Chapter 415 Yajima’s Restaurant Opens

In the end, Mystogan took the old king out of Edolas and returned to Earthland through the door in the Fairy Tail's building.

In fact, Fairy Tail's people don't plan to care about the other party, and they have already let go of it.

After arriving in Magnolia, Mystogan prepared a house for his father, and after that, he only needs to be responsible for sending money over on a regular basis. This can be regarded as his last bit of filial piety.

In doing so, Mystogan had done his best, but after the old king was awake, he also changed.

He knew that he was at fault and his son has done his best to help him, so he planned to find something to do on his own, such as starting a small business.

Then, after returning to Fairy Tail, Mystogan also removed his disguise and announced his real identity.

He was extremely grateful to Asahi. After all, he doesn't need to care about those things now, and can really blend into the Fairy Tail.

But to be honest, his appearance is still a bit problematic, after all, Jellal is a real villain in this side.

Of course, this is not a big problem. After that, Asahi removed the birthmark from his face. Having a tattoo and not having a tattoo are completely two different concepts.

Right now, no one could tell that Mystogan, who had no tattoo on his face, was Jellal at all.

After all, because of the tattoo problem, when others saw Jellall, they were instantly attracted by this strange tattoo.

Few people care if there is any chance of Jellal removing the tattoo himself.

After getting rid of the tattoo, Jellal became a young boy with a typical handsome face. Of course, for the convenience of doing things, he still threw away the name Jellal and used the name Mystogan forever.

The name is not bad, at least everyone is used to it.

Of course, when the banquet was held in the future, Mystogan would inevitably be brought down directly, not with fighting, but with drinking.

It must be known that the people in the guild still have a bit of hatred towards him. After all, in order not to reveal his identity, this guy will hypnotize everyone every time he comes back.

It's also because everyone wasn't on guard, otherwise, it is estimated that Natsu and the other strong mages would not be knocked out so easily.

It will be like this every time he come back, and the others are naturally unhappy, so this time, they filled his glass with a lot of alcohol.

As a result, Mystogan fell directly, the first to fall.

"Shodai, are you free today?"

The next day, Makarov found Asahi directly.

"I'm free, what's the matter? Is your party for the elderly about to start again?"

Asahi asked a little curiously. Makarov's face was filled with black lines when he heard this, 'What do you mean party for the elderly?'

'And even if it's a party for the elderly, aren't you already more than 400 years old?' Makarov is quite speechless.

"No, it was that guy Yajima. He sent an invitation letter, inviting us to visit his restaurant!"

Makarov spoke and took out an invitation letter.

"Yajima? I remember that guy should be a member of the Council, right? He retired?"

Asahi was a little surprised. The reason why Yajima retired from the council in the original work was because of the Tower of Heaven's incident.

In fact, he didn't have any blame at that time, but he felt too tired, so he went out to open a restaurant. But now, it seemed that nothing happened, so Asahi wondered why would he retire?

"That guy has always wanted to open a restaurant. But as an old friend of mine, he stayed in the council to help us."

"But since you came, Shodai, the council has not dared to do anything to our Fairy Tail, so he simply retired and opened a restaurant in the city where he lives."

"Now that the restaurant has just opened, he invited us over!"

Makarov explained.

"Then let's go. I want to taste that guy's craftsmanship!"

Asahi didn't think much about it, so he chose to go there to relax.

"Is it delicious? I want to go too!"

At this time, Natsu suddenly popped out of nowhere.

"Well, it seems that old man Yajima has also issued a mission to recruit some temporary waiters, and work there until he finds enough waiters!"

Erza also came out with a mission notice.

"Then you can add me, I have experience in that area!"

Mira also jumped out, and since Mira appeared, Elfman and Lisana naturally also appeared.

 And then Gray, Lucy, and a series of people appeared, all expressing their willingness to take this mission.

"Wait…, you guys, take us too!"

Macao and the others took a step slower, but at this time, Erza raised the mission notice in her hand.

"Sorry, there are already enough people, if you go, it will become too chaotic!"

Ersa's words caused a group of people to grieve with while covering their heads. But who told them to be late to the party?

"Everyone, go back and prepare. We will go over in the afternoon to see if there is anything else we need to help with the opening!"

As soon as Makarov gave the order, the others immediately went back to prepare, and Erza once again took out her luggage that was too much.

Seeing this left Asahi speechless. Erza's Requip space actually can hold so many things, but she still need to bring such a huge amount of luggage with her every time.

And it also didn't matter if she brings it. After all, every time she arrives at the mission location, these things will disappear, and when she come back, these things will be brought back again. It is simply too magical.

After everyone went back to prepare for a while, they set off collectively. And because Happy knew the importance of training, he has been training for a while.

In order to leave a deep impression on Carla, he can already grow to a size of ten meters, so there is no problem in letting the group of people ride him.

In fact, the main purpose is to accommodate Natsu. Wendy can eliminate her motion sickness by herself, and of course Natsu's motion sickness can also be eliminated by her.

But in order not to take the transportation, Natsu still asked Happy.

And Happy naturally knew about Natsu's situation, but he regarded Natsu as his best friend, so he would still agree to this small request.

It can be said that Natsu and him have completely established the kind of bond that cannot be separated.

Because they are riding Happy, their speed was much faster than normal transportation, and when they arrived at the city where Yajima was located, it was just time for dinner.

When everyone found Yajima, Yajima was also pleasantly surprise. He didn't expect that there would be so much help coming this time.

Originally, he planned to delay opening the restaurant for a period of time to recruit enough waiters. Now that someone takes the mission he posted, there is no need to delay it. And a few days are enough for him to recruit other waiters.