Chapter 437 The End of The Dragon Race

Regarding Acnologia's appearance, except for Asahi, even Zeref thought it was a little weird.

Because the current Acnologia is very strong. Acnologia did not die after attacking the dragon's lair, but was alive and well, and he has completely dragonized at this time. In addition, the strength of this guy has also reached the same level as Zeref.

In terms of pure combat effectiveness, he even surpassed Zeref, which is unthinkable.

Even Zeref himself didn't expect such a thing to happen.

But now that after Acnologia appeared, a crazy slaughter began. Facing Acnologia, the dragons' defense is like paper, and their attacks were more like mosquito bites.

They would die when Acnologia's attack touched them, and when their attack hit Acnologia, they can't break his defense. The gap between them is too much, so Acnologia raged on the battlefield without anyone stopping him.

Countless dragons are falling down like dumplings, so that Igneel and the other dragons can no longer sit still at this moment.

The reason they can't sit still is not because the dragons were slaughtered, as there is no big deal about the dragons being slaughtered, so they don't care about this matter all. After all, it's all about reaping the consequences.

But now, the situation is different, Acnologia has completely transformed into a dragon, and he has such a strong combat power.

And from what they saw, Igneel and the others also know that Acnologia is so crazy now that they will definitely not let them go.

Acnologia's killing intent was locked on every dragon, and even the Dragon Slayers on the dragon's side was wrapped in it.

So right now, he is attacking almost indiscriminately, and Igneel and the others are naturally locked by this killing intent too.

It is necessary to make a move even if they don't want to now. As Igneel joined the battle, Acnologia was directly blocked.

As the strongest dragon in the dragon race, Igneel's combat power is beyond doubt, and Acnologia has just been completely dragonized.

At first, he was suppressed by Igneel, but it happened that this guy used Dragon Slayer Magic.

Although it originated from the dragon, it also has a huge effect against dragon. Therefore, although Acnologia was entangled for a while and Igneel slowed down Acnologia's offensive, there was no way for him to completely defeat Acnologia.

Originally, if the current situation continued, the dragons could still push Acnologia back, but there are also humans now.

Humans and dragons themselves belonged to the opposite side, and the appearance of Acnologia was nothing but an accident.

Before, humans chose to wait and see, but now it is different. If Acnologia loses, then they will be finished.

Therefore, under Irene's leadership, the humans went to war with the dragons again, alleviating the disadvantages on Acnologia's side, and changing the situation again.

This battle lasted for a few days, and the human side also changed round after round.

Corpses are scattered all over the land, and since weak magicians and ordinary people are not qualified to step on this battlefield at all, those who can be here are all strong.

When they were fighting, Asahi was not idle either. He put away all the dead dragon's corpses, after all, these things were pretty good.

Not to mention the dragon's corpse, just the dragon's lacrima is already amazing enough. After all, it can be used to create a large number of Dragon Slayers.

So Asahi took advantage of the chaos to take away the dragon's corpses.

After a few days of fighting, there are only a few dozen dragons left, and humans have also suffered heavy losses, except for Acnologia, who hadn't changed much.

This guy is just like a perpetual motion machine. The power on his body does not seem to understand how to weaken at all.

On the contrary, the more he fought, the braver he became, which made Igneel lost his temper. After several days of fighting, Igneel has reached the limit.

However, Asahi didn't intervene for the time being, because this was a battle that belonged to Igneel himself.

The dragon race is arrogant, even Igneel himself. Helping him before he is defeated means looking down on him, so Asahi did not choose to help immediately, but intends to wait for him to help after he loses.

Of course, the target is also limited to the five dragons that have a good relationship with him. As for the rest, they will die after a while.

"Acnologia is really a surprising existence. After being completely dragonized, he has such terrifying combat power!"

Looking at Acnologia, Zeref felt a little emotional, but he was just sighing instead of paying attention to it.

Because in his eyes, this is a reckless man, of course, he did not plan to die by himself, as he has his own plan now.

He wanted to die in Natsu's hands, so naturally, he wouldn't go to Acnologia to give his live.

Otherwise, it would be very easy for Acnologia to kill Zeref first.

Following Zeref's emotion, after some time, there are only a dozen dragons left. In addition to the five dragons in the original work, except for Igneel who is still fighting, the others were already rescued by Asahi.

He directly uses Space Magic to transfer them away, so even if other people see the dragons disappearing, they can do nothing about it.

But in the end, Igneel also lost. He is not Acnologia's opponent at all.

So Asahi took action in time and take him away too, but this time, it was a little different from the original work.

In the original work, the souls of the dragons have been captured by Acnologia, so after coming out of the body of the Dragon Slayers, it will not take long for them to dissipate.

But this time, they didn't, which means that after using the Dragon Soul Secret Art, they won't disappear even if they emerge from the Dragon Slayer's body.

But as a dragon, no matter which era it is, it is estimated that they will be hunted down by Acnologia.

After moving away the few dragons that were close to him, Asahi and Zeref also left.

They don't need to stay here anymore. After all, the Eclipse Gate has been prepared. If it wasn't for this Dragon King Festival, they would have opened the Eclipse Gate.

Now that Igneel and the others have also been rescued, there is no need to stay here anymore.

So they left just like that. And after Acnologia killed the remaining dragons, he found that his target was gone, and started wreaking havoc on the battlefield.

Now that he has not fully accepted his identity as the Dragon King, he chose to leave.

The massacre and destruction did not continue, otherwise, the remaining people on the human's side will not be able to escape.

Acnologia's departure also made the others breathe a sigh of relief. After all, this guy is too strong and has super destructive power. It is good that he has gone now.