Chapter 450 Ivan Is Going Crazy

"I understand, but… you better not lie to me!"

Flare didn't think much about it anymore. Since the other party knew so much, she had no choice but to agree to the other party.

And what she is doing this time is also a gamble. After winning the bet, her life will be brighter. And if she lost this bet, at most, she would be beaten by Ivan. But she has always been beaten by Ivan, so even if the beating is a little worse than before, it is not a big problem.

"Very good, then remember your choice!"

After saying that, Asahi directly released Flare. At this moment, only a moment has passed in the outside world, and Lucy hadn't fully opened the gate of Celestial Spirit yet.

"I admit defeat!"

Flare directly raised her hands, causing Lucy, who was planning to activate her magic, to stagger and almost fell directly.

"You… You admit defeat, are you sure?"

It is not only Lucy who is dumbfounded, even Kabo is also dumbfounded, even the audience and Raven Tail's members.

"Yes, I admit defeat. I am not her opponent, so I will stop myself from being humiliated!"

After Flare finished speaking, she turned around and left directly, which made Lucy extremely depressed. They all knew what kind of existence Raven Tail was, and they all knew they are targeting them, but now, the other party did not even give her the chance to strike back.

That's why Lucy is depressed, but winning without a fight is not bad, at least, she can point for her team.

So Lucy didn't entangle too much in this matter. She felt that it would be best if she didn't need to do anything, after all, she is not a violent person.

After leaving the arena, when she reached the end of the passage, Flare disappeared directly, and no one saw her at all.

"Flare, that bastard, how dare she admit defeat like that? Does she want to eat my whip?"

Ivan is about to explode with anger. First, it was Obra who had a problem, and he was directly crippled, which made him extremely depressed. He could only use his Thought Projection to fill up the number. After all, he could not find a suitable candidate for his team member.

After that, Nullpudding was counter-targeted before he could target Fairy Tail's people.

Although no external injuries were found, during the examination, Nullpudding was severely injured by Juvia's water attack, which is terrible.

Ivan was already full of anger before, and now, Flare actually dared to disobey his orders.

Although it is possible that she is not the opponent of the other party, it is only a possibility, not absolute.

But Flare actually admit defeat directly, that's why Ivan is furious.

Soon, while he is still depressed, the second game began. Since neither are his own people nor his enemy, he didn't bother to pay attention.

But soon, he discovered that there was a problem.

"Where did Flare go? Why hasn't she come back yet?"

Ivan suddenly felt a little strange, 'Why didn't that b***h come back yet?'

"Could it be that she ran away?!"

Kurohebi's eyelids twitched a few times, 'There is a possibility she would do that. Otherwise, how can she dare to admit defeat without a fight? She hasn't come back yet, so it doesn't make sense if she didn't run away.'

"Ran away?"

Ivan is even more puzzled. He has left a magic mark and hidden backhands on everyone, so how could they run away from him.

Then, Ivan activated his magic and tried to perceive the other party's existence, but no matter how he perceives it, he can't find Flare's trace at all, and the marks and backhands he left on her seemed to have evaporated from the world.

"Damn it, she really ran away!"

Ivan was both startled and angry, so he just left quickly. At any rate, the battles later have nothing to do with his guild, so he naturally left quickly and went to find Flare's trail.

Others didn't care about them, after all, they didn't have any relationship with them.

After looking around, Ivan found that there was no trace of Freya at all, which is too strange.

There is nothing he could do, which makes Ivan even more depressed. The only people who can fight now are him and Kurohebi. Even if Nullpudding can be healed, they still lack two people.

But no matter how unhappy he is, Ivan can only suffer by himself, because he could do nothing about it.

After all, they are not members of a dark guild, as they have already been whitewashed, so now that Flare has left, at best it can be regarded as she quitting from the guild.

It's useless for him to find anyone to help him, which is awkward.

In desperation, he had no choice but to give up. He didn't dare to speak up, report Flare or slander her. After all, his focus is still on Fairy Tail.

If he does such thing right now, he will be over. Now that everyone is paying attention, although he has a backer in the Council, it is only enough to whitewashed himself, and it can't stand scrutiny.

Once he is exposed, it will attract a lot of attention at that time, and the unlucky one will be himself.

In desperation, Ivan could only gnash his teeth and swallow this bitter pill.

Of course, Ivan is not the focus, and will never be the focus. After Ivan leaves, the subsequent battle still continues like usual.

The two battles later are almost the same as the original work. But when it comes to the last game, which is Mystogan against Jura, there is some difference.

Although Jura is very strong, Mystogan is not a weakling himself. Moreover, his five magic staves are not so simple as before.

With Asahi's help, Mystogan also got the Energy Source, and what he chooses is also magic. Originally, he could choose other energy, but magic is the one he is most familiar with, so he still chose magic in the end.

After that, Asahi gave him five magic staves, and these five magic staves are all high-level Noble Phantasms.

They corresponded to the five attributes of Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth. (T/N: It's Chinese Elemental Attribute, not the usual Elemental Attribute.)

Unlike the magic staves before that could only be used as assist, the power of the magic released by these five magic staves is quite powerful.

Originally, Mystogan was good at magic with magic circles, but with these five staves, it is different.

Once these five staves are liberated, any one of them can directly destroy the arena under his control, so it is completely enough to fight against Jura.

"That Mystogan is a very dangerous opponent. I recalled that he is the most mysterious person in Fairy Tail!"

Seeing Mystogan's appearance, Lyon's face changed.

"What's the matter? Is that guy hard to deal with?"

Sherria asked with some confusion. No matter how powerful the opponent is, she believed that no one can defeat Jura.

"It can be said like that. Although the main members of Fairy Tail disappeared for seven years, they were extremely powerful seven years ago. I remembered that their time has stagnated for seven years, but this Mystogan is definitely not so simple!"

Lyon shook his head. Although he didn't know how strong Mystogan is, he is undoubtedly a very mysterious person.