Chapter 417 Asahi Takes Action

After a day of frenzied devastation, Yajima successfully finished his job, and until the next day, Yajima continued to be in strange state.

Even if Asahi and the others got rid of his fatigue, there was already a shadow in his heart, which caused him to tremble when he saw the kitchen.

Under such circumstances, this chef basically crippled, and the culprit was… the group of competing waiters. After knowing what happened to Yajima, Erza and the others were extremely embarrassed.

But since things have come to this, they can't do anything. They can only watch as Yajima lost his passion in cooking.

Seeing everyone like this, Asahi also shook his head helplessly, and simply went into the kitchen by himself. He also changed the menu outside, as he wanted these people to taste what is the real delicacy.

"Shodai is going to cook himself? I wonder how Shodai's craftsmanship taste like!"

Seeing Asahi directly replacing Yajima's position, Makarov was a little shocked.

To be honest, he thinks that with his identity, Asahi should not enter the kitchen casually. After all, he is very strong. If he wants to be a chef, he can just find others to cook for him. Mages like them should spend their time training magic.

But Asahi let him see that he really has the energy to study other things..

"Why have I never heard of any of these dishes?"

Looking at the dishes on the menu, Yajima wondered if he was a fake chef.

He really doesn't know any of the dishes on these menus. Let alone seen them, he has never heard of them.

"It's quite peculiar, but based on Shodai's knowledge, these dishes should be very good!"

Makarov said confidently. Asahi has lived for so many years and has traveled everywhere, so in terms of knowledge, he must be better than everyone here.

When everyone was talking about the menu, there was a burst of tasty fragrance in the kitchen.

And this fragrance can be said to be dozens of times better than Yajima's craftsmanship yesterday. The scent is just like something that only appears in gourmet shows, and the fragrance alone has already made people lose themselves.

The restaurant hasn't opened yet, but the fragrance has diffused for several kilometers around, attracting countless people.

"Isn't this the overbearing restaurant yesterday? How could there be such an alluring fragrance? It shouldn't be! Let's go in and have a look."

"Are you crazy! Have you forgot what happened yesterday?"

Outside the restaurant, some people are eager to go in, but some were worried that the situation of yesterday would happen again.

When it was evenly spread, everyone was forced to eat 5 servings of food each. Even thinking about it now makes them want to cry, and there is a shadow in their hearts.

"Bullshit, with such a fragrance, no matter how much it is, I can eat them all!"

As the fragrance became more and more intense, a group of people poured directly into the restaurant.

The people who rushed first were fine, but those who came in late had no seats, but even if they didn't have seats, they still wouldn't leave.

"My God, how many people are there?"

There are dense crowds of people in the restaurant, and then outside, the crowds are also too scary, as almost the streets outside are fully crowded.

"Hurry up and greet the customers. We will talk about our meal later!"

Erza and the others originally planned to wait to taste it first, but with so many guests coming, they can't just watch and do nothing.

Then, countless orders quickly entered the kitchen. Erza and others thought that Asahi would be very distressed with so much orders coming.

However, after an hour has passed, they are all a little confused. They have already tried their best and have no time to rest at all, but the speed of Asahi's cooking is called fast, and all the orders comes out in just a few minutes.

Orders sent in can always be sent out without taking too much time.

Unlike Asahi, Erza and others are busy outside, not to mention them, even Elfman and Natsu were so busy that they were dizzy.

Although they are doing their best, the rate Asahi consumes the ingredients is too fast, which makes them too late to keep up.

"How did Shodai do it? We are all very busy, but he can make all dishes by himself!"

Everyone was shocked, and came to the kitchen, but when they arrived in the kitchen, they were collectively stunned.

Because they saw that Asahi didn't look tired at all, but rather calmly sitting around while drinking tea and eating cakes, as if he didn't work at all.

And the kitchen is also neat and tidy. There is no chaos at all, and it is clean, just like when it was cleaned after the end of the day.

"Sho… Shodai, how did you do it?"

Makarov asked with a dazed expression, as for Yajima, he almost doubted life.

"Why? Is there a problem? I just used Thought Projection to cook, so I can just watch them work without moving!"

Asahi asked with some doubts.

'Using the Thought Projection to cook dishes, can anyone else think of using it like that?

"Can the Thought Projection be used like this? Then why are the dishes so fast? Don't some dishes take time to cook?"

Yajima asked his own question. Even if he racked his brain, he still doesn't know how the cooking speed could be so fast that it was almost seamless.

Yajima felt that even if he has ten thousand Thought Projection, he still can't do it.

After all, the speed of cooking depends on the cooking time of the dish, not the amount of people cooking.

"It's very simple. I speeded up the time here by a hundred times, so that the dishes that take more than an hour to prepare can be done in less than one minute. Isn't it convenient!"

Asahi said amusedly. There is nothing that can withstand the acceleration of time. Accelerating the time naturally increases the speed of the cooking.

"Time Magic…"

Yajima was really sluggish this time. He had never seen such an operation in his entire life.

He is really incomparable. Even if he can use Thought Projection, he doesn't know this kind of Time Magic.

Even if he could use Time Magic, he wouldn't dare to use it casually like this. Let alone the horror of magic power consumed, once the acceleration is too excessive, maybe his life span will be eaten.

'Sure enough, this is not something that ordinary people can do. Moreover, there's also the taste of the dish.'

Yajima wanted to go directly to acknowledge Asahi as his teacher, but after he raised this point, he was directly rejected by Asahi.

How could he accept Yajima as his apprentice? But Asahi still threw the recipe to Yajima.

After all, it's a pity that no one promotes the development of these good things. He has revised the concept of food in several other worlds, and it will continue to spread.