Chapter 454 You Sure Are Shameless

"Are you trying to irritate me?"

Jiemma, who was originally very displeased with Fairy Tail, became even more gloomy at this moment. After all, Asahi is trying to poach his people right in front of him, which was showing that he is not respecting him. Although Rufus did not leave, he is still very displeased.

This guy is like this. All he saw was Asahi's provocation, but not Rufas' loyalty.

He feels that this kind of loyalty is a matter of course. Only he can kick people out, and no one can withdraw by themselves.

"Why are you so angry? If you are not convinced, why don't you try to hit me?"

Asahi said a little amusedly, with a face that begged to be punched. The angry Jiemma seems to about release smoke from anger.

At this moment, Jiemma was so angry that there was only one thought left in his mind, that is, to smash the bastard above him! Under his anger, Jiemma directly punched towards Asahi. Jiemma is a physical enhancement type mage.

He's relying on magic power to strengthen his physical body, thus erupting with a strong combat power, but his strength can only be considered strong among ordinary people, and in front of Asahi, he is not even as good as an ant.

After the mighty punch landed in front of Asahi, it directly pierced through Asahi's body, and immediately after Asahi exploded and disappeared!

"What is this?"

Seeing this scene, Jiemma was taken aback, and looked at Asahi who disappeared in front of him with confusion.

"Portable Gigai, I got it from a scientist. As long as you blow it casually, you can create a clone!"

Asahi had already landed on the ground at this moment. He took out another Portable Gigai and blew it, and a new Asahi appeared immediately.

This Asahi seems to be real as the real him is, and there is no difference at all.

"Really interesting!"

Watching Jiemma being played around by Asahi, Minerva was also a little amused. She was indeed very happy when seeing Jiemma suffer.

This may be a retaliation. Who told Jiemma to instill those wonderful ideas when he was educating Minerva. During her training with him, Minerva almost died several times, but Jiemma didn't respond at all.

The father-daughter relationship between them has long since disappeared.

"You bastard, you actually played tricks on me, go to hell!"

Jiemma jumped off the beam and kicked Asahi's body, but his foot hit the target this time.

Of course, it hit the defense formed by Asahi's energy. He is half a meter away from Asahi and he couldn't get any closer.

"What a pity, you are still half a meter away from me. Speaking of which, your attack is so weak that you can't even break through my magic defense. Are you really a Guild Master? It's ridiculous how weak you are!"

Hearing Asahi's disappointed and sarcastic tone, Jiemma went mad with anger, and threw his fists, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't touch Asahi even once.

Instead, Asahi took out a chair and a cake, then looked at Jiemma mockingly as he ate.

Seeing such blatant provocation, Jermaine was so angry that he almost went crazy. His hands are bleeding and he doesn't know to stop.

"Stop it, father, you can't break his defense at all. You're just being played around by him now!"

Minerva's words made Jiemma a little more sober. Although he is still very angry, he also knew that he had been tricked.

"I don't know who you are, but you are a member of Fairy Tail. For you to suddenly ran to our Sabertooth to provoke us, it is reasonable to say that it will have a bad impact on your guild!"

Minerva narrowed her eyes and said.

"You are much calmer than Jiemma, and you can also play some tricks, but unfortunately, I am not a contestant. I am indeed on Fairy Tail's side, but I don't have Fairy Tail's mark on me!"

"It doesn't matter even if you ask someone from the Council to come and say I am from Fairy Tail."

"Furthermore, I didn't do anything. On the contrary, it's this stupid Jiemma who is trying to hit me. I just came here to join in the fun. Even if someone asked, I can just say that I accidentally went to the wrong place!"

"From the beginning to the end, only Jiemma is making a move. If the people from the Council were called, I am completely innocent. Instead, you are the ones who are shameless and tries to attack me!"

Asahi said indifferently. What a joke, how can such stupid people try to threaten him.


Minerva was also stunned. She didn't expect Asahi to be so shameless. Expert always tries to save their face, so she didn't expect Asahi can be shameless and thick-skinned. She really couldn't do anything about him.

And if Asahi really doesn't have Fairy Tail's mark, he is at most a bit related to Fairy Tail. He can indeed say that he has not done anything, and from the beginning to the end, Jiemma is the only one attacking. The other party just said a few words to provoke Jiemma.

Minerva also felt that she had learned a lot from this person in front of her. She didn't expect being shameless would be so awesome.

"This guy actually suppressed Young Lady! He also ignored Guild Master's attack, is this an illusion?"

Seeing Jiemma looked angry and Minerva couldn't do anything, everyone looked confused. This is the first time they saw the Sabertooth's father and daughter suffer from someone.

Moreover, one suffers from strength, and the other suffers from mouth. This scene is so rare that they can't describe it.

At this moment, there are even a group of people who admire Asahi very much. After all, he has done such amazing thing.

"Well, let's stop here for today. I won't trouble you anymore today. After all, you all have no strength, no brains and a bunch of masochists."

"But I personally think that this Jiemma is really unsuited to be the Guild Master. Have you never thought about overthrowing him from the Guild Master's position?"

"His high-pressure policy is not good at all, at least, I think it is just trash."

"By the way, Minerva, let me tell you something too. Maybe after overthrowing this guy, you can do more things you like to do."

"Although you have been led astray by this guy since you were a child, at your age at that time, you also understood a lot of things, right? If you overthrow this guy, no one will be able to overwhelm you, and even now, this guy is not as strong as you."

"As long as you want to, you can easily remove this guy from the Guild Master's position. At that time, this guild can completely become a normal guild, and the bond between you and your companions will no longer be a cold and mechanical."

"There's no need to worry about being a failure anymore. Even Fairy Tail's members have experienced a lot of failures. It's up to you to make your own choices now. That's all, I'm leaving now!"

After he finished speaking, Asahi disappeared directly. His words had a huge impact on everyone, and even many people were moved.