Chapter 439 Surprised Future Lucy

Four hundred years ago, the world was not connected yet, so naturally there was no channel, but now, Asahi senses the channel.

This channel is connected to Bleach World, which means that he has returned to his own Space-Time.

After knowing this, Asahi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Time travel is really full of a lot of accidents. It is better to play less with these things in the future!"

Asahi said helplessly. After experiencing this incident, he won't dare to touch Space-Time casually in the future. Unless his strength reaches the level where he can freely shuttle through Space-Time, it is too dangerous to do such thing.

"Who are you?"

While Asahi is still thinking about his helplessness, Lucy was shocked. She came to this Space-Time from the future, intending to remind the people of this Space-Time to be careful of the dragons, but now, someone came here with her.

How could this not surprise her.

"You don't know me?"

Asahi looked at Lucy in the future with some puzzlement. If Future Lucy didn't know him, it meant that he didn't appear in that Space-Time. Therefore, they can be said to be not from the same world.

He appeared four hundred years ago and left a legend behind. After the world was connected, there was a legend about him in this world.

It means that the Space-Time he travels through is normal, but the Future Lucy doesn't know about him, then it means that the two Space-Time are no longer in the same line.

This means that Future Lucy belongs to a parallel world.

Thinking of this, Asahi also suddenly realized that in the original work, Future Lucy died later. It is reasonable to say that even if the Eclipse Gate is destroyed, although she would be sent back, she would not be resurrected, after all, she is already dead, but after returning to that Space-Time, Lucy was alive and saw her companions, which was obviously wrong.

In other words, Lucy indeed returned, but she returned as the dead.

The reason why she saw her companions calling her was completely because that Space-Time, and this Space-Time are not on the same line, so the things that were changed in this Space-Time won't affect the Space-Time where she herself was from.

It's like when Future Trunks in Dragon Ball came to the time when Android had just appeared.

In this Space-Time, Android have changed and have not continued to destroy the world, but Future Trunks's world is still the same.

He even killed Cell, which is obviously strange, which means that it is not a world on the same timeline, but a parallel world of different Space-Time, so Lucy can't change the tragedy of her own Space-Time when she comes to this Space-Time.

In that Space-Time, only Lucy was left in Fairy Tail, and she had lost her arm.

"Who are you and why should I know you?"

Lucy is very confused, 'Do we know each other?'

"I see, then you can follow for now. At any rate, you are also a member of Fairy Tail, but you have to listen carefully, as I have something to tell you!"

Asahi intends to keep Future Lucy in this Space-Time. After all, in her Space-Time, Future Lucy no longer has relative, family member, and companion. She's all alone.

After she went back, she would only see despair. In that case, why don't let her stay? After all, this Space-Time Fairy Tail's members will definitely welcome her, and give her a new life.

Since Asahi is here this time, he naturally will not let Future Lucy die. But even if she didn't die, after returning to that Space-Time, Future Lucy will experience real despair.

All the actions she did would be in vain, so it's better to say it clearly now.

Then, Asahi quickly told Future Lucy about the situation, changed his story a little, and directly explained that she did not come from the same timeline, so she couldn't do anything about her Space-Time.

After knowing this, Future Lucy was heavily impacted, but Asahi also let her vent her emotions, and it took her all night before she finally accepted this cruel statement.

"I personally don't want you to go back to that Space-Time. I can see some fragment of that future."

"Your Space-Time do not have me, and your development is completely different, so even if you go back through the Eclipse Gate to the past of the Space-Time where you are, you will die, and what you're doing is completely useless."

"As the First Guild Master of Fairy Tail, I invite you to join this world's Fairy Tail."

"Although this is indeed a little strange to you, and the Fairy Tail's members here are not your original companions, but Fairy Tail will always be Fairy Tail, so I hope you can join this big family."

"I hope you can throw away your past and start a new life here!"

Asahi said. Although it is cruel for Future Lucy to not be able to save her companions, what can he do? He can indeed go to that Space-Time and help Future Lucy deal with this problem, but the problem is that he didn't dare to mess around casually. If there is another problem, it will be terrible.

He can't guarantee that he would be so lucky to return to this Space-Time every time.

Just look at the current situation. He knew that he went astray. After all, according to the setting of the Eclipse Gate, Asahi should have appeared in Year 777, but now, he has come to this time.

So in summary, time is something that should not be messed around with.

"Looking at your appearance, it seems that it is really difficult for you to accept it in a short time. I'll give you some time to think about it."

"If you really want to go back, I will destroy the Eclipse Gate later so that you can go back, but trust me, this is not a good choice."

"By the way, as a meeting gift, I will help you recover your arm!"

After saying that, Asahi reversed the time of Lucy's arm, allowing her severed arm to fully recover.

"How come… My arm has recovered!"

Lucy looked at her arm in disbelief. A severed arm is fatal to anyone, but now, such an easy makes Future Lucy feels disbelief.

"After you finished thinking about it, use this to contact me, or go directly to Fairy Tail to report. You should know that when you come here, the Fairy Tail's main members has returned."

"It is the time for Grand Magic Games, so I have to go over and take a look. Then, until we meet again!"

After leaving a mini Lacrima, Asahi left directly, leaving Future Lucy here alone in a daze.

It is not easy to make a decision, and what Future Lucy needs is to think about it for herself.

At any rate, if she returns to her own Space-Time, then only despair will greet her, and there will be dragons raging in that Space-Time.

After returning home, she would definitely die, so it shouldn't be difficult to choose.