Chapter 428 Fighting E.N.D.

Although this attack power is not as powerful as a small sun formed with Sunshine, it is only a low-level Noble Phantasm after all.

To be honest, Gilgamesh's ability has little influence on Asahi's current strength.

It's just that he needs to get the percentage, otherwise, he doesn't need to use the Melammu Dingir.

With the combination of the MEoDP and the Noble Phantasm, he can just massacre everyone.

Moreover, the Noble Phantasm will not continue to grow stronger with the power of limiter, so to put it bluntly, it is just giving him a treasure trove.

But it's so much fun to play with this thing, and Asahi seems to know why Gilgamesh didn't release the Noble Phantasms he used. Why bother activating them when he can just throw them away? By throwing these Noble Phantasms, he can defeat the enemies without moving by himself, how comfortable it is.

"Tree of the Underworld!"

"Fire Curtain!"

Just as the explosion was raging, strands of vines formed a giant tree and shot out of the explosions.

After the giant tree rushed out, countless flames enveloped the entire sky.

Seeing this scene, Asahi is not surprised. Although there are a lot of them, it is impossible to kill Demons whose strength is close to that of the Dragon King with the strength of these low-level Noble Phantasms.

However, the other demons were basically finished, and Asahi gained a lot of experience.

"As expected of the best among the Demons. The strength is good!"

Seeing the somewhat tattered Mard Geer and almost unscathed E.N.D. appearing in front of him, Asahi clapped his hands.

"I admit that your strength is good, and your means are indeed very special, but it is too naive to want to defeat me with this kind of trick!"

When talking, E.N.D. was angry. Although he was not very afraid of this attack, the attack still suppressed him for a short time, so he was quite unhappy.

"Is that so, let's do another wave, but this time, you have to be careful, after all, you might die!"

Asahi snapped his fingers again. This time, only ten halos appeared, but this time, he activated the MEoDP.

Of course, he knew the situation of these two people, so he didn't plan to hit their dead points or other weak points, but if the dead line of their hands and feet was cut, then he can't be blamed.

However, these Demons are always only a product, so even if their dead line is cut, it can be recovered, but it needs Zeref to take action.

After all, the Demons itself is his creation. Of course, he can't hit their dead point, otherwise, it will be useless even if Zeref comes.

This is different from cutting the dead line. The dead line and the dead point are equivalent to killing the opponent conceptually.

It would get rid of the other party's existence, so if he killed them, then there is no possibility of recovery.

The reason why they are said to be able to recover from severed arm and severed leg is because they are Demons. It is like a person whose arm is cut off and cannot recover, as they can still use prosthetics.

This concept of death will not prevent them from using this kind of thing. And Zeref created the demons, so it is equivalent to building a doll with tools. So even if the doll's arms or feet are gone, then he can just change to a new one.

But if they are hit at the dead point, it is estimated that there will be no future, so Asahi thinks it is better to take it easy.

This time, he only aimed at the opponent's hands and feet, not the vital points: otherwise, they would be dead.

It must be known that Asahi can also control the actions of the Noble Phantasm shooting out very easily, just like swordsmanship.

Seeing the ten Noble Phantasms, this time, the two really panicked, because they felt the aura of death from these Noble Phantasms and Asahi.

They have only experienced this kind of feeling from Zeref.

Although the number of weapons is not as much as before, the aura of death is getting stronger and stronger.

Even E.N.D. was a little timid unconsciously, which made it unbelievable, including Mard Geer.

But Asahi didn't give them time to continue thinking about their timidity. After snapping his fingers, the ten Noble Phantasms shot out again.

"Dodge, we must dodge it!"

At the moment the Noble Phantasms was shot, E.N.D. was still in my own Hypnosis and felt that this feeling was nonsense. In an instant, he felt as if a sharp blade was placed directly on his neck. It was completely uncontrollable. His brain was running wildly and he wanted to avoid the Noble Phantasm's attack.

After the Noble Phantasm fell, they did succeed. The Noble Phantasm did not directly hit them, but pierced into the ground behind.

Soon, a handful of Noble Phantasms fell, and as the number began to increase and the attack direction changed, they were also somewhat unable to dodge.

Soon, one of Mard Geer's arm was hit, and then his arm snapped and turned into nothingness.

E.N.D.'s eyelids twitched when he saw this. He could feel that these weapons were not very strong, and even after they fell on the ground, the effect made him know that his defense was higher than these Noble Phantasms' attack power, but they really made him feel the aura of death, which made him really confused.

As the Noble Phantasms continued to fall, Mard Geer soon was beaten and lose one of his arms and feet.

After being hit, E.N.D. finally knew why this thing was so dangerous, obviously, they didn't have much attack power, but after touching his bodies, it actually caused his body to collapse directly, like a kind of energy destruction.

Moreover, he also couldn't perceive this kind of energy, couldn't control it, and couldn't resist it. In a moment of effort, his arm was gone.

The feeling this gave him was very unreal. He had fought against Igneel, the strongest Dragon King, more than once. Their strength are about the same, and they can't do anything against each other.

It can only be regarded as a tie, but he knows very well that his strength is very strong and he is already at the top of this world.

But now, encountering this abnormality, he didn't expect the intruder can defeat himself so easily.

Even his own resistance seemed quite weak, however, he did not completely give up.

While avoiding the attacks, he is also trying to get close to Asahi. In his opinion, Asahi's strength depends entirely on his weapon, so he should be very fragile.

As long as he is given a chance to get close, he will have the chance to kill the opponent.

Asahi naturally knew about E.N.D.'s thought from the beginning, but in order to give this guy a little confidence in resistance, Asahi let him come.

Soon, in the process of not avoiding the weapons, E.N.D. managed to get close to Asahi.

"Go to hell!"

Seeing that the distance is very close, E.N.D. finally revealed his fangs. His flame formed a huge spear and blasted towards Asahi. This is the strongest attack that can be used now, and this flame spear can even instantly pierce through hundreds of mountains.