Chapter 448 Miserable Contestants

"What a great person, she is not in my memory, isn't it said that Fairy Tail's people are not worth mentioning?"

Even Rufus, who is standing on the clock tower, was stunned when he saw the ground was completely submerged by the water. Others did not dare to move at this moment. They also did not dare to run to the roof, because the others would see them if they did so.

But it is too late to stop moving too, as they have been exposed to Juvia.

When the water flow moved before, they just bypassed all the static things, but the moving people were not among them.

Even if they reacted in time and stopped moving, they were still detected, as they are soaking in the water right now, so Juvia naturally located their position.

In fact, the only way to avoid Juvia right now is to hide on the roof or other places where water can't touch them.

Otherwise, even if they are teleported away after being attacked, when they appeared again, it will also induce the water flow.

At that time, Juvia would detect them again.

And they will never be able to locate Juvia. After all, Juvia is even better than a fish in the water, she has completely become the water, so there's no way to do anything against her.

The only person who dares to move freely is Gray, but he must also be careful, after all, once he moves, the water will ripple.

Once this ripple is seen, it will be him who will be attacked at that time.

There are not many mages who can fly, so everyone didn't know what to do at this moment.

As for Juvia, the first one she is focusing on is… Nullpudding. This is the target Asahi had just told to her and asked her to focus on.

This guy was prepared by Ivan for Fairy Tail, and Gray was humiliated to the extreme in the original work.

Although Asahi is too lazy to help Gray, he couldn't let him be taken care of by an outsider, so Asahi asked Juvia to target this guy.

At any rate, as long as they hit someone else, they will get one point. It doesn't no matter who is the target, so all Juvia has to do now is to keep an eye on Nullpudding.

As for moving around, it is too simple for Juvia, who has transformed into a stream of water. Even Rufus, who has been staring at the water all this time, has no idea how Juvia moved. After all, Juvia's body has completely fused with the water.

Nullpudding, who was thinking of how to deal with Fairy Tail, was directly hit by a stream of water.

The key point is that this water flow is high-pressure water flow. Although it will not cause him serious injury, it is still hurt to be hit by that.

Juvia didn't cause any him superficial damage, but being hit like this gave him internal injury.

"Amazing, contestant Juvia of the Fairy Tail's second team is so terrifying, she completely turned the venue into her hometurf!"

"Almost all the other contestants are stuck in the water now, and Raven Tail's Nullpudding has been hit!"

The host outside is full of excitement and roared, mainly because in previous years, no matter how weird the game, there is no such scene.

And this time, Juvia had done told everyone why magic is called magic, and she has controlled the entire venue.

The others could do nothing against her, and Nullpudding, who was attacked, also appeared in another position on the venue, but unfortunately, he was still in the water after appearing, so after touching the water, he was located by Juvia again. Juvia is very fast in the water, so he basically will be hit again within a few seconds after appearing, which can be described as miserable.

And because Juvia attacks Nullpudding continuously, her score keeps rising.

At the same time, Juvia is also controlling the water to attack other contestants. She only left her own guild's member, Gray, alone, and she directly pushes the other contestants with the water.

When the other contestants were pushed by the water, they would accidentally hit the fake clone, and hitting a fake clone would reduce one point.

Except for Rufus and Gray, everyone else soon lost their points. Although Gray still has a zero point, he miraculously jumped to second place because the other has negative points.

At this time, Juvia is eyeing Rufus, who is on the roof.

It would be very troublesome if this guy was let to take action, so Juvia controlled the water and became a huge water giant, and then forced Rufus out.

Rufas is hiding here all this time, watching all the changes.

His magic is Memory-Make Magic, and he intends to remember everyone's position, so that he can points in one strike, but this time, before he can do anything, Juvia's attack arrived first.

Rufus, who was forced to flee, was also discovered by the others. Since they could not deal with Juvia, they naturally aimed at this guy.

This is why everyone prefers not to be on the roof. It is better not to be exposed to everyone. Once exposed, they would be the target of everyone here.

So Rufus was instantly besieged by other people, which made Gray earns a lot.

Juvia's score is also rising continuously with the process of constantly abusing Nullpudding, and she quickly reached more than thirty points. It must be known that Nullpudding in the original book only scored less than ten points.

But after Juvia heard what Asahi said, she became very terrifying, causing Nullpudding to be very unlucky.

This time, he might be targeted by Juvia to death.

After the game ends, Juvia was undoubtedly got the first place. As for the second place, it was none other than Gray. This product still has zero point, but this zero point happens to let him occupy the second place. As for the others, they all have negative points.

Even Rufus is the same. After all, he was targeted by the others, and he was troubled by Juvia in various ways.

In the end, he didn't get a point, but with his negative score, she still occupies the third place.

Because in the end, he still hit everyone except Juvia and Gray with Into a Night of Falling Stars.

Although Gray is very trashy, he can still defend himself. Although Asahi only gave him a part of the Energy Source, it would not make him powerless to fight back.

So Rufus's attack was blocked by him, and the others were hit, it allows Rufus to retrieve a lot of points.

Otherwise, it is estimated Rufus would be at the second bottom, after all, the bottom would be Nullpuding. But using Memory-Make Magic, he still won the third place.

Of course, for getting the third place, it is estimated he would be severely punished by his own Guild Master after he returns.

After all, with the exception of…Jura, in Jiemma's view, losing is showing how a failure they are.

The reason they were allowed to lose to Jura was because even Jiemma was not Jura's opponent.

As for Fairy Tail, they are just a group of legends. Jiemma hasn't fought against them personally, so he naturally doesn't feel them to be very strong. He thinks that their legend was just made up by others.