Chapter 449 Asahi’s Small Actions

"The first game was really dramatic. Not only did Sabertooth who won consecutive championships failed to win the first place, they even only got the third place, and they also got negative point. Except for Fairy Tail's teams, all the other contestants have negative points!"

"Is this the power of Fairy Tail? After the return of the main members who disappeared seven years ago, they actually have such power!"

The host started screaming wildly again, and then Yajima also quickly revealed Fairy Tail's record.

In fact, Fairy Tail shouldn't become unknown to anyone in just seven years. It's mainly because after the Tenrou Island incident seven years ago, the entire magic world seemed to have changed, and the changes were too fast.

Taking advantage of the absence of the lord of the mountain, other people began to rise wildly, which led to the replacement to be too fast.

Even those who know that Fairy Tail is powerful, thought that they were a bit too rubbish after Fairy Tail didn't make a sound.

So over time, in just seven years, everyone has forgotten a lot about Fairy Tail.

But now, after the return of Fairy Tail's main members, this memory has been awakened again.

After Yajima finished the popularization, the normal match began, and the battle was played like in the original work, as the first battle is Fairy Tail's Lucy vs. Raven Tail's Flare.

Flare was born in the village of giants and was raised by a group of giants. It is hard to think how a group of giants raised this little girl, but she was also targeted by Ivan because she secretly left her village.

Moreover, Flare is extremely afraid of Ivan, it's because Ivan is much worse than Jiemma. Jiemma is just using mental damage, but he would not attack his subordinates, and Ivan, who is from Dark Guild, doesn't care about it.

As long as they are not obedient, his whip will follow, so Flare is numb from the beating that she became her current state.

But this time, when confronted against Lucy, she didn't have any chance of winning. Although Flare was not bad, she can only deal with the original work Lucy, but the current Lucy can open three gates simultaneously, and she can even already use a Celestial Spirit Clothing.

This difference is too big, and is not on the same level at all.

In addition, Obra is gone. If they want to cheat, they could only fight in groups, but with Asahi monitoring at the back, Raven Tail is going to be unlucky.

The battle is about to start. Flare's magic relies on her own hair, and it can be regarded as a kind of Hair-Make Magic.

She can use her own hair to condense into the form of a beast, and her hair can burn like flames, which is not bad.

However, just when the two parties were about to fight, Asahi directly dragged Flare into a special space.

The principle is similar to Tsukuyomi, but it is much more advanced than Tsukuyomi. Unless the target's mental power exceeds Asahi, they cannot come out from it.

And in this world, even Gods can't do anything. In this world, Asahi is invincible.

"Where is this place?!"

Flare was just about to fight Lucy, but she suddenly saw the place changed, so she is shocked.

"Welcome to my world, Flare!"

Asahi glanced at Flare calmly.

"You… You are a person from Fairy Tail." After she saw Asahi, Flare recognized him immediately. Of course, she doesn't know about Asahi's true identity. After all, Asahi was missing before and he was not too famous, so she just recognizes Asahi because he is in Fairy Tail's stand.

"Yes, that's right, let me introduce myself. My name is Asahi, the First Guild Master of Fairy Tail!"

Asahi introduce himself to Flare with a smile.

"First Guild Master… First Guild… First… How could you be First Guild Master?!"

Flare didn't feel anything at first, but she suddenly felt a little strange. After repeating it a few times, she finally realized.

Fairy Tail has a history of more than four hundred years. So how can First Guild Master appeared here, shouldn't he have died long ago?

"Nothing is impossible, I just live a little longer than others. Let me ask you a question, do you want to leave Raven Tail?"

Asahi answered calmly, and then directly asked his own question.

"Leave Raven Tail?!"

A trace of yearning began to appear on Flare's face, but there is still a lot of fear.

"I know about your origins. You were raised by a group of giants in a giant village, but you sneaked out afterwards, then you were targeted by Ivan, right?"

Looking at Flare, Asahi directly revealed her secret.

"You… how did you know about that? What did you do to them?"

Flare is a little worried. Since this person knows about her origin, she believed that he will attack those giants.

"Don't worry, I am not despicable enough to do anything to them, but what I want to say is that they have indeed experienced some problems."

"That village is now covered by a large amount of ice, and the person who did it is one of the Tartaros' Nine Demon Gates. He has frozen the entire village with his magic. If you leave Raven Tail, I can help you unfreeze that village!"

Asahi didn't talk nonsense, and told her directly.

"How come Tartaros, I… I want to leave Raven Tail, but Ivan has control over us, and I can't leave!"

Flare shook her head. If she could run away, she would have left long ago. With her origin, as long as she could run back into the village, the giants could at least protect her.

But she didn't do it. One is because Ivan has a backer in the Council, and the other is because she has the magic mark left by Ivan.

So even if she reported Ivan to the Council, it would be useless, unless he was exposed in public. But after being beaten so many times, Flare had long since become submissive, and she didn't dare to resist at all.

"I can help you with that. Later, you will directly admit defeat, and then I will use space magic to transfer you to the Fairy Tail's residence to ensure your safety, understand?"

Asahi really wanted to see what Ivan will be like when it happens. Seeing that his people are gone, he will probably be very aggrieved.

However, fighting against Ivan is necessary. After all, Ivan is a trash among trashes. He will not kill him, but he will make him collapse.

It was also because Asahi is thinking about Makarov. Asahi planned to arrange a small cell for this guy directly and give him a single room.

It's much better to prison him than to kill him. In this life, he won't be able to run away, and his life span is also unlimited. In Hell, as long as the Soul King does not die, the shackle will not disappear, and the prisoners will not be able to escape from hell.