Chapter 414 The Stunned Mystogan

Fairy Tail started a huge party again because of Gildarts's return, recovery, and the recognition of father and daughter.

On the other side, there was a person who was already dumbfounded, and this person is… Mystogan.

Mystogan is Jellal from the Edolas side. He used to constantly hinder Anima from taking magic power from Earthland in the past.

He can be regarded as a messenger of justice, but recently, Mystogan has been a little confused because he found that Anima's reaction has disappeared.

At first, he thought there was some error with his sensing, so he didn't think too much about it.

But as time went by, Mystogan found that it became more and more weird, as Anima's reaction really disappeared.

During this period of time, he hadn't even returned to Fairy Tail, and he had always been investigating this matter all the time.

In the end, he is certain that Anima has really stopped, and he thought his father is about to make a big move.

He believed that the other party planned to accumulate enough magic power and then attack in one strike, so he stayed in this world to observe and prevent accidents.

However, as time went on, he found that he was wrong again. Even if Anima can accumulate energy, it is not unlimited.

And this period of time, it is probably enough to fill in the magic of the entire Edolas.

However, even after that, the super magic Anime was still not activated, which made Mystogan really confused.

In desperation, he decided to return to Edolas and take a look.

After returning, he is also very cautious. After all, his identity was an exiled person, and even if he's a prince, he is also exiled.

It has to be said that Mystogan is also a genius, as he was able to find the way to Earthland.

Moreover, he can also create medicines that allow people to use magic on Edolas. God knows how he can make them, and he can also freely travel through the world, which is very strange.

But after Mystogan quietly returned to his home world, he found that the situation had changed. The people in the city all talked with laughter and happiness, and there were also various electrical appliances. However, the time were too short, so it can't be popularized.

Otherwise, it is estimated that the streets would be full of cars now.

Since there is not enough time, these concepts have not been introduced for the time being, so this kind of thing like car and so on hasn't appeared yet.

But for electric lights, telephones, etc… those series of things have appeared, and in the city, there are various things being built at this timme.

Seeing this kind of change, Mystogan can just stare in a daze for a while.

Mystogan was also quickly spotted by the other people. The main reason is that his dressing is too weird. Just think about it carefully, as someone dressed as a mummy, standing on the street bound to attract attention.

Because of that, the kingdom's Magic War Division quickly set their sights on Mystogan and passed the news to the current Queen, Erza Knightwalker.

"He's finally back? Although he is no longer a prince, it is better to let him handle the old king himself!"

Erza didn't think much about it, and directly sent someone to invite Mystogan to the palace.

After contacting the Magic War Division, Mystogan wanted to run away immediately, but after hearing that the king had changed, he did not continue to run, but gritted his teeth and followed these soldiers to the palace.

"Er… Erza, you are the current king? What the hell is going on?"

The moment he saw Erza, Mystogan collapsed. In the entire Magic War Division, if he was asked who is the most loyal to the kingdom, he will definitely answer Erza without hesitation.

But now that this king is Erza, he is a little dazed.

"Come with me to see the old king first. I will tell you everything that happened on the way!"

After Erza finished speaking, she took Mystogan to the dungeon. Along the way, Erza told Mystogan what happened in this world.

Upon hearing Erza's explanation, Mystogan finally understood why Anima suddenly disappeared. It turned out that it was not trying to make a big move, nor was the old king found his conscience, but because the nature of the kingdom had changed.

In this regard, Mystogan also considers the condition of the people of this world, so he didn't say much.

Judging from the current situation in the kingdom, he thinks that Erza is doing very well as a Queen, at least, she's much better than his father back then.

After all, the only time his father can make everyone happy is… when he stole magic power from Earthland.

Regarding magic power, the old king longed for it to the extreme, even to the point of madness, but it's also because of the magic power that he was defeated.

"Asahi-sama has told me to let you deal with the old king. So for this period of time, we have just imprisoned him!"

After arriving at the prison, Erza didn't go in, but let Mystogan entered by himself.

Seeing that his father has turned into a prisoner, Mystogan's expression was not good, but to be honest, he actually didn't have much affection for his father.

As the saying goes, even a tiger won't eat its own children, but this old king, he has brought the fact that the emperor has no brothers and no children to the extreme.

When Mystogan was a child, Mystogan was exiled. If he hadn't been saved by Lily, the Jellal of this world would have died a long time ago.

This guy can be said to be extremely cruel to Mystogan.

However, Mystogan was still too kind. Now that he saw his father become like this, he felt pity towards him.

He could never blame his father himself.

After that, he talked with the old king for a while and made a decision.

In the original work, because of the general trend, he exiled his father, but this time, he is not a king and does not need to bear this kind of responsibility, so he finally told Erza how to deal with him.

That is, to let him take the old king to Earthland, and live a new life there as an ordinary person.

After all, in this world, if the old king comes out again, he will probably be hammered to death by the citizens.

In the original work, Natsu and the others became villains after performing the drama, but this time, under Asahi's operation, instead of others, it was the old king who became the villain.

Therefore, in the eyes of other people, if there's 1-100 favorability for this kind of thing, everyone's favorability towards the old king would be -100.

Erza also agreed to this, after all, how Mystogan dealt with the old king was Mystogan's matter.

She wouldn't be nosy. After all, if she really cared, she would have dealt with the old king a long time ago.

Erza will just do what Asahi said, it, and she will not disobey Asahi's words, as she is full of gratitude towards him.

After all, the people in this country now have a very good life, and this kind of thing are also built in other cities. In a few years, this kind of thing should be fully popularized in this world.