Chapter 444 Mavis

"It's been a long time since I've felt this magic power. Fairy Tail is still the same as ever!"

Jura from Lamia Scale, who is already ranked fifth among the Ten Wizard Saints, feels a little emotional. It has been a long time since he felt this familiar magic power.

Jura, who knew what Fairy Tail is like in the past, was naturally moved.

"That group of hot-blooded idiots are back, it's really troublesome. Jura-san, let's finish it directly. Since someone has already helped us pave the way, it would feel bad not to follow along!"

A smile appeared on Lyon's face, and the ice in his hands began to spread rapidly.

"Of course, it's better to take action directly. Since they are all starting to make noise, we can't fall behind!"

After saying that, Jura also started to go crazy. The magic power in his body soars, and he went on a rampage all the way.

"Wow, I have never seen Uncle Jura like this before!"

Sherria in the back looked at this scene with a dazed expression. In her opinion, both Jura and Lyon are usually very stable types.

But this time, they actually started destroying the wall directly, and even several people from other guilds were cleared out because of being affected.

"It's all because of Fairy Tail's group. They were stimulated by those hot-blooded fools. As for Fairy Tail, you'll see it later. They are the concentration of a group of freaks!"

Yuka explained to Sherria while running, but since he couldn't explain the specifics clearly, this made Sherria very curious, but she didn't say much, at any rate, she can see them herself later.

"This fascinating fragrance, this violent fragrance, we have to work hard, the people of Fairy Tail and Jura-san have started to act!"

On Blue Pegasus's side, Ichiya became serious. He strengthens himself with the fragrance of power, and then tear down the walls all the way.

Several other well-known guilds also began to imitate such action. The entire maze itself became a little shaky, and under their raging, it was almost directly destroyed.

Just when the organizers were all in a daze, the two Fairy Tail's teams have rushed directly to the finish line.

But the first team is still a bit short, after all, there are still Lucy and Wendy in the team pulling them back.

Of course, it's just talking about speed. If the two teams really fight, then it is unknown who will be the winner, after all, Wendy is already familiar with a lot of Dragon Slayer Magic, and under the interference of the Energy Source, she can even use Dragon Force at will.

Wendy's Dragon Force is probably the most beautiful among all the Dragon Force modes. After all, it can be said that she turns into a magical girl.

As for Lucy, her current magic power has reached the level of opening three gates at the same time, and she can also use Urano Metria by herself. There is no need to use Gemini to copy herself to use that technique.

It's a complete increase in strength. Of course, since their strength has increased so much, the others also has a lot of increase in strength.

"Congratulations, you are now the first and second place, just go straight there! Kabo!"

The pumpkin host said, but from his tone, he was very tired. The focus of this game is the maze, but these people took the lead in dismantling the maze, and it was also very fast. Before they could change the rules, the other party has already reached the end. The speed is so fast that they could do nothing about it.

After Fairy Tail's teams entered, a terrifying magic power rushed out again. It was none other than Lamia Scale led by Jura.

And with one step too late is Sabertooth, followed by Mermaid Heel, Raven Tail, Blue Pegasus and Quatro Cerberus. As for the others, they unfortunately failed.

After this group of violent elements appeared here, they would have no chance, so they were naturally eliminated directly.

This also makes the people in the maze and those who have been affected and eliminated almost burst into tears. They wondered what the hell is this game?

It is said to be a maze, but those bastards actually started to destroy the maze. Why the maze is called the maze? It's because the key point of maze is puzzle.

But this group of bastards indiscriminately dismantled the maze directly. They are originally playing with brain, but it turned into a show for a group of violent men showing their muscles.

At this moment, they don't want to continue to struggle, because they are not their opponents at all. After all, even in the preliminaries, these bastards are already so violent.

They can perceive those monstrous magic powers, so when they thought that they have to these freaks after passing the preliminaries, they collectively choose to give up. And now that the game is over, they are weeping with joy.

"It's over, haah, the people from other guilds imitated them and violently destroyed the place!"

Levy complained speechlessly, and Future Lucy was also a bit amused upon seeing this. They made a completely different choice from her team. At the beginning, her team honestly walked through the maze, obtained a map from other people, and finally passed the finish line.

But this time, they win with violent method.

"Well, everyone, go back and rest. The competition will officially start tomorrow. They won't be able to come back tonight. Someone will arrange a place for them to rest!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he immediately took back the magic power projection in his hand, and everyone went back to rest, even Mavis.

According to Mavis, even though her body has been frozen, her soul still has to retain some of the habits that humans possess.

"Mavis, let me release your body. I can deal with the curse on you!"

Asahi looked at Mavis and said. This girl is the Eleventh Guild Master after all, so of course he has to help her. She and Zeref are completely different.

Asahi and Igneel are friends, but he and Zeref are just using each other.

"Shodai, you can deal with Ankhseram Curse?!"

Mavis was shocked, after all, this is something that even Zeref can't handle.

"It's not a big problem, it's just a curse, but for the time being, I don't want to provoke that 'God', so I will temporarily seal the curse."

"After I seal it, you don't need to worry that someone will die because of the Contradictory Curse!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he saw Mavis nodded, so he took Mavis directly back to the secret room under the Fairy Tail's building.

Inside the room, there is a huge Lacrima with Mavis's body inside of it. This is Asahi's first time seeing the Fairy Heart.

Although Makarov had told him about it before, he did not come here to see it, but now, he feels that something is wrong.

Because Mavis has clothes on her body, which is different from the original work.

'But it is also good. I have to say that Precht is indeed a genius, even this kind of thing is also made.'