Chapter 433 Human-Dragon War

According to Irene's instructions, the Dragon Slayer Mages who go out to hunt the dragon will inevitably be exposed, so Irene gave them the order, which is… to pass on the Dragon Slayer Magic and teach it to others.

They're casting nets everywhere. After all, now is not the time to control the power, but the time to defeat the dragons.

Because of that, Dragon Slayer Magic has begun to rise all over the world, and Irene herself is secretly nurturing the second batch of Dragon Slayer Mages.

Such a constant war of attrition is enough for the dragon race to be annihilated.

The war between humans and dragons started just like that, and one of the humans, named Acnologia, is the craziest.

He did not follow Irene's order to teach others the Dragon Slayer Magic, but blindly fought with dragons and monsters.

Except for essential eating and sleeping, there is almost no time to rest. He's frantically squeezing his own potential and fighting with the dragon.

While others killed a dragon or two, this guy had already attacked a dragon's lair.

But at that time, his strength was not enough to compete with the opponent, so he lost contact directly, but before that, the dragon that died in his hands had already reached double-digit.

At the same time, after learning about the existence of the Dragon Slayer Magic, Zeref also began to research.

At the same time, E.N.D. was modified to become Natsu directly, and then he was handed over to Igneel to be raised.

Regarding this, Igneel also readily accepted. He knew that Natsu was no longer E.N.D., he's just like a normal child now and would need to be raised up. This is indeed a special feeling for him, at least, it's much better than fighting with E.N.D..

After losing his power, E.N.D.became a book, which once made the whole demon race become very chaotic.

Now that the world has fallen into chaos, and it is unknown from when that Zeref has disappear, this is not good news for the Demons, so Mard Geer took over the Demons.

He turned the Demon race from the bright side directly into the dark, and begin to study what is happening to E.N.D., why did he suddenly become a book.

If they wanted the Demon race to rise again, they needed E.N.D.'s leadership, but after the research was fruitless, Mard Geer began to change his direction and began to study Zeref's inventions, and see if he could be found the method to resurrect E.N.D..

At the same time, the war between humans and dragons intensified, and some humans were caught. From their mouths, the dragons finally chased after Irene and Belserion.

The dragons finally knew where the Dragon Slayer Magic came from.

This makes the dragons find it unbelievable. In their view, Belserion and the others are a group of psychopaths.

This group of dragons completely disregarded their identity, and even taught the ant-like humans how to deal with their own.

In this regard, to be honest, even Asahi is quite speechless. He felt that Belserion and the others are really weird.

He even estimated that these guys have enmity with the other dragons.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to do such a nonsense thing.

This group of dragons seem to care for small animals, however, they are not just caring for animals. They also helped those small animals get the ability to resist, and then pitted them with their own kin.

It's completely anti-ethnic, well, of course, none of this are important.

After knowing who the culprit is, the dragons couldn't just let the Kingdom of Dragnof go, but at this time, the Kingdom of Dragnof has successively nurtured several batches of Dragon Slayers.

After learning that the Kingdom of Dragnof was being targeted, the Dragon Slayers began to fight guerrilla warfare all over the world.

The plan is to disrupt the enemy dragons, after all, even if there are dragons attacking Kingdom of Dragnof, Irene, Berselion and the other dragons are not soft persimmons.

Suddenly, the dragons couldn't do anything against their opponents. They originally intended to annihilate the opponent in one fell swoop, but in the end, they fought a war of attrition.

By the way, Asahi is also constantly doing things in the middle. After all, these are all experience, and his percentage is almost full.

Asahi found that the early stage was okay, but the further the percentage went, the slower the rate of improvement was. When it came to the last point, it's slower than crawling speed.

But the dragon race is even more helpless against Asahi's existence.

They even get the Dragon King to deal with Asahi, but it turned out that they were destroyed by Asahi.

This also made the dragons woke up, knowing that this is an existence no less dangerous than the Dark Wizard Zeref.

It is also because the Dragon King has fallen into Asahi's hands, that Asahi's reputation spread throughout the continent, and he became the same existence as Zeref, a true legend.

Before leaving, Asahi handed over the position of guild master to the next person with the most leadership ability.

After leaving behind the legend of returning after four hundred years, he went to trouble with the dragon.

Because of the interference of the Dragon Slayers and Asahi, the dragon race was in chaos.

They couldn't understand how the race that they usually regarded as toys and food could resist so exaggeratedly, and they could even cut their number by one-third in just a few years.

Most of this is Asahi's credit, and because of Asahi's intervention, Belserion did not die in battle.

However, the dragon race finally fell into a desperate situation.

"Let's talk about what to do next, and how to continue. If we didn't do anything, in a few years, we will be destroyed by those damn humans!"

The Dragon Kings gathered for a meeting.

"It's all because of that Fairy Tail's Guild Master, as well as Igneel. As the strongest of the dragon race, he doesn't even care about our dragon race at all, no matter what, he is also a dragon king."

One of the dragon was so angry that his teeth itch when he mentioned Asahi and Igneel.

After all, Asahi has the strength to kill the Dragon King, so they can't do anything about him. Because they didn't know the other party's methods, they didn't dare to go to find Asahi.

Therefore, they are completely ignorant regarding Asahi's methods. In their eyes, Asahi is completely shrouded in a mist.

As for Igneel, as someone on the neutral side, he didn't do anything even after the dragon race lost a lot of their kin.

"Stop talking about Igneel. That bastard is raising a child now, moreover, it's a human being. He has become like that traitor Belserion."

"Fortunately, he hasn't joined forces with other humans to attack us, that's already good enough for us!"

The other Dragon King had a headache when talking about Igneel, so he changed the subject.

"Since that is the case, let's just start the final battle directly. You all know that no matter how we continue, we will lose sooner or later, so why not just give it a go!"

One of the grumpy Dragon King spoke his last resort.