Chapter 446 Mavis Can Eat?

"That guy seems to be the Guild Master of Sabertooth, what a powerful aura!"

Everyone noticed Jiemma's gaze, and Makarov was also disdainful towards him. Although Jiemma's strength has reached Ten Wizard Saint level, it was still the bottom, even Sting could take him down after he got buffed a little.

The strength of this guy is not very good, so Makarov doesn't care about him at all.

"That guy is just a clown, don't worry about him. By the way, Mavis, I brought some cakes, do you want it?"

As Asahi said that, he took out a piece of cake from his own space, and then Mavis's eyes changed directly. She nodded her head like a chicken pecking at rice.

Asahi was also a little amused after seeing it. Mavis hadn't eaten anything for so many years, so she would naturally be greedy.

So he gave the cake to Mavis directly.

"So cunning, you actually eat without telling us, I want it too!"

Cana came out at this time, and then stared at the cake in Asahi's hand. Helpless, Asahi could only took out another piece of cake for her.

"Wait… why can Mavis-sama eat something?"

Suddenly, Lavy realized a big problem. Mavis is a real ghost, just a soul, but she can actually eat at this moment. No wonder she is shocked.

"Yeah, why can you eat, Mavis-sama?"

Seeing Mavis eating cake with blissful expression, everyone are shocked. They were all Fairy Tail's members, so they could see Mavis in her ghost form.

And Mavis is not entirely a ghost, because she can meet with Fairy Tail's people, and she can also take things, but the biggest problem is that she can't eat things.

But now, they obviously saw Mavis eating the cake given by Asahi.

"This is all thanks to Shodaime. If it wasn't for Shodaime, I wouldn't be able to eat these things. Shodaime has helped me solve my physical problems, so I have recovered now. As for the Fairy Heart, it has become a thing of the past!"

Mavis opened her mouth to explain, but the last sentence was incomprehensible to everyone except Makarov. The others couldn't understand what she is saying, after all, they didn't even know what a Fairy Heart is.

Hearing this, Makarov's expression changed. He finally understood that Fairy Heart is Mavis's real body, but this body has been sealed in the Lacrima, and now it has recovered, which also means that Fairy Heart is now gone.

Of course, Makarov wouldn't think that it was a pity. On the contrary, he thought it is very good.

Fairy Heart has always been his Achilles' heel. It was created with the Eleventh Guild Master's body, Mavis, personally built by the Twelfth Guild Master, and Makarov, the Thirteenth Guild Master has always guarded this secret.

It was also because of this secret that Ivan created Raven Tail. Ivan believed that Fairy Tail hides an unknown side, and this side will definitely not be beautiful, so he chose to leave.

Then later, he started targeting Fairy Tail for the purpose of knowing the secret, but Makarov kept hiding it.

It's not Makarov's fault. It's not that he doesn't want to say it, and he doesn't dare to tell even his son about such thing like unlimited magic power.

After Ivan knew that Makarov wouldn't tell him about this thing, he directly chose to betray the guild, indicating that this guy is not a good person from the bottom of his heart.

So how could Makarov dare to admit the existence of this thing? But this bastard Ivan doesn't care so much, he only knows that he needs to know what this thing is.

So he just left the guild, and started targeting Fairy Tail, which shows how bad he is.

Now that Mavis has recovered, it means that Fairy Heart is gone. This also made Makarov breathe a sigh of relief, after all, guarding a secret is sometimes too painful.

Makarov has already felt this.

"What is Fairy Heart?"

The others looked puzzled. Let alone them, even Future Lucy didn't know about such thing. It's because the dragons' matters happened just after the Grand Magic Games.

At that time, they are all in Crocus. After the dragons came, before he could even tell the secret Makarov was killed by the dragons in order to protect the others.

Otherwise, he can just activate Fairy Heart and use this infinite magic power to burst out with powerful enough magic, such as Fairy Law.

Such power would be enough to take care of tens of thousands of dragons. It must be known that even Zeref covet this thing.

But unfortunately, in that Space-Time, Makarov didn't have time to say anything. As for Mavis's soul, it was directly destroyed afterwards, as the dragon race also has a method to deal with souls.

After all, even Wendy can summon the dragon's soul from the remnant of the dragons, so dealing with the soul is naturally a very easy thing for the dragon race.

"You don't need to know about that. Knowing it is not good for everyone. You only need to know that it is a key point for Fairy Tail, but now, this thing has disappeared!"

Makarov didn't say much, and when other people saw Makarov like this, they didn't ask much.

They know that there are some things about Fairy Tail that only the guild leader is allowed to know. Just like the second floor, only the S-Rank Mages can go up there.

In this way, this topic is not mentioned again, and as for Mavis, they understood her situation now.

Mavis is already a living person, and everyone from Fairy Tail couldn't help but sighed with emotion.

'See… this is called foundation.'

Their First Guild Master is still alive, and the Eleventh Guild Master is also alive. Although the Twelfth Guild Master was also alive, that guy has been abolished, and the Thirteenth Guild Master is also very strong.

With this group of strong people standing with them, everyone from Fairy Tail felt that they are much better than others.

Of course, this is just a small episode. As for the audience, they are still talking about Sabertooth being dethroned by Fairy Tail.

But then, they saw that the third place turned out to be Lamia Scale, so they couldn't help being taken aback again.

In the past, Jura has also participated in the competition. He is invincible in singles, but many games are not as simple as doing it alone. (T/N: If I recall correctly, Jura has never participated before. He only participated in the X791 Grand Magic Games.)

Therefore, Lamia Scale can only get second place.

But this year, not to mention the sudden rise of Fairy Tail, even Lamia Scale directly crushed Sabertooth.

At this moment, Jiemma has begun to burst out a lot of magic power. It can be seen that he is very angry at this moment.

As a result, the people around him didn't dare to move at all, and they trembled constantly.

In their eyes, Jiemma is not as simple as Guild Master, but a real super demon-level existence. They felt that they are really unlucky to get the seat close to him.