Chapter 421 Pitiful Hades


Hades was so angry at this moment that he almost spewed out a mouthful of blood. After taking a look at the situation, Asahi snapped his fingers and projected a Noble Phantasm. This Noble Phantasm is a slash type, and after Asahi magnified countless times, the weapon fell in front of Makarov.

'Shodai's weapon!'

Seeing the Noble Phantasm, Makarov's eyes lit up, and he immediately took the sword. It's a golden sword, and the moment he grabbed it, Makarov knew how to release it, and the way he looked towards Hades became very ominous.

As for Hades, before he could finish getting angry, he saw Makarov standing coldly in front of him.

But with his current condition, he has almost no resistance against Makarov, as right now, his magic is no longer unlimited.

Makarov waved the Noble Phantasm in his hand, and slashed it below, and a huge slash left an unfathomable gully in the sea. Even the sea water could not fill it in a short time.

Hades, who saw this scene, finally becomes scared. If it was before, he still has infinite magic power, so he might be able to resist it, but now, it is not infinite. If he is cut by the sword in this situation, the consequences can be said to be unimaginable.

Asahi and Mavis were watching the show from the sidelines, but Mavis's complexion is a bit bad, after all, Mavis and Precht were companions back then.

But Hades is not the Precht of the past, so her mood is very complicated.

Soon, there were bursts of explosions and roars from the Tenrou Tree.

"What's going on? Did someone have done something to the Tenrou Tree?"

Mavis couldn't help being shocked. The Tenrou Tree was the most important treasure of the Fairy Tail. Once it was destroyed, the consequences would be disastrous.

"It was the defensive method that I put down. Someone did act on the Tenrou Tree, but it also triggered the defensive method I put down!"

Asahi said, and then, with a wave of his hand, a scorched guy who was bombed appeared in front of him.

He not only put a magic bomb in it, but also put a lot of Noble Phantasms. Once it is triggered, then there is no need to think about the result.

At this moment, Azuma was left with his last breath. He originally planned to blow up the Tenrou Tree to destroy the defense of Fairy Tail's people.

But the result turned out to be a tragedy, he was bombed so that he didn't even know what's going on.

"This guy is so miserable!"

Even Mavis couldn't help but sighed with emotion. Azuma is indeed miserable, as right now, there is almost no human form can be seen from his appearance. But Asahi wouldn't let this guy die. He throws him into hell, so that he directly recovered, and wouldn't need to afraid of death anymore.

Because of that, Azuma quickly disappeared. Anything that could provide experience would be thrown directly into hell by Asahi.

As for those who can't, it's useless to be sent there. Asahi also plans to go back to hell and harvest a wave of experience after the Tenrou Island's incident is over.

Because of the change, it has become a physical resurrection mode. It's okay to kill the other party, but it will take them a while to recover, and they won't be resurrected instantly.

Although it has some drawbacks, it can be regarded as a stable way to provide experience points.

The battle between Hades and Makarov was also coming to an end. Faced with Makarov's crazy slash, Hades, who had little magic power left, was quickly beaten into half-dead state.

As for the other members of the Grimoire Heart, many of them have also been defeated.

The guy called Bluenote should have fought Gildarts in fierce battle, but because Gildarts recovered, he was defeated by Gildarts quickly and easily.

After all, the healed Gildarts is not so weak.

In addition, there's also help from Laxus, as he's already on the island from the start, unlike in the original work. The members of the Grimoire Heart were defeated, and then picked up by Asahi to be thrown into hell. Ultear and Meredy were the only ones left.

Everything is proceeding according to the original rhythm, and Hades has also lost so pitifully this time.

Who told this guy to plot such stupid thing? Asahi naturally wouldn't let him off casually, and threw him to hell.

What Asahi told others was to throw these guys into a big jail. Although this big jail was very special, it was better than killing themm, which also made Mavis breathe a sigh of relief.

It's impossible to completely release Precht, but it's better to be in a prison now than to kill him, right?

But what Asahi didn't expect was that when they were fighting, the aftermath affected the ships, causing all the ships to be destroyed.

And after Hades and the others were dealt with, a dragon's roar came to everyone's ears...

'That guy Acnologia is already here? Is it another butterfly effect?'

Asahi is a little speechless. He didn't expect that Acnologia would come out just after they finished their battles. So now, it seems that the Fairy Tail's people really have no choice.

"Mavis, go and gather everyone else. Acnologia is here. You should find a way to protect them, I will drag Acnologia!"

Asahi left after speaking. He then went to drag Acnologia. Now that there is no other ship they can use to leave, Mavis should activate Fairy Sphere to protect Tenrou Island if there's no accident.

At the same time, Zeref, who saw Natsu on the island, sensed the aura of Acnologia, so he left directly. He didn't want to face Acnologia yet, because both of them couldn't do anything against each other.

The strength of the two sides is similar, and his death aura is only effective against the weaker existence.

For a powerful existence like Acnologia, his death aura is useless.

So he didn't want to confront Acnologia yet. He chose to leave after feeling Acnologia's aura, and did not meet Asahi.

On the contrary, at this moment, Asahi and Acnologia finally met, and Acnologia suddenly started speaking.

"Asahi, I haven't seen you for more than four hundred years. I didn't expect you to be alive!"

Acnologia felt a little surprised. For more than four hundred years, after becoming a dragon, he has a long lifespan, that's why he can survive until now, but Asahi is a real human being, so he didn't expect him to be still alive even now.

"Acnologia, you still remember me! How is it? Do you want to fight with me?"

Asahi is very curious. He wondered if Acnologia has ever fought with him before. And now, he can test it.

"More than four hundred years ago, I was not your opponent. But this time is different, because now, I am the Dragon King!"

Infinite fighting intent erupted in Acnologia's eyes, which made Asahi very surprised, 'Did something happen before?'

But without waiting for him to think about it, Acnologia has already rushed over, and its huge body slammed towards him like a bomb.