Chapter 440 Everyone’s Decision

"I wonder where Shodai went to… Mavis-sama, you really don't know?"

At this moment, in Fairy Tail's temporary residence at Crocus, Erza and the others are still looking helplessly at Mavis.

Because of what happened at the time, Mavis also followed them to the outside world this time, perhaps because she thought it was interesting.

At that time, Mavis saw Asahi disappear in front of her with her own eyes, and she herself was a little stunned, completely unable to understand what's going on.

But because she was busy unsealing the Fairy Sphere at that time, she didn't think about these things at all.

After seven years, when Fairy Tail's members were unsealed, they began to look for Asahi, but they didn't get any results.

As for Fairy Tail, the extras can't handle any adversity and ran away. Since the main members of Fairy Tail disappeared, they didn't want to stay in the guild anymore. It's because the Fairy Tail depends on these main members to do anything.

There are others who are joining to take advantage of the guild, after all, they can take any missions they needed in such a large guild guild.

But after the main members disappeared, they also left.

Originally, Fairy Tail still have some strong people, such as Wally, Millianna, Sho and Simon.

But their strength at that time was not very good, and it could even be said to be average.

After seeing Fairy Tail's situation, they also began to practice hard. But in the past few years, a lot of members havve ran away.

For a time, Fairy Tail was in trouble, but fortunately, Asahi strengthened Crime Sorciere.

Several people from the Oracion Seis have joined Crime Sorciere, so they also take good care of Fairy Tail.

In addition, after Miliana and others worked hard to become stronger later, they managed to maintain this guild. Although they can't be said to be a very strong guild, it is enough to not be on debts.

So the life is still normal. And after Fairy Tail's main members returned, they wanted to grab the Strongest Guild Title in Grand Magic Games.

Because of the others' efforts, Fairy Tail is not at the bottom, but their ranking is always low.

After losing the protagonist's halo, Fairy Tail is even more miserable than the others. They are obviously not weak, but how can they reach such low ranking?

"I've said it many times. I don't know, I only know that he was studying the Fairy Sphere, and then he suddenly disappeared!"

Mavis said helplessly, how did she know what was going on!

"It looks like you guys miss me, the First Guild Master!"

While the others are still frowning, Asahi suddenly appeared in front of them directly.

"Sho… Shodai!"

The group of people cheered collectively. They are overjoyed, as Asahi's appearance surprised them to the extreme.

"Don't shout so loudly, it's not like I can't hear you!"

Asahi rolled his eyes, and then everyone began to surround Asahi and x ask where he had gone to.

In this regard, Asahi concealed some of the matter. He told everyone that he was caught in the turbulence of time through the time fluctuation of the Fairy Sphere and went to other Space Time, but he did not specify that it was four hundred years ago.

After some explanation, although others are still confused, they didn't ask anymore.

"Amazing, besides pausing time, Fairy Sphere can actually also let people travel through Space-Time?"

The group of people became a little curious and eager to try.

"Personally, I suggest you don't mess around with such thing. Even I almost can't come back this time. If it wasn't for my understanding of time, plus I was lucky enough to have some accidents this time, I might not be able to find the way back!"

Asahi said. He himself did not dare to play around, and the others actually wanted to have such thought, isn't it courting death?

Ultear is a typical example. Of course, he is here this time, and he won't let Ultear became an old woman.

"Don't worry Shodai, if they dare to play around with such thing, I will smash their heads!"

As Makarov said that, he glared fiercely at a group of people who were eager to try, and then they immediately withered away.

Although they are curious, they didn't dare to touch this kind of thing casually, after all, it sounds very dangerous.

Even Asahi almost stumbled, so they naturally didn't dare to play around casually.

Taking advantage of this time, Asahi also told everyone about the Future Lucy, and suddenly, the group of people was boiling.

They had no idea that there was another person from the parallel world who came here, and it was also Lucy.

Asahi also told them his thoughts. Although everyone agreed, they turned their attention to Lucy.

"Why are you guys looking at me? Although you say that her role overlaps with mine, I don't think there is anything wrong with having an extra sister. I guess my father will be very happy too!"

Lucy said very bluntly. Because there was no Phantom Lord's intervention, Lucy's father did not fall into poverty, but became richer instead.

After seven years of separation from his daughter, he also knew what he actually wanted, so he fully agrees with the choice Lucy made, and after Lucy returned, he also helped Fairy Tail.

At least, they don't have to worry about money now, but they can't just sit and eat, and it is also necessary to announce their return to the outside world.

Only in this way will there be a steady stream of missions be sent to them.

That's why they came to participate in the Great Magic Games this time. It's not for money, but for fame, and for the companions who have persisted until now.

"Shodai, take us to meet Future Lucy, we want to talk to her!"

Erza and Mira said together, after all, Future Lucy is too pitiful amd it completely aroused their motherly side…

"Originally, I planned to ask her think carefully and make a decision later, but what Past Lucy have said should have worked well, so let's go!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he took the group of people to the place where Future Lucy was. At this moment, Future Lucy is still in a daze.

She had been thinking about whether to stay or not, and then a group of people suddenly appeared in front of her, shocking Future Lucy.

But soon, she recognized these people.

After getting in touch with the people of Fairy Tail, future Lucy also knows, no matter what Space-Time and world it is, Fairy Tail is… still Fairy Tail.

This has never changed. They will not abandon their companions casually, at least for the group of people still left in the guild, no one can do this.

Under everyone's persuasion, Future Lucy also made a decision to stay here!