Chapter 455 Seeds Planted

After Asahi left, the atmosphere inside Sabertooth's residence is still very depressing, it's even more depressingthan when Asahi was there. As for Jiemma, he is also a little panicked. His strength is indeed not the strongest in Sabertooth, and there are some members who are stronger than him.

When Sting and Rogue's combat power burst out, it would be easy for them to beat Jiemma.

Moreover, there's also Minerva. Her space magic also had the strength to easily defeat him.

Minerva's strength is undoubtedly the strongest in Sabertooth.

After defeating Jiemma, the others may not be able to get the Guild Master's position, but she is different, after all, she is Jiemma's daughter.

As long as she defeats Jiemma, it will be useless for Jiemma to say anything, because of that, Jiemma is inexplicably flustered now.

Of course, although others were interested, they did not choose to take action directly, after all, it has been so long since they are suppressed.

They won't take action so easily, but even so, the seeds have been planted. If Jiemma continues to hold such a policy, he will be finished, but Jiemma doesn't know about it.

Seeing that everyone didn't dare to do anything, Jiemma felt that he is awesome.

So he didn't say anything, but dismissed everyone, but he didn't know that this group of people already had such thoughts. If he came up with a high-pressure policy one or two more times, it is estimated that Minerva would lead everyone to take action.

After leaving, Minerva's face didn't look good. She remembered what happened when she was a child. Although Minerva was still young, she is smart and had learned a lot.

At that time, Minerva's world view is completely different from those taught by Jiemma in the later period.

But after that, Minerva learned to hide herself, hiding this emotion to the deepest of her heart. But Asahi's words directly triggered this emotion again.

Is Minerva bad? Of course she's bad, but she's not the kind that can't be saved… In the original work, after Jiemma disappeared, Sabertooth have the kind of bond between companions, and it doesn't take long for her to change back to her kind self.

In this way, one night's time passed, and for those Sabertooth's people, it can be regarded as a sleepless night.

As for Flare, she also directly withdrew from Raven Tail and switched to Fairy Tail. Asahi also made a little disguise for her. People who saw her would only see her as someone else, so except for Fairy Tail's members, no one recognizes her as Flare.

Because of that, she can openly stand in Fairy Tail's stand to watch the competition.

The next day's match, likewise, is an unconventional game at first. Although it hasn't been announced yet, Asahi already knows about it.

The second day's game is called Chariot. Simply put, it's running on a driving chariot and the rankings is simply the order of passing the finish line.

The contestants can interfere with each other on the way, but they must never fall from the chariot.

And this time, both Natsu and Gajeel are the ones who wanted to join this game, but before they went on the stage, Asahi called the two together, and then use the magic that can give remove Dragon Slayer Mages' motion sickness.

At any rate, no one can tell if they're under the influence of such magic. Moreover, if it they really falls to the last third places, it would be too shameful.

As for Sabertooth, it's the same as the original work, and Sting is the one participating. However, in the original work, he was not reprimanded or insulted because of losing in this game, and he's only humiliated by the high-pressure policy after the last two-person battle. But this time, it is unknown if Jiemma can bear it.

After the game's rule was explained, Sting's face immediately turned pale.

After all, the thing that dragon slayers are most afraid of is transportation.

"Great, as expected of Shodai, I want these people to take a good look at what a Dragon Slayer is!"

At this moment, Natsu us very excited. He and Gajeel is not worried, after all, they had the magic imposed by Asahi on their bodies, so they are immune to motion sickness now.

"Are you two crazy? How can you be happy in this kind of game?!"

String believed that the two people in front of him are crazy. How can they be excited after seeing the rules of this game? It can be said that this game is the bane of Dragon Slayer.

"You don't need to worry about that. As a dragon slayer, although you will be dizzy when on transportation, there is a way to deal with it. Kid, you are still too tender, go back and continue to train for a few years!"

Gajru said with a relaxed face, even Natsu is the same, making Stringer feel uncomfortable for a while.

He feels that these two people are just suppressing their fear. In order to resist the transportation, he has tried countless ways, but the results were all useless. But now, these two actually say such things, so he regards them as talking big.

It must be known that in Sabertooth, Sting has developed a habit of talking big.

He was saying that he can defeat the black dragon, Acnologia, but when fighting the dragons coming out of Eclipse Gate, he couldn't do anything.

Soon, the group of contestants came to the rear of the chariot. Before starting, Sting was okay, but when the chariot moved, Sting's face turned pale and he couldn't move at all.

But on the other hand, Natsu and Gajeel didn't seem to have any trouble. Instead, they jumped on the chariot a few times excitedly.

"What happened with Natsu and Gajeel? How can they are still fine while standing on moving vehicle?"

Seeing that Natsu and Gajeel didn't get sick at all, everyone is shocked.

"It should be Shodai's doing. Although Wendy can also do it, she can't make it so that two people are not dizzy in a row, moreover, there is no trace of any magic from them!"

Mavis looked at Asahi and said.

"Of course, after all, this kind of thing is indeed too much for them, but to be honest, I haven't figured out what the principle for this thing yet. Tell me, if Acnologia is on moving vehicle, will he also get sick like other Dragon Slayers?"

Asahi asked everyone, and in an instant, everyone's expressions became weird.

"Shodai, you once said that Acnologia is also a human that transformed into a dragon. He is also a Dragon Slayer. Even if a Dragon Slayer becomes a dragon, the motion sickness shouldn't be reversed. That means, it should be useful!"

Makarov suddenly felt that it was a little absurd that the Black Dragon in the Book of Apocalypse could be defeated by transportation.

In this regard, Asahi also thinks it is feasible, because Acnologia is a bit different from ordinary dragon.

When Face was activated, everyone's magic power was emptied. Dragon could move freely with their powerful physical strength, but Mages are different. At that time, Acnologia was beaten by Igneel, but after Face was destroyed, Acnologia directly suppressed Igunir. In that case, Acnologia is indeed not a pure dragon, and there's some trouble in dragonization.