Chapter 459 The Demon, Mirajene, Reappears In This World

Unlike Mira's plan to end the battle directly, Jenny has already put in enough effort this time to embarrass Mira.

But what she didn't know was that Mira is a real powerhouse.

At the beginning, she only knew that Mira is the signboard of Fairy Tail, but she didn't know that the other party had powerful fighting power.

After all, after Mira sealed her magic at that time, she was a very ordinary person, and didn't look like a Mage at all.

On the contrary, Jenny still has a bit of fighting power, so in her perception, Mira's participation in this competition is completely aimed at her, and she intends to compete with her in the fashion field.

"It's been a long time since we met Mira, you're still as young as ever, just like back then, like a little girl!"

As soon as Jenny came on the arena, she directly attacked with words, mocking Mira for being just a young girl who couldn't be compared with her.

"Yeah, in your time, we haven't seen each other for seven years, right, Aunt Jenny!"

Mila is quite dark-bellied, and since the other party tries to attack her like that, how can she not counterattacked? And her words are like a sharp sword, piercing into Jenny's heart directly.

If there is a health bar, then Jenny's current health bar should be reduced to zero.

It can't be helped. youth is capital, this is true for men, not to mention women who value their age more than anything else, so facing Mira's ridicule, Jenny's smiling face could no longer be maintained! After that, Jenny used magic to change her clothes into a bikini in front of everyone.

"How about you compete with me in the modeling battle to decide who is the real best model!"

Jenny showed her fangs at this moment. She felt that she would definitely win, because she had figured out the personality of the guests this time and they all liked younger people, so she thought she would win, and she also prepared a very vicious bargaining chip.

But before she had time to speak out her bargaining chip, Mira was immediately shrouded in a terrifying magic power.

After the purple-black magic power dissipated, Mira had changed from her quiet state to a demon floating in mid-air.

"Satan Soul: Halphas, Mira's strongest move!"

After seeing Mira turning into Halphas on the arena, Erza couldn't help but feel pity for her opponent, Jenny.

Although Jenny also has some combat power, but her combat power is not even as good as an S-Rank Mage.

In this case, Mira actually used one of the strongest Female Mages in Fairy Tail so far. In her current state, even Jura is not Mira's opponent.

Using such move to deal with Jenny is simply like using Etherion to kill a mosquito.

"You…what is that?"

Jenny was shocked. She had always thought that Mira was nothing, but now that Mira suddenly released such a terrifying fighting power, she began to doubt life.

'When did Mira possess such terrifying combat power? I had never heard of it.'

"Uncle Jura, why does this person have such terrifying magic power? Isn't she just an ordinary person?"

Not to mention Jenny, even Lamia Scale's people are stunned at this moment.

After all, they still know Mira's name, as she is one of the best model in the Sorcerer Magazine.

"Hahahaha, who said she is an ordinary person? She is Mirajene, one of Fairy Tail's S-Rank Mage."

"I heard some things happened in the early years. It seems that because of a mission, she eventually sealed her magic for a long time."

"During this period of time, because of sealing her magic, she has become like an ordinary person."

"After fading out of people's sight, others have also forgotten that her nickname, The Demon."

"None of Fairy Tail's Mages are simple, and this Mira is using Take Over Magic. And her Take Over's object is Demon."

"Don't you know that no matter who it is, as long as they are using receiving magic, their first Take Over's object is unlikely to be too strong. These are some small animals and the like. At most, they can Take Over magical beasts."

"But she is different. Her first Take Over's object is Demon, and she also took Demon's route later on."

"Although I haven't met her in the mission before, but the name of Fairy Tail's Demon is widely spread in the past!"

Jura said amusedly. Although he didn't know the reason for her sealing her magic, he knew about Mira's situation.

Others actually regarded this demon Mira as a powerless existence, how can it be possible? Even Jura felt that he can't defeat her, so he's amused when the others thinks Mira is just an ordinary person.

"Is there actually such a thing? No wonder everyone is stunned now. It turns out that she is hiding her power!"

Sherria doesn't know how many times she has been stunned by Fairy Tail, but every time she feels that she is already numb to it, she can't help but being shocked again next time.

She can only say that Fairy Tail is so unreasonable.

"Jenny, I don't have time to play around with you here. This is the scene of the Grand Magic Games, so it is also the battle arena for Mages, you should just leave!"

After Mira finished speaking, she attacked directly, and Jenny was completely defeated without any troubles.

After all, it is Etherion attacking mosquito. If it can't kill it with a single shot, it will be too shameful.

After taking care of her opponent, Mira directly exited the Halphas Mode, and once again returned to her previous harmless appearance.

But this time, no one would think that Mira is powerless at this moment. Her terrifying charm just now is not fake.

For ordinary people, if they are faced with this kind of magic power, even if they are not specifically targeted, they will find it difficult to breathe.

And if they are targeted, they might just stopped breathing.

"Why is it like this!"

In the end, after Jenny's desperate cries, the match was over, but with Jenny's super thick skin, she probably would recover soon.

"I thought it was a fashion competition, but I didn't expect it to be resolved by fighting in the end. Then, let's just start the next match. Mermaid Heel's Kagura vs. Sabertooth's Minverva!"

The host didn't bother anymore, and started the next match directly.

Originally, this match was between Yukino and Kagura, but unfortunately, Yukino is not in Sabertooth this time.

However, Asahi has contacted Sorano and Yukino to come over, as Yukino still has a few golden keys in her hand.

This is the important key to open the Eclipse Gate. The kingdom is also looking for it everywhere, but can't just seem to find it, so Asahi intends to give them a final push.