Chapter 461 Tragic Jiemma

After all the match is over, the night fell quietly, and in other guilds, they're having dinner parties and having a rest.

They are actively preparing for the third day of the competition. Although there is no suspense for the first and second place, they should work hard anyway.

It is still possible to compete for the third and fourth place, but Sabertooth's residence has begun a new round of criticism.

Jiemma is still sitting in the main seat, and the targets of criticism this time are naturally Minerva and Sting.

Of course, the main target this time is Sting, after all, not only he lost, but he also got the bottom place.

In normal times, Jiemma will definitely let him go, but this time, because of Natsu and Gajeel's existence, Jiemma will not let him go. As for Minerba, he will wait until Sting is dealt with before dealing with Minerva.

Jiemma has always been ruthless to his daughter. As for Minerva, she has been paying attention to Lector.

This is also an experiment, as everyone does not believe that Jiemma will directly attack the members of his own guild.

At most, he would humiliate and kick them out of the guild. There has never been a situation where he directly attacked and killed his guild members, so this time, Lector is the subject of the experiment.

Of course, they are not worried about Lector's safety, because Minerva's magic is Space Magic.

Those from Sabertoooth knew that in their guild, in terms of speed, there is absolutely no one who can compare to Minerva.

So after Minerva said that she would make a move, they were assured that this was actually not a criticism meeting, but a test meeting for Jiemma. Once Jiemma failed the test, they would take action and directly defeat Jiemma with their hands.

"Sting, tell me why the Dragon Slayers from other guilds can directly ignore vehicles and even grow wings, but you are so weak!"

Jiemma is full of anger, and the anger that was mocked by Asahi yesterday also burst out.

"Dragon Slayers' condition also depend on the situation, I am not their opponent!"

Knowing that this was a test, Sting stated the reason very simply, saying that he is not their opponent.

The others were all taken aback by Sting's words. They were not participating team, so they naturally didn't know about Minerva's plan.

So when they heard that Sting dared to say such a thing, they sucked in a cold breath. After all, they usually wouldn't dare to reply, and they could only be silent.

This is already a hidden rule, but now, Sting dares to talk back.

"You bastard, you dare to make excuses. Our Sabertooth must always win, but look at this time, let alone the first place, we can't even get the second and third place. Why are all of you so useless!"

Jiemma is furious when he saw that Sting even dared to retort. And at this time, Lector also stood up and directly refuted Jiemma's words.

This makes Jiemma even more angry. In the past, he would not attack the two cats because of Sting and Rogue.

But this time, Sting was defeated and actually dared to retort him, so it was hard for him to hold back his anger anymore.

In anger, Jiemma attacked Lector directly, and Minerva is faster than him. Before the attack could hit Lector, Lector had been directly taken into Minerva's space.

"Do it!"

After taking Lector away, Minerva shouted loudly, and immediately Rufus, Orga, Sting and Rogue took action.

A wave of attacks directly blasted towards Jiemma's location, and the attack also made Jiemma stunned.

When he came back to his sense, he found that he is already seriously injured.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

Jiemma, who was dumbfounded, roared in anger. He couldn't believe that his guild members would dare to attack him.

"Father, you are no longer suitable to be the Guild Master of our guild. What that guy from Fairy Tail said yesterday is right."

"With you here, this guild will be finished sooner or later. I thought you would at most humiliate the losers and expel them from the guild, but this time, you gone too far and directly attacked the members of the guild."

"So please give up the Guild Master's position, you are no longer suitable to be the Guild Master of this guild!"

After saying that, Minerva directly sealed Jiemma's magic power under Jiemma's shocked expression.

In this way, Jiemma is just a slightly stronger ordinary person.

"Don't worry, you are always the previous guild master, and also my father, I will not kill you. That guy is right, I still have room for change, but you will be an ordinary person from now on!"

As she said that, Minerva also released Lector from her space and handed him over to Sting. Minerva herself also wanted to change, and now that she destroyed Jiemma's dictatorship, she naturally took over the guild herself.

Of course, Minerva did not become the real Guild Master, because Guild Master is not allowed to participate in the competition, so she is only doing the Guild Master's work, and did not officially become the Guild Master.

After this competition is over, she can truly become the Guild Master.

After that, Minerva abolished the so-called saying that the guild can only win but cannot lose, and discarded many rules set by Jiemma. The nature of this guild has also begun to change, but it has not changed completely.

Great change can't be completed in a day or two, but undoubtedly, this is the best choice.

"This scene really should be kept in my memory. It will be regarded as my best memory!"

Seeing the people in his own guild start to party, Rufus was a little amused, but also a little emotional. Sure enough, after replacing Jiemma, this guild has become much better.

As for Jiemma, after his magic power is sealed, he was thrown aside. After all, he is inferior to even an ordinary wizard now.

Moreover, the seal that sealed his magic power was created by Minerva using Space Magic, and it cannot be broken at all.

Space is a terrifying thing. If someone wanted to remove the seal, they must be stronger than Minerva, and they also need to be proficient in Space Magic.

With Jiemma's skill, it might be possible to remove it after a few decades, but don't even think about removing it now.

Since he has no power, everyone is naturally not afraid of him.

Of course, because this guy is the previous Guild Master, the others didn't target him, at best, they just ignore him.

Unless Jiemma finds himself uncomfortable and suddenly attacks other people, the others will not attack him casually.

Everyone still has this bottom line.

This time, the matter ended here. Sabertooth has completed the reform. After the party is over, everyone went to rest. There was no such as heavy burden, and everyone felt very happy.

Of course, they still have to continue to work hard in the future, and they can't relax because of the absence of Jiemma. This is also what Minerva warned them.