Chapter 458 Bacchus: Isn't It Too Difficult For Me?

"Hey hey hey, you want me to fight with a little girl, are you guys trying to make a joke?"

Bacchus himself looked at the organizer with a ridiculous expression, and the organizer was helpless. Some of them were randomly selected, and some were designated by the king. In the original work, this battle was designated by the king.

But it seems that some butterfly effects have also appeared here, causing the king to not be the king, but continued to be the host, Kabo.

Originally, the king wanted to watch Erza, the dress-up Mage, fight Bacchus, but he was mistaken.

The King's retainer misunderstood about the Transforming Mage being Elfman, so Elfman vs. Bacchus happens.

As a result, the two accidentally fought the masculine match, but this time, the king did not specify the battle, but he still passed in the direction of the original work, but since Wendy is not replaced by Elfman, it is Wendy vs. Bacchus now, which caused Bacchus to collapse for a while.

To be honest, he knows that this is not the time to look at the other person's appearance, but how can the organizer let him, a big man, beats a little girl.

Even he himself found this kind of thing extremely absurd, let alone other people.

Originally, Goldman planned to persuade him. After all, the person who could be put on Fairy Tail's team must be an expert. Even if her appearance might look weak, she is definitely not simple.

But after seeing Wendy fall directly on the ground when she came out, he directly swallowed those words back.

This is a real expert. If he said that a little girl who can fall on the ground is a super expert, no one will believe it.

But since the match was set up like this, Bacchus could only come to the arena in desperation.

"Little girl, just surrender, otherwise, once we start, I can't guarantee that you can stand and walk back!"

Although Bacchus felt so guilty for beating such a little girl, in order to win, Bacchus didn't care about it very much.

"Don't look down at me! Knight of God!"

Although Wendy still has a pure and cute personality, she is not easy to fight against. At this moment, she directly uses the Knight of God.

In addition to the general Dragon Slayer Magic, Wendy can also use healing magic and enchantment magic.

Among the enchantment magic, there are speed, strength, and defense enchant, but the Knight of God can increase her ability in all directions.

So Wendy didn't hesitate to use it. Her physical fitness is much stronger than that of the average mage, and now, it has become stronger.

Although Wendy is just a little girl, she is also a real Dragon Slayer, and she also has the Energy Source.

In this case, Wendy's appearance has become a very deceitful trump card, just like Mira.

Mira usually looks gentle and elegant, but once she starts fighting, she is really scary.

The same is true for Wendy now. Although Bacchus is strong, it is not a problem for Wendy.

After improving her combat power all-round, Wendy created a huge magic circle, and then, countless air currents swept towards Bacchus.


Bacchus was stunned at this moment. The situation was a little scary. He thought the other party was just a little girl, but now, the opponent is actually using such powerful magic, which is too much.

"This is… Wendy's Dragon Slayer's Secret Art."

Even Natsu, Gajeel, and Laxus, who are the Dragon Slayers, thought it was too much.

Shouldn't she attack with normal attack at first? How can she use such powerful move immediately? At this moment, they can't help but spare a moment of silence for Bacchus.

The Ultimate Skill of the Dragon Slayer is the Dragon Force, but the usual ultimate technique is the Dragon Slayer's Secret Art.

It is the ultimate attack used when in the Dragon Force state, which is also the ultimate technique to kill dragons.

And now, just after the start of the match, Wendy directly threw her big move, which was simply ruining their world view.

Just like Ultraman, every time he fights, he should first fight with the opponent for a few minutes, and then, he would use his laser and kill his opponent.

But what Wendy done is just like using the laser just after arriving… The current Wendy has not considered Bacchus's feelings of at all.

"Shattering Light: Sky Drill!"

The wind barrier formed by the air currents condensed into a stream, then moved with Wendy's body, and turned into a sharp arrow that shot towards Bacchus.

"Under Moonlight!"

Seeing Wendy's attack, Bacchus was immediately shocked.

He originally intended to dodge it, but he was already locked, and he couldn't avoid it.

So he can only fight back and block this attack.

But Wendy's attack caused the airflow to be very terrifying, and more than half of the armor on Bacchus's body was instantly shattered.

As for his palm, he didn't even pull it away, and was directly destroyed by Wendy.

Instant defeat. Wendy directly used her Dragon Slayer's Secret Art to defeat Bacchus in seconds.

"Uh… It seems that Mages really cannot be judged by common sense. Fairy Tail's Mages are all freaks!"

Even the host directly said such thing this time. It can't be helped. He thought this was a cute loli, but he didn't expect her to be a killer loli. Even Bacchus, who is the strongest Mage in Quatro Cerberos, was defeated in seconds.

At this moment, everyone has another concept of Fairy Tail, and that is no matter how deceptive your appearance is, the people in this guild are strong that they will make people cry. So if they don't want to lose, don't be afraid to fight because of their appearance.

Otherwise, they will be like Bacchus in the end, lying in the realm of the loser with a face full of doubts about life.

"He's so miserable, I didn't expect Wendy to use the Dragon Slayer's Secret Art as soon as she appeared. I guess anyone would doubt life after experiencing that!"

On Fairy Tail's side, everyone was only a little shocked, and they are very happy that Wendy wins the match.

In the next match, it was Mira's confrontation with Jenny of Blue Pegasus. Speaking of which, the two are also old rivals.

At the beginning, Mira sealed her own magic because of self-guilt, so she became the best model of the Sorcerer Magazine, and she was rival with Jenny.

But now after seven years, Jenny is no longer young. She has become a lot more mature. Of course, she is completely incomparable with Mira.

When the existence of the two best models coming to the arena, it instantly detonated the atmosphere of the entire stadium.

Of course, Asahi didn't plan to let Mira play a fashion show here. He gave Mira an order to end the match directly.

This is a battle match, not a fashion game, so he can't let them mess around.

In this regard, Mira laughed at Asahi, who shows such domineering attitude, but she still nodded in agreement.