Chapter 418 S-Rank Promotion Test

In the next few days, Yajima's restaurant was also full of people, but he didn't have Asahi's skills, so he could only make the dishes slowly.

Moreover, the number of customers he served is also limited, which also makes his restaurant not as busy as before.

Following the advice Asahi gave him, a reservation system was implemented, and then Yajima discovered that the reservation had been rushed to a month later, making Yajima extremely ashamed.

During this period, he also recruited many employees, replacing the position of those from Fairy Tail.

After returning to the guild, the wizard of Fairy Tail began to become a little crazy, and started accept missions frantically.

And during this period of time, countless commissions rushed into the guild as if snowballing.

If there is such a quantity in normal times, it is estimated that it will be backlogged for a long time, but during this time, these entrustments was picked up just after coming in, so it can be said that the number of commission never increased.

"What the hell is going on here? Why the hell does everyone suddenly become so hardworking!"

Seeing all the people who were almost crazy about doing missions, the new people who didn't know what's going on were all stunned.

They wondered if it is because of a lack of money? But how is it possible? Since Erza started to control them, the destruction has almost disappeared.

Under such circumstances, the guild's finances have begun to warm up, and the wallets of everyone have also bulged.

In this case, how can they still be short of money? It's a bit inconceivable.

"It's not that there is a lack of money, but Fairy Tail's S-Rank Promotion Test is about to begin. The premise of S-Rank Promotion Test is they must have enough mission experience, that is, to do more missions, just like what they are doing now."

Asahi shook his head. He naturally knew what would happen, and Ultear has also sent him a message.

Next, the Grimoire Heart will do things when they are on Tenrou Island. In fact, Asahi also intends to seal Natsu and the others for seven years.

After all, many things will not unfold until seven years later, so it would be boring to end the matter early, and there are also many people have not yet grown up.

As for how Asahi would spend these seven years, it would be much simpler. He can just do some research on other things.

Moreover, he can also take out the guys, who can only share blessings and cannot share adversities, from Fairy Tail, as keeping them here would just be an eyesore.

"S-Rank Promotion Test huh, no wonder these people became so hardworking!"

Lucy and the others also understood what's going on. In fact, because of Asahi's intervention this time, many new people have been added, such as the people from the Tower of Heaven, and Mest has also returned, so even he doesn't know how it will develop?

After Asahi finished saying this, Simon and Sho quickly went to pick up mission. As for Wally, this guy became lazy.

After seeing his brother, he stopped working hard, as if everything had nothing to do with him.

As for Millianna, she is not strong enough, but she has been pestering Happy, Lily, and Carla all day long.

This girl is an authentic cat lover, and she even prepared a lot of new clothes for the three cats.

In this way, after the newcomers knew the situation, they also joined the others taking missions, but the result was not very good, as the missions were almost all robbed by the others.

There are only some unimportant ones, and they don't know what the specific requirements of the mission are, so they could only choose them randomly.

But what they don't know is that those quests are useless at all, only better quests are useful.

Sufficient level of mission accumulation is needed to participate in S-Rank Promotion Test.

So most of the missions they took were to find people, finding things, or fighting monsters, as it would take much faster time to finish.

So it's normal for them to brush off other long time missions.

After a month of scrambling for missions, it finally came to the time for the announcement of the S-Rank Promotion Test. Asahi also saw the list from Makarov, and there was no big change from the original work, as only a few were squeezed out.

So this time, they naturally had nothing to do, but after going through various personnel ratios, the people in the original work were still included.

Although some are not eligible to participate in such assessments, they can still be invited by others.

So a group of people were involved in it like this. On the contrary, Gajeel, because he didn't have much relationship with Levy, was invited by Mest, and Levy went to find Wendy.

It is unknown what they are thinking. After all, both of them are supports type, but they still teamed up.

Although Wendy can be regarded as a violent support, but there's still her character. Although she has mastered the Dragon Slayer's Secret Art faster, but if she fights, Wendy will still be soft.

The current Wendy is not the Wendy after the death of Grandeeney in the later period. At that time, Wendy is the truly strong Wendy.

"Makarov, let's change the S-Rank Promotion Test this time!"

Asahi also found Makarov.

"What do you mean, Shodai?"

After hearing Asahi's words, Makarov couldn't help but froze.

"I also know your selection. Only one person can become an S-Rank Mage at a time, but now, there are several qualified to become S-Rank Mages."

"Their strength and experience have already reached the standard, and blindly protecting them is not a good thing, so Makarov, I will make the judgment later, there is no limit in the number of people passing!"

Asahi felt that there was a problem with Fairy Tail's selection system. Moreover, in the original work, the test was stopped because of both Acnologia and Grimoire Heart, otherwise, those who failed the exam this time would still be ineligible to accept S-Rank Missions.

This is no longer protecting them, but suppressing their growth, after all, growth requires constant training.

And Makarov's way of doing thigs will cause many people who meet the standards to fail this S-Rank Promotion Test.

"Is that so? I understand, Shodai, then what about the test itself?"

Makarov asked after taking a look at Asahi.

The test will continue as usual. I will determine their strength based on their performance, and then give them a score. Then, I will announce it when they reach S-Rank."

"During this period, don't tell them about it. Let them work hard for the test!"

After Asahi finished speaking, Makarov also nodded. In Fairy tTail, there are indeed a large number of people who have grown up now.

Unlike Mira, Erza and the others in the past where there were only a few people in their group, the number of people has increased too much in one breath now.

Their strength is indeed not weak, and if it is based on the assessment standards of the other guilds, all of these people would have already be called S-Rank Mages.

However, by doing this now, the level of Fairy Tail's S-Rank Mages will be much higher, and even the current S-Rank Mages have the strength no less than that of Jura, that is, the combat power of the Ten Wizard Saints. And when they explode, even Jura would be surpassed in minutes.