Chapter 416 Domineering Waiter, Erza

"Speaking of which, Yajima, since you are the chef, are you sure you can open such a big restaurant?"

Asahi looked at Yajima speechlessly, although Yajima was also a magician, and his strength was not weak, it's not a big problem if he only cooks for some people, but if the restaurant becomes popular, Yajima will be very busy.

And if he's too busy, he might lose interest in cooking. Many people are interested in cooking, but if they cook every day, make every meal, or even one meal for a hundred servings, or even a thousand servings, they would be very tired. Although he can do it, it doesn't mean much if he doesn't like cooking in the future, right?

"It should be okay. My restaurant should not have many customers at the beginning. And if there are too many people later, then I can just recruit more chefs!"

Yajima made his own decision, so Asahi didn't say much about it. If the business is good, then it would be hard for him, so he will definitely need other people's help.

At night, Yajima cooks and everyone tastes the dishes he made. They all felt that the taste is indeed very good.

It seems that Yajima has done a lot of research on this. Makarov and Asahi are here as guests, as for the others, they are here to help.

Early the next morning, even Happy, Carla, and Lily changed into the very small version of waiter uniform, which was specially modified by Yajima at night.

Using a cat as a waiter is probably a feature for the restaurant, moreover, the cat can fly.

And when the clothes are worn by Erza, Mira and other girls, it is a real charm.

It is estimated that most of the eyes of those who come in for dinner will be on them, but fortunately, the clothes are very conservative.

Yajima thought that the staffing is good enough, so he opened the restaurant early the next morning. The newly opened restaurant had a certain discount, so there were a lot of people coming, but after that, some problems were exposed.

"Why you two big men only eat two dishes? Are you still man? Eat more!"

This is Erza's words. Although she is a waiter, she is also the queen of waiter. If it is placed in the real world, who dares to act like this. Even if they are a beauty, they will definitely be fired by the boss not long after.

But this kind of thing happened in the anime world.

So these two guests were directly conquered by Erza and became her underlings. It can only be said that Erza is very domineering, which also reminds Asahi of the original work when Erza directly robbed a pirate's ship, and get the other party send her to Galuna Island.

Moreover, she also taught these people to be good people, and they didn't even dare to have bad thoughts anymore.

Now, these two guests were also overwhelmed by Erza's queen aura, and ordered a large table of dishes in one breath. It can be said that Erza is indeed very powerful.

Of course, the other girls are not weak. For example, Mira's black belly personality also stunned others.

As if starting to compete with Erza again, Mira took advantage of her black belly personality to make others submit.

If they don't order food, Mira's black aura will start appearing. This feeling is like being stared by a powerful lion, which is uncomfortable.

Although it is different from Erza's overbearing queen aura, Mira also used her own black belly personality to overwhelm others.

As for Lucy, this girl is trying to act cute. And because she is indeed good-looking, the customers didn't say much.

Juvia's operation is even more exotic. She directly touches the customers with her tears. If they don't order, she will cry, and if they order less, she will also cry.

For others, it is very difficult to cry, unless something is really sad.

But Juvia is different. Her magic and physique are all water, so she can cry easily whenever she wanted, which makes the customers feel uneasy.

This group of girls seems to have started the competition in a very tacit understanding. In an instant, Yajima, who in the kitchen, was dumbfounded.

He clearly remembered that there were only dozens of customers who came in, but seeing that the dished ordered have reached hundreds, he wondered what's going on? Yajima has some doubts whether the food intake of these customers is wrong, after all, how can they eat so much? But he didn't have time to think about it, and immediately started cooking quickly.

"If they continue like this, it is estimated that Yajima will stay in the kitchen until the restaurant close!"

Asahi almost laughed to death when he watched each girl's unique operations. Makarov also looked at the kitchen where Yajima was located, with some pity.

Of course, this was just the beginning. After the first wave of dishes was finished, before Yajima had time to catch his breath, another pile of orders rushed in, and he was dumbfounded when he saw this.

The people who ate outside originally ordered so many things that they couldn't eat them fast, but faced with the operation of Erza and the others, they eventually started to activate their party mode.

After that, they needed help from the others to leave the restaurant.

"This is definitely the most brutal restaurant I have ever seen. If this continues, although Yajima can make a lot of money right now, it is estimated that there will be no more customers in the future!"

Seeing the people who seemed to be pregnant for eight month and leave with their big bellies, Asahi couldn't help but sighed with emotion.

Such a waiter is indeed good enough, but when those people come back to their senses, they will not dare to come again in the future.

"It should be fine in a few days. I wondered what happened to them!"

Makarov shook his head helplessly. Natsu and the boys, who were responsible for carrying the ingredients, were also a little confused, as the ingredients were consumed too quickly.

So they immediately went to carry the ingredients. It can only be said that Erza and the other girls are really terrifying.

In this way, from the morning until noon, the business continued to bloom.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the afternoon that it finally stopped.

"Yajima, how do you feel?"

Looking at Yajima, who was very tired, Makarov asked with some amusement.

On the other hand, Yajima rolled his eyes at Makarov, and then lay on the chair and didn't want to move anymore.

The first time he had a sense of fear about cooking, and this was the result of asking for Erza and the other girls' help.