Gildarts himself probably doesn't know this."

"Cana thought that because of Gildarts's strength, he won't recognize her, so she didn't dare to tell him her identity."

"After all, Gildarts is Fairy Tail's strongest Mage, and this guy really left her mother for a long time, otherwise, there would be no such thing as having a daughter and not knowing it."

"Cana is probably preconceived and thinks that this guy values ​​strength, so she didn't dare to say it until she reached a certain level!"

Asahi glanced at Gildarts. It can be said that he is a playboy, but he is also dedicated person, because he only loves one person, other times it's just playing around.

When he went to find the woman he liked, he found that the other party was already dead, and Cana had come to Fairy Tail at that time.

In this case, it can be seen how long this guy has left.

However, judging from the situation of the missions he did, it basically takes a few years at a time, so it is not difficult to understand his reason.

When Cana told him her identity, he said Cana's mother's name with deep affection, which can only be achieved when his love towards her is deep.

Otherwise, if Gildarts is really a playboy, he will not be able to say Cana's mother's name.

After Asahi explained this matter, Gildarts broke out at his fastest speed and hugged Cana directly.

After that, there was naturally a beautiful scene where the father and daughter finally identify each other, and then Gildarts went from a philandering uncle directly to an old father.

As an old father, he naturally wants to protect his daughter's safety.

So Gildarts stood directly around Cana. If anyone wants to strike up a conversation with her, the girls are okay, but men will be greeted with his murderous gazes.

Of course, it is estimated this situation will only continue for a few days, and it will not continue to be like this in the future.

There are people who wanted to drink with Cana, but in the end, they were all glared by Gildarts into backing away. Although Cana thought it was a bit funny, the feeling of being cared for by someone is indeed very good.