Chapter 445 Sealing The Curse

This layer of Lacrima that wraps Mavis has a strong defense. Even for Cana at the later stage, it takes a lot of effort to break it. It must be known that Cana in the later stage holds Fairy Glitter in her hand.

But for Asahi, it's much simpler. He doesn't need to use force, he just pokes the thing away with one finger.

And it didn't hurt Mavis at all. Mavis looked at it for a while, and felt that the gap between was too big that it is completely incomprehensible.

After releasing Mavis, Asahi did not directly remove the curse, but temporarily sealed the curse.

It's very easy for him to get rid of the curse, but right now, he's too lazy to trouble those... 'Gods'.

There are Gods in this world, and they also hold the power of the Gods. Asahi plans to harvest them later after this competition is over.

He wanted to increase the percentage of Migeiko as much as possible. Although magic is useless, he can copy the abilities from other worlds, like Hollow, Shinigami, those Devil Fruit User from One Piece World and so on…

All of those can be copied, and then he can use this power to defeat the opponent, so that he can gain a lot of experience.

In this way, Migeiko can be improved a bit. Then, Asahi plans to try to directly copy the authority of these Gods later. If it's possible, that would be awesome.

Copying bloodlines is nothing, it's copying divine power that is really terrifying.

That's why Asahi intends to give it a try. If it is really possible, then he will make from this ability. After all, divine power is a good thing. And after fusing them, his life level can be improved faster.

The life level is important, and there are only advantages and no disadvantages for him to increase it.

So this is what he has to improve. In contrast, Son Goku from the Dragon Ball World is very powerful, and he can even destroy a universe, but he is still a mortal.

That means, even if he can destroy the existence of a universe, he can still be poisoned to death with some poison. How simple it is to deal with him?

Therefore, life level must be improved, otherwise, like Son Goku and others, he will only have power, and can be easily defeated.

Asahi can easily kill Goku, even the later stage Goku.

Although Goku is very strong, Asahi can directly accelerate his time, making him die of old age in an instant. After all, his life span is only a little bit more than normal humans, and he can't stand Asahi's time acceleration x.

On the contrary, encountering those Gods, like Beerus and the others, he could do nothing, and he won't even have any remains if he faced them.

So it all depends on the situation. The life level must be improved, and divine power is a very good nourishment to do so.

But it seems that it is not easy to get this nourishment, and he needs to wait for a while.

"How is it? Try to regain the feeling of your body."

Asahi looked at Mavis and asked. Mavis's situation is a little different from the original work. Her relationship with Zeref is not very close, and it's just a pure teacher-student relationship. This is indeed a bit surprising, but it also made Asahi wonders where did August pop out from?

"It's good, at least, I can breathe now. This feeling of having a body is good, as long as there is no curse!"

Mavis was also relieved to see that the Contradictory Curse did not break out. Back then, Makarov's mother died because of Mavis's Contradictory Curse.

After that, Mavis and Asahi also returned to Fairy Tail's group to watch the competition.

When everyone saw Mavis, they are completely unaware that Mavis is already a human with flesh and blood.

They thought that Mavis is still the simple soul like before.

But Mavis didn't give too much explanation, after all, everyone will know later.

Soon, everyone arrived at the stand, which was a special stand specially prepared for the guilds that passed the preliminaries.

So there is no need to squeeze with the other audience, moreover, Fairy Tail only occupies one stand.

There are a total of eight teams, but now, there are only seven of groups in the special stand, and everyone still doesn't know the specifics.

In fact, this kind of thing can now be done by Fairy Tail and Sabertooth.

It is not impossible for other guilds to send two teams too, but if they want to make the top eight, only Fairy Tail and Sabertooth have the strength to do so.

Although they can't be compared with Fairy Tail, Sabertooth's strength is indeed good. After all, they are ranked first during the seven years gap, so the strength of those people is naturally not simple.

However, there are a lot of God Slayer Magic that appeared in this competition. Of course, this God Slayer Magic is trashy.

The Dragon Slayer Magic has really killed dragons, and the Devil Slayer Magic that Gray inherited from Silver has indeed killed Demons (Devil) before, but for God Slayer Magic, such thing is naturally impossible.

Even Zeref can't do anything against the curse of a God, let alone the God itself, so this God Slayer Magic is just a more special magic. It is called the God Slayer Magic just for showing off.

After everyone arrived, the stadium is already full of people, and then the host began to announce the teams for this competition.

After the announcement, everyone was stunned.

"It turned out to be two teams. What's going on? Can they send two teams in at one go for this competition?"

Countless people were stunned. They didn't expect that there would be a guild that divided into two small teams.

However, Yajima gave everyone some explanations afterwards. This time, because of the system change, Fairy Tail is not wrong.

"They are indeed not wrong, but isn't it too much? No, it seems that we're not focusing on the main point. Fairy Tail managed to be get the first and second place, and Sabertooth can only be at third place?"

Everyone are shocked. In the past, Sabertooth always occupied the first place, but now, they have been replaced by Fairy Tail.

As for the Guild Master of Sabertooth, Jiemma, he is exuding maliciousness at this moment, and he glanced at the position of Fairy Tail's group with murderous intent.

After seeing Jiemma's gaze, Asahi smiled. He doesn't care about this guy at all.

After all, he's just a bug thinking he's a mighty dragon. He is not worthy of being a father, nor is he worthy of being a Guild Master. Most of the guilds' Guild Masters are the most noble people, but Jiemma is running dictatorship.

And since he's a dictator, he doesn't have the ability to nurture relationships with his subordinates.

Even if you are an emperor, you must have a good relationship with the people below, so that the country can become stronger, but Jiemma will not do that, which shows how trashy he is.