Chapter 436 In The Final Battle, Acnologia Has Completely Dragonized

This ability is a bit useless now, it is definitely useless for him to copy magic, because he knows all magic.

He can only copy what he doesn't, just like Kaido's Dragon Fruit ability or Big Mom's Soul Fruit ability, as long as the copy is successful, even if it is just a basic ability, plus his other abilities, he can easily defeat the opponent.

But magic is really out of the question, since he can do it without copying, he won't get any experience.

Fortunately, he has already fully completed the previous ability, and now, he has this amazing Migeiko.

He can be said to be completely omnipotence. After all, he can easily copy Devil Fruit's abilities, as well as Zanpakuto and the like.

Regarding Zanpakuto in the Bleach World, if he wanted to get it, he needs to divide his soul, which is something he didn't want to do.

But now, he can just copy these abilities, how simple will it be? The copied things also have no side effects, no restrictions, and his soul will not be divided. He simply win a lot from this.

At this moment, Asahi can't wait to go back. After going back, it will be much more convenient, but for now, there is no chance to level up.

It's impossible even with Demons, because he can also Curse, so he can't get experience from it.

Right now, Natsu and the others have grown up slowly, and Zeref's Eclipse Gate plan has also come to the final stage.

It is estimated that after the final battle, the Eclipse Gate will be completed.

Since there is no more experience to harvest, Asahi didn't bother to entangle with the dragons anymore, but turned directly and went to find Zeref.

After Acnologia had dealt with the dragon, he would just clean up everything and it will be all done.

Soon, the dragon race started the final battle, and in this final battle, the dragon race was mobilized in full force.

The existence of human beings was squeezed to the limit. Everyone began to panic, and then gathered in the Kingdom of Dragnof.

This place can be regarded as the last barrier. At this time, Irene stood up once again, and then led the humans to start a counterattack.

On the final battlefield, humans and giant dragons fought madly. Asahi and Zeref, and even a few dragons are here to watch the battle, but no one intervened.

"Aren't you raising a kid? How come you still have time to come here?"

Asahi asked silently.

"Since humans can use Thought Projection, the dragon can naturally use it too. They have our Thought Projection to take care of them. This is already the last battle between the dragon and the human. We are also dragon, so we naturally have to come!"

"Speaking of which, since you are human too, do you intend to help? Judging from the current situation, human beings basically have no power to resist!"

Igneel said indifferently. It doesn't matter to him of these guys are all dead. He will not participate in this war, after all, he is a solo player.

"There is no need… Moreover, human beings' hope has already arrived!"

As Asahi said, he glanced at the sky in front of him. At this moment, a dragon with a strange pattern on its body flew over.

"This level of magic power… The Dragon King level… No, it is stronger than the Dragon King level, and it is also a… When did such a genius appear among the black dragon? Why is his magic so strange?"

Igneel also spotted the dragon approaching here, but after sensing the situation of this dragon, Igneel couldn't help but be confused.

"No… he is not a dragon. So that's how it is. There's actually human who has been completely dragonized. This is basically the dragon that the human Dragon Slayer Mage has become after being completely dragonized, but it seems that something is wrong. There's a lot of negativity in his power."

"It seems that after human beings are completely dragonized, they also have certain side effects!"

For a master of magic like Zeref, he naturally could see it at a glance.

"I know this guy. He's the craziest one among the first batch of Dragon Slayers, his name should be Acnologia."

"When the others are still fighting a guerrilla war with the dragon, this guy has already rushed into the dragon's lair."

"There has been no news of him for so many years. But now, it seems that he has completely transformed into a dragon, but the situation has indeed changed!"

Asahi looked at Acnologia and reminded Igneel and the others. Before Igneel and the others had time to say anything, they saw Acnologia make a move.

A terrifying roar rushed into the group of dragons, and the violent explosion literally shot down dozens of ordinary giant dragons.

After all, it is a dragon that reaches the same level as Zeref, and its own strength is more suitable for destruction, so his current roar is amazingly powerful.

"Bastard, what are you doing?"

The Dragon King of the black dragon race who saw this scene was angry. He didn't know where this bastard came from. His attack is so terrifying, but it is too much to attack his own person!

"Dragon, my name Acnologia, the terminator of the dragon race!"

After the dragon opened his mouth and released such a sentence, he started killing again.

The human beings, who had been completely suppressed at first, lost the pressure in an instant as all the dragons and the Dragon Slayers on the dragon's side fired at Acnologia.

But it turned out to be useless. It must be known that after Acnologia trained the Dragon Slayer Magic to the extreme, his magic resistance attribute was so high that even the roar from Igneel can't break his defense, not to mention these dragons, the Dragon Kings, and the Dragon Slayer.

Facing these dragons, Acnologia seemed to have become an invincible existence.

His one attack strikes a large area, and the opponents' attack can't break through his defense. This war has completely turned into a one-sided massacre.

After dozens of minutes, the number of dragons was directly cut by 70% directly by Acnologia.

Everyone who saw it was stunned. As for Irene, she was also stunned. She naturally knew the name Acnologia, after all, he's craziest one of the first generation of Dragon Slayers.

She thought that the other party had already died in the dragon race's siege, but she didn't expect him to be alive, moreover, he has become so powerful.

It must be known that the first generation of Dragon Slayers got the greatest pressure, so their loss is naturally the heaviest. Among the first generation of Dragon Slayers, from more than 100 people, there are only 3 people left, and they are on the dragon's side now.

So right now, Acnologia's appearance has refreshed the world views of every people and dragon present.