Chapter 429 The First Time I Saw Zeref Was Actually Four Hundred Years Ago

The flame spear blasted out and directly broke through the sound barrier within a short distance. In the blink of an eye, the flame spear hit Asahi.

But before E.N.D. could do other things, the situation has changed a bit. His attack has been blocked.

And the other party didn't actually do anything. The spear has indeed shot towards the location of the other party's heart, but it didn't even pierce the other party's clothes, as it was simply blocked out.

Asahi's body surface is no longer pierceable by this level of flame. As for his clothes, Asahi covered it with a layer of energy.

His energy level is much higher than E.N.D.'s magic power, and the amount is also terrifying.

In this case, the attack naturally cannot penetrate his body, and even the clothes cannot be damaged.

"It's a good attack, but it's a pity that it's too weak. It's not even as good as a mosquito!"

Asahi's right hand flicked on the flame spear, and the flame spear shattered directly, turning into a little spark and disappearing into the air.

"It's rude not to give back after receiving. Since you attack me like that, I won't take advantage of you. I will attack you with flames too!"

After Asahi snapped his fingers, a golden spear appeared in the golden hallo, and then a flame of flame wrapped the spear.

Asahi didn't use the MEoDP, but used the flame of the Sunshine.

Of course, he still needs to control the intensity, otherwise, the flame of Sunshine can directly burn E.N.D.'s soul.

After controlling the power to a minimum, the spear shot out, almost exactly the same as the scene of E.N.D. using the flame spear just now.

But the spear that Asahi shot was more powerful and faster, and E.N.D.'s eyes couldn't catch up, so his body was directly brought to the ground and nailed to the ground.

The flame instantly enveloped his body, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into ashes and disappeared, but his soul was not damaged.

It will just take a little time for him to recover, but even so, Mard Geer's eyes widened. After all, it was the first time he saw E.N.D. suffered a loss other than against Zeref.

But before he had time to say anything, he was also pierced by the same spear and then disappeared.

"After watching for so long, don't you plan to come out and say a word? I slaughtered all the Demons you created. Although it can be resurrected, don't you, as a creator, want to come out and say a word?"

After Asahi killed Mard Geer, he spoke to the void, and then, a figure appeared in front of him.

"Dark Wizard Zeref, I've been admired for a long time!"

Asahi looked at Zeref with a little amusement. After all, the first time he saw Zeref was not in Tenrou Island, but four hundred years ago instead.

He has to say that this is indeed very strange.

"You are strong. Can you kill me?"

He didn't care about Asahi's words. Zeref only looked at Asahi his eyes burning at the moment, purely for death.

The combat power Asahi showed was enough to kill him, so he wanted to die in Asahi's hands.

"You sure about that? After you die, those demons will also die, including the ones you created!"

Asahi looked at Zeref and said. Not surprisingly, Zeref is already creating the Eclipse Gate.

He already has his own plan. If he really wants to die, he can die in the hands of Igneel, after all, Igneel is enough to kill him.

But he still did not choose to die directly, but sent Natsu and Igneel to four hundred years later.

"What do you know?"

Zeref frowned. He did have certain thoughts, but he was just thinking of something now. After all, the Dragon Slayer Magic hadn't come out yet, and he hadn't made a complete plan.

But what Asahi said made Zeref a little stunned.

"I know a lot, I know some things you know, and I know some things you don't know."

"This time, I came here for the eclipse gate you are creating. After you complete it, I want to borrow it!"

Asahi said with a smile. In any case, there seems to be ability to predict the future in this world, so he can just pretend to be a prophet.

"You know about the Eclipse Gate? How do you know that I am creating this kind of thing?"

Zeref was a little confused. Even though he had put forward concepts about these things to the teacher of the Magic Academy, he was still stunned.

After all, the people at the Magic Academy have all died because of Ankhseram's curse in his body.

So right now, there should only be very few people who know these things he proposed, and these things were just concepts of what he said. But now, Asahi actually knew that he was already in the process of creating it, which is a bit unbelievable.

"It's not a big secret, right? So, can you let me use your Eclipse Gate? Of course, it's not without cost. After your plan fails, how about I help you out?"

Asahi asked again. It is obviously impossible to get what he wanted for nothing. As for Zeref's plan, it's nothing more than sending Natsu to four hundred years later.

To let him leave this era, and then grow up to kill him.

This plan can be said to almost succeeded. If it wasn't for Happy, Natsu and Zeref would have died together.

"Sure enough, you know a lot of things. So you went to the Demon's territory with great fanfare and killed so many demons, just for this?"

Zeref is a little puzzled. He felt that the other party is a bit too willful. It's good that his Demons can be resurrected, otherwise, it is estimated that no one will be willing to trade with Asahi.

"What's the problem? At any rate, those Demons can be resurrected, so it's fine to beat them once or twice. What's your answer?"

Asahi shook his head. The group of Demons that can be resurrected casually, so killing them is not a big problemm.

"You are very smart, mysterious, and strong. I promised to agree to your request, but don't forget your promise!"

Zeref knew that Asahi borrowed the Eclipse Gate to leave this era, but that didn't matter.

After all, there is a way out now. After his own plan fails, the other party can still kill himself, so why not do it?

"Understood. If your plan fails at that time, then I will kill you. By the way, you can contact me with this thing!"

Asahi said as he threw a lacrima, then, he left directly. As for Zeref, he shook his head helplessly and returned to his lair.

The Demons are also continuously resurrecting from the instruments in the Plutogrim.

Regarding E.N.D. and Mard Geer being killed, the Demon who was in charge of manipulating the instrument was shocked when he saw them resurrecting.