Chapter 434 Human Beings Are Dying

In the end, the dragon race made the final decision. If they take it slowly, they are just waiting to be worn to death, and give the other party their head. If that's the case, then it's better to go all out and decide everything at once.

Because of that, the dragon race went all out. Although they left behind their offspring, if they were to die, the result would not be very good. At least, their offspring probably wouldn't be able to survive, but now, they have no other choice, it's because they can't wait.

Although they can shrink back, as the strength of human beings continues to expand, bigger problems will naturally arise.

At that time, they will truly have no power to resist, so now, while they still have the strength to resist, they will put an end on everything.

The dragon race began to gather all their power and planned to start the final battle directly, but on the human side, some problems are emerging.

It's involving the Dragon Slayers. The characteristics of dragons began to appear on their bodies. Some of them have their arms became dragon claws, and dragon scales appeared on some of their faces. They all began to transform into dragon.

This turn of events stunned everyone. Because of their fear towards the dragon, people began to reject the Dragon Slayer.

After all, the Dragon Slayer Magic was developed by Irene and the dragons. They didn't expect that after humans learned it and mastered it to a high degree, they would turn into dragons. In that case, is it necessary for humans to kill the dragons? After becoming a dragon, are those Dragon Slayer still human? Actually, this kind of thinking is undoubtedly the most nonsense. After a human becomes a dragon, will their consciousness change? Except that crazy Acnologia, only few have such a mentality.

But humans in this era, as Asahi said before, have completely exposed the nature of human beings.

So they began to reject the Dragon Slayers. Even if the Dragon Slayers have killed a large number of dragons for the human being, it did not prevent them from thinking that this was a group of aliens.

Even if some Dragon Slayer Mages to start to change, they have helped humans so much, but in the end, it was the expulsion and discrimination of human beings that made them feel unbalanced.

They even felt that they are really blind to help humans before.

They can't stand the discrimination, accusations, and insults from human beings.

So after someone took the lead, a large number of Dragon Slayers directly defected to the dragon's side.

The dragons are happy about this. They know that human beings are completely stupid. They obviously have such advantages, but they won't use it.

After the Dragon Slayers came over, they naturally accepted them.

Although they have taken some precautions, there are still dragons on human's side, so it's better to get more help from these Dragon Slayers.

In addition, the dragonification of this group of people became more and more serious, so they also accepted them readily.

As a result, the battle between humans and dragons has become a battle between humans and dragons, dragons and dragons, and humans and humans. The real Dragon King Festival is starting.

At the same time, after this group of Dragon Slayer left the human group, the remaining Dragon Slayers were even less trusted.

Even some people were worried that they would be destroyed by the dragon race. As the creator of the Dragon Slayer Magic, Irene's life is naturally not easy. Although she is a queen, the power in her hands are basically emptied.

Because she created the Dragon Slayer Magic, it led to a series of changes, so right now, a large number of people are surrounding the palace from outside.

"Irene, I suddenly realize that human beings don't seem to be worthy of our protection!"

Even Belserion, who is close to humans, is left speechless by human's action.

He even began to wonder if he was really blind to get close to this group of human beings. With a series of card that was almost a sure win, they would be defeated because of internal strive. It was like playing fight the landlord. He obviously held several bombs in his hand, but it happens that these bombs are disassembled into pieces and placed in a random manner.

He didn't even know what to say.

"No, I still trust them!"

The current Irene is not the later Irene, so when facing Belserion, Irene still expressed that she would hold on.

"It's a pity that you trust them, but they won't trust you!"

After Irene's voice fell, a figure appeared here. This person is naturally Asahi.

In the past, Asahi only felt that the era four hundred years ago was directly ended by Acnologia, but now, human nature has taught him a real lesson, which is really awesome.

They just turned such a great situation into a trashy situation, so Asahi can be considered to learn a lot from this.

But he still has nothing to say. It's because such things are too common. After all, most people are blind, just like in his previous life.

The things on the Internet are just like this. There are many things, but without finding the truth, some people only followed the trend.

After the truth of the incident surfaced later, the person who posted the news would just apologize casually, but those who followed the trend actually hurt some of the victims.

After they know the truth, they will only choose to throw the blame, and since they only followed the trend, they will not regret it at all.

This kind of people is really disgusting, and now, the world is different. But even if there is no internet, they still like to kill themselves.

Obviously, they are the one who pushed their people to the other side, but they didn't admit their mistake, and instead threw the blame to others.

In short, until the last moment, these people will not have the intention of repenting. At the last moment, these people will only regret a little at most, but will not change at all. They will only regret it why should they participate in it.

As for whether they hurt others, they don't care, they will just completely ignore it.

"You are… Asahi, the First Guild Master of Fairy Tail!"

After seeing Asahi, Irene also recognized him immediately. It's because Asahi is so famous, and his appearance is not a secret in this world.

"That's right, I came here this time to remind you. For your poor fate's sake, I want to remind you that you should never blindly trust the people you are with, and don't be too cowardly. Because of your cowardice, these people will only get worse in the future."

"Human nature is much more complicated than you think!"

Asahi came to see Irene mainly because of Erza, so he reminded her a little bit. Of course, he didn't know whether it would work or not, but it seemed that Erza was still discarded in the later stage. Maybe what he has done didn't make any difference.