Chapter 435 New Ability

"You are here just to say this?"

Irene couldn't help but froze. She thought that Asahi was here to help, but she didn't expect him to come here to warn herself!

"Well, it's like that. It's mainly because you are too naive, so I felt the obligation to remind you. If nothing unexpected happened, the dragons will be mobilized soon. There are not many good opportunities like this. By the way, Belserion, you'd better run away."

"Since you are the reason for this whole thing to happen, this group of dragons will definitely target you, so don't blame me for not reminding you if you die. After all, not everyone likes you. The reason why people outside do not directly come in is also because of your strength. Okay, that's all!"

Asahi left after leaving the last few words. Although Belserion didn't die in the battle before, it is estimated that he will still die later.

As a queen, Irene doesn't need to go to the front line by herself, but it is estimated that she will start to transform into a dragon soon.

Once she becomes a dragon, Irene will inevitably be treated like in the original work. As for Belserion, if there's no accident, he will be killed by humans.

If he doesn't run, he will be killed by Acnologia, or he will be stabbed in the back by the group of people. At any rate, in this era, those people can do everything, just like that one village that Asahi saved at the beginning.

Seeing Asahi disappearing just like that, Irene and Belserion seemed to understand something, it was obvious that Asahi is the strongest among human beings.

But Asahi has never had too much contact with human beings, and even chooses to avoid them in many cases.

"Irene, I think what he said is right. Even if you are the queen of this country, what happens to you in the future will not be very good!"

Belserion has already planned to leave first. After all, the current human beings are not worthy of his continued help. Moreover, there is Asahi on the human side. So it is not impossible for human to resist the dragon race. He will not stay here and wait for death.

In fact, he wanted to leave a long time ago, but he still couldn't let go of Irene, after all, Irene and he are already very good friends.

He also knows that Irene is different from other humans, in simple terms, she's a bit silly and sweet.

"No, I still intend to stay, at least, I have to see the last scene!"

Irene shook her head, and finally decided to stay. In response, Belserion could only shake his head, and then chose to leave.

But Belserion also said that he will contact Irene once in a while. If Irene really intends to leave later, then he will also come to help at that time. He will not watch Irene die here.

In this way, Belserion left with a group of dragons, and this country is no longer blessed by dragons.

But the people feels that this is a conspiracy. Otherwise, why would this group of dragons will leave? They didn't even think that the problem comes from themselves, and even if someone realizes this, they dare not say it under the herd-mentality.

This is the power of number. Even if someone knows the real problem, he will be unlucky if he speaks out.

So the dragons left just like this.

It was also known by the spies who were planted among the humans by the dragons.

They felt that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The Dragon Slayers have joined the dragon race in large numbers, and the dragons who helped the humans have also left. It can be said that the humans almost completely defenseless now.

The dragons began to gather everyone, planning to fight the final battle and wipe out all human beings.

As for the group of humans who join the dragon race, the dragons will take care of them after they finished taking care the enemy's humans, unless these guys can be completely dragonized.

After being completely dragonized, they will be regarded as one of them. If they can't be completely dragonized, then they can't be blamed for their cruelty.

After the dragon race launched an attack, the humans who are still fighting among themselves were directly defeated and unable to form an army.

The flames of war enveloped the entire world. As for Asahi, he still wandered on various battlefields as usual.

But he will not save people, after all, these people are not worth his rescue. He just killed this group of dragons after the dragons were finished killing the humans.

His existence has directly become a thorn in the dragon's eyes.

But the dragon race could do anything against him, and also, during this period, Asahi fully trained his ability.

This ability has been completely perfected, and Asahi has also begun the extraction of new ability.

After getting this ability, Asahi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This ability is called Migeiko, the owner of this ability is Nanami Yasuri, which is from the Anime Katanagatari.

This ability is completely super abnormal. It can copy all abilities, whether it is Ninjutsu, sword technique or martial arts, even superpowers and bloodlines can be copied directly.

Actually, the original Migeiko is actually not that terrifying. It is limited to things that can be copied.

But the one Asahi got is much more terrifying. After all, even the bloodline can be copied. With this, as long as Asahi goes back and takes a look at Orochimaru and the others, he can copy Tenseigan and Rinnegan directly.

There is also the Devil Fruit ability, as long as it is an ability, no matter what it is, he can copy everything. This ability is simply abnormal to the extreme.

And this is equivalent to the pupil technique, which means that this is his own power, so it will also increase with the limiter.

This is the most abnormal setting. It is set that everything can be copied in this world, but once the limiter is removed, even countless worlds is not a problem.

In short, this ability really scared Asahi. But to be honest, he doesn't have much use for this thing now.

And even leveling it is a bit troublesome.

The ability to copy also depends on the situation. Now that there is almost no percentage, he can only copy some of the weak ones.

Although conceptually, it is possible to copy Rinnegan and Tenseigan, right now, he can at most copy the weakest-state of Sharingan and Byakugan.

Relying on the copied power to defeat the enemy, he can get a percentage.

But the biggest problem now is that he is proficient in almost all the magic in the Fairy Tail World, so this ability is useless, which is a bit awkward. It is good that it can copy others' power, but the copy would only be a weakened version.

Unless the percentage is increased, only then he would get the perfect power from copying.

Using Sharingan as an example, he can only copy the one tomoe Sharingan, but when the percentage reaches 10%, he can copy Mangekyo, at 20%, he can copy the eternal Mangekyo, and at 30%, he can copy Rinnegan.

This kind of gradual upgrade, the more you go, the more abnormal the upper limit of this ability will be. After all, Rinnegan is very powerful in the Naruto World.

But in other worlds, it is not very strong. So, if he wants to level up this new ability, he can only go back to hell to find those strong ones to level up by defeating them with their own abilities.