Chapter 451 Mystogan’s Strength

"Then, what kind of magic is this guy using?"

Sherria asked curiously. At this moment, Mystogan has already revealed his face, but no one seemed to care about it. Although he and Jellal looks the same, Mystogan doesn't have tattoo on his face anymore, and since the tattoo occupied a very large area on Jellal's face, he looks very different from Jellal.

Moreover, after Jellal died, no one paid attention to him anymore, so right now, it is impossible to recognize Mystogan as Jellal from another world.

"I don't know, he's too mysterious. The Fairy Tail's Mages can't be underestimated. Besides Guild Master Makarov, who is one of the Ten Wizard Saints, there are other people at that level. I feel that Ooba Babasaama knows this best!"

After saying that, Lyon looked at their Guild Master.

"Yes, the Fairy Tail's people are indeed terrifying. In addition to Makarov, there is also a person named Gildarts. It should be considered lucky that he didn't participate this time."

"I once heard Makarov said that even he is not the opponent of that person named Gildarts. Makarov is not someone who will make joke on such thing, and when Jura was still the last among the Ten Wizard Saints, Makarov is already at fifth place."

"None of Fairy Tail's Mages is simple."

"Titania, the Demon, and Thunder God, but the most mysterious is none other than this Mystogan."

"In the entire magical world, almost no one knows what magic the other party uses. Even most of Fairy Tail's people don't know it. Only a few people know it."

When Ooba Babasaama said that, Sherria's expression became very strange. She felt that it's fine if others don't know, after all, everyone will also hide their information, as the same is true of her God Slayer Magic. But the people in his own guild actually didn't know too, which is too much.

"It can't be helped, as even those people from the Council only has a little record of him, but even so, there should be no need to worry too much. Although he is a Fairy Tail's Mage and is also very mysterious, Jura is the fifth strongest among the Ten Wizard Saints."

"Except for those old monsters, Jura is the strongest. Although they are strong, they have lost seven years after all."

"In the past seven years, the others are not just standing still. Jura is sure to win this time without any accidents!"

Although she's a little worried, Ooba Babasaama is still full of confidence in Jura, after all, Jura is their strongest mage and also the fifth strongest among the Ten Wizard Saints.

The Four Gods of Ishgar are existences called monsters, and they're not something humans can compare to.

They have completely out of the category of human beings. With that said, how can Jura be compared to a group of monsters?

At this moment, the battle in the arena has also begun. Facing Mystogan, Jura also frowned, and he didn't dare to underestimate his opponent.

After all, he is someone from Fairy Tail. As someone who participated in Oracion Seis incident back then, he was very clear about the strength of the other party. Even after a blank period of seven years, he is still a little uncertain about how strong Fairy Tail is.

"Iron Rock Fist!"

A huge rock fist appeared from just below the ground.

A fist-shaped huge boulder as tall as a person smashed down towards Mystogan.


Mystogan didn't panic at all. He directly took off a magic staff behind him, and suddenly, a flame formed a tornado and soared into the sky.

The rock fist was directly blasted by the flame tornado.

The flame tornado quickly blasted towards Jura, and the extremely high temperature made the mouths of those watching the battle a little dry.

"Rock Mountain!"

The startled Jura quickly used defensive magic. He is not good at dodging and speed, but he is good at defense. A human clad in an eastern-looking armor appeared behind him and directly blocked the flame tornado.

However, the collision of flame and boulders also triggered a huge explosion, causing a huge storm to erupt in the field.

The strong wind and flames made everyone around him completely bewildered. They didn't expect the battle would reach the climax after just starting.

Shouldn't you guys take your time? First use some trashy attack methods, and then throw the big move after a while? How can you throw such big move at the beginning? This is too much! Looking at the scene in front of them, everyone was shocked.

"This is the strength of the Ten Wizard Saints, but Fairy Tail's Mystogan is also amazing. He even suppressed Jura, one of the Ten Wizard Saints. This is too exaggerated!"

The host was so excited that he almost jumped onto the table.

"Don't get too excited. Fairy Tail's S-Rank Mages basically have the strength of the Ten Wizard Saints, but they didn't participate in the selection back then, otherwise, half of the Ten Wizard Saints would be from Fairy Tail!"

Yajima said calmly. He didn't look surprised at all, after all, these are all Fairy Tail's basic operations.

But his words also made everyone's lips twitch. They felt that what he is saying is too exaggerated. How can every Fairy Tail's S-Rank Mages have Ten Wizard Saints' combat power? But when they looked at Mystogan, they felt that maybe Yajima is not lying. Jura is the fifth strongest among Ten Wizard Saints, and he is already the strongest other than the Four Gods of Ishgar.

The Four Gods of Ishgar have always been called monsters, and they are not considered to be humans at all, so Jura can be said to be the strongest human mage.

Even Jiemma was convinced and admitted that he is inferior to Jura. But this time, Jura was actually suppressed by Mystogan.

Then, doesn't that mean that Fairy Tail's S-Rank Mages really have Ten Wizard Saints' combat power? Such thought shocked everyone.

"What an incredible attack… Half of my Rock Mountain was directly destroyed!"

At this moment, the smoke on the arena cleared, revealing Jura and Mystogan. The Rock Mountain protecting Jura has been destroyed by more than half. Even if this defense magic was used in a hurry, it's already 70% of its power.

"You are very strong, but I am stronger than you. Don't say I don't give you a chance, use your strongest attack, otherwise, you will have no chance!"

Mystogan said bluntly, but Jura didn't get angry when he heard this. It's because he knew that the other party didn't look down on him, but even so, it was still a bit unpleasant.

"In that case, then let's just decide the winner in this next strike. This is my strongest move, Rumbling Mt. Fuji!"

The ground began to vibrate crazily, and a huge magic power condensed in the ground.

"Earth staff, liberate!"

Mystogan took off the earth attribute staff very calmly, and then slammed it on the ground, directly liberating it.

After the liberation, the Noble Phantasm directly robbed Jura's control of the surrounding earth veins, and in an instant, Jura's most powerful technique was abolished.

In regards of earth attribute, Jura is not an opponent at all, as the earth attribute staff in Mystogan's hand completely defeats Jura, which also makes Jura look confused. He didn't expect that the other party would take control of the earth veins.

This move is to mobilize the power of the earth veins to attack, but now it's gone, Jura is so aggrieved when he saw this. The feeling of not being able to use his strongest move is very suffocating.