Chapter 420 Change of The Test's Content

It's been some time since the start of the test, and after the first round is over, Grimoire Heart has also reached the border of Tenrou Island.

"Shodai…wait…, you are…the Eleventh-Generation"

Makarov he was shocked after seeing Mavis. Although Mavis would watch the test before, she would not take the initiative to appear in front of the others.

So even Makarov didn't know that Mavis was here all the time. Makarov had seen pictures of Mavis and also Fairy Heart, so it was not too much of a problem for him to recognize her.

But Makarov is really confused at this moment, 'Fairy Heart should still be under the Fairy Tail's building, what's going on?'

"Mavis is a soul now, as for her body, you should also know where it is, besides, someone is coming!"

Asahi pointed to the sky, and a magic airship appeared in front of everyone.

"They really dare to come, has Master Precht really become Hades?"

Asahi told Makarov about the specifics, but Makarov still couldn't believe it.

How can such a very good person become like that? He never expected that Precht would become the Guild Master of a dark guild.

Not only that, the order issued by Hades was passed back by Ultear to Asahi. Hades's order is that once Fairy Tail's people try to stop them, then they will directly kill them, and they should leave no one alive. For him to give such an order, it can be said that he has become crazy.

But think about it carefully, Hades intends to pull the entire world into the Ultimate Magic World, so that people who don't have enough magic power will be killed directly, leaving only people with strong magic power.

With this kind of personality, it can be said that there is more than enough guilt for him to be sentenced to death.

Most of the other villains destroy the world for the sake of world peace, so their sin can be atoned, but this guy can't no longer be cleaned, so Asahi plans to let him and the other Seven Kin of Purgatory to honestly be an experience package for him, as it can be regarded as making the best use of them.

"Won't you understand it if you look at it for yourself? Just let the others to get on the island, it won't be a big problem if I keep an eye on them. As for Hades, after the others leave, you can aim at the magic airship behind him. Destroy the Devil's Heart inside, then he won't be your opponent. And we can also let the others train with this!"

After Asahi finished speaking, Makarov also nodded. Actual combat is the easiest way to improve. As for the danger, since Asahi has said so, Makarov will not worry too much.

Looking at the magic airship above, Makarov launched his own magic.

It has to be said that Fairy Tail's combat power system is indeed very high. Just take a look at Makarov. At this moment, his body size has rose to the height of half of the Tenrou Tree in just an instant.

The height of the Tenrou Tree is not a joke, so it can be said that Makarov's height just directly broke through one kilometer.

Even though Grimoire Heart's airship is so big, it is still a toy in front of Makarov's current size.

Moreover, Makarov's body after becoming huge, not only his explosive power has increased countless times, but even the defense power is increased by countless times.

Even the bombardment of magic airship's artillery could not cause much damage to Makarov, and there's not even skin injury on him.

Makarov in this form can be said to be his full strength.

"Then, I will also revise the content of the test!"

Asahi started writing in the air, and a paragraph of text appeared in front of everyone.

The meaning is very simple, that is, the test's content has been modified, and their test has turned into defeating the intruders.

As soon as this information came out, the group of battle junkies immediately became excited. It happened that they hadn't played enough.

Natsu was intimidated by Gildarts, but Gildarts's intimidation was indeed very useful to him.

At least Natsu knew that even if he was in fear, he had to stand up. In the final battle with Hades, even Erza gave up, but only Natsu stood up, and his willpower can be said to be very amazing.

"Makarov… You all can go directly to the island, I will handle this boy!"

Hades opened his mouth and said. Although Makarov is very strong, he does not think that he is not Makarov's opponent.

Reasonably speaking, if Makarov really wants to compete for a position that is suitable for him, then it is estimated that he has entered the ranks of the Four Gods of Ishgar. After all, Makarov's combat power is not a joke.

Under Hades's order, everyone else went to Tenrou Island immediately. As for himself and some others, they stayed on the magic airship.

"Boy, I can't let you blow up the Tenrou Tree!"

Asahi sensed that someone was mobilizing the huge magic power on the Tenrou Tree, and he knew who it was. Using Lost Magic, Great Tree Arc, Azuma uproots the Tenrou Tree in the original work.

It's a pity that Ultear was moved by Fairy Tail's power of friendship, so she reversed the destruction of the Tenrou Tree with her Arc of Time.

But this time, Asahi had no reason to let Azuma uproots the Tenrou Tree.

After finding Azuma, Asahi put down countless trigger-type magic circles around him. Once these magic circles are activated, they will detonate a large number of magic bombs, which will be enough to take care of him.

After the arrangement is complete, Asahi doesn't care about Azuma anymore. After being bombed to half-dead state, Asahi would just throw him to hell directly.

At this time, Makarov and Hades has already started fighting.

In the original work, Makarov suffered because he did not know the details about Hades, but this time, the situation is different.

Hades didn't know that his everything had been exposed.

Makarov found an opportunity, and bombarded Hades with his Light Magic. Then, taking advantage of Hades's temporary loss of sight, Makarov directly hit the magic airship with a punch.

The huge magic airship was shot down directly, and then, Makarov kicked it up again, and the huge magic airship was destroyed to pieces. And the Devil's Heart inside was also destroyed in an instant.

"Not good!"

Feeling that the magic power in his body is constantly weakening, Hades also knows that he is at disadvantage. And now, unlike in the original work, Ultear is not here. Of course, even if Ultear is here, she will not help him.

So he is completely confused at this moment.

He never thought that his details would be exposed, and Makarov would directly attack his magic airship.

Without the Devil's Heart, he is really not Makarov's opponent. Although he walked earlier on this road, Makarov's talent surpassed him, so his current situation is tragic.