Chapter 462 Kingdom Come

The matter of Sabertooth was solved by Minerva, which is the best news so far for Sabertooth.

That night, nothing else happened, except that there were some uninvited guests around Fairy Tail's residence where Asahi was. Asahi naturally knew who these uninvited guests are. They should be people from the Kingdom.

In the past few days, perhaps because of the deterrent effect of Fairy Tail, these people didn't come to make trouble immediately.

But he estimated that Princess Hisui and Future Rogue can't wait for much longer, so now, there are already people around watching Fairy Tail.

Their goal is the Celestial Spirit Keys in Lucy's hand, but they don't have any clue about those in Yukino's hand yet.

Asahi didn't know what they were thinking about, maybe they were planning to make some change on the plan, but Asahi didn't care as Yukino's Celestial Spirit Keys will be delivered tomorrow at the latest.

And now, they haven't done anything yet, but their actions are getting bolder and bolder.

Asahi didn't bother to care about it, as when Yukino arrived, he would just help give them what they needed.

The role of these people is to help him release a large number of dragons, that's all.

The night passed quietly, and the next day, before dawn, Asahi received a message from Ultear that they had arrived.

"It's been a long time, Ultear, and everyone!"

This time, Crime Sorciere was dispatched collectively, and many people from Oracion Seis had joined Crime Sorciere.

Crime Sorciere nowadays is full of talents.

"It's been a long time since we met. I didn't expect that it would be seven years after the Tenrou Island incident. By the way, what do you need the Celestial Spirit Keys for?"

Ultear asked curiously.

"Because of the Eclipse Gate. You have been in Grimoire Heart for so many years, so you should know the Eclipse Gate, right!"

Asahi glanced at Ultear and said. Immediately, Ultear showed a dazed expression.

"Eclipse Gate… what the hell is it?"

Ultear indeed knew, but the others didn't, so they asked.

"Eclipse Gate is a magic item created by Zeref, and it has the function of traveling through time."

"I've only saw that in the record of Grimoire Heart, Zeref created a lot of peculiar things. Among them, Tower of Heaven is one, and this Eclipse Gate is even more special."

"According to records, after the Eclipse Gate is opened, it can be connected to different Space-Time, such as decades ago, decades later and so on, but you need the Zodiac Keys to open it. Why do you want to open the Eclipse Gate?

Ultear looked at Asahi and asked.

"It's not that me who wanted to open it, it's the kingdom. They fooled around and planned to open the Eclipse Gate, but this is good for me. These guys have been dangling around the guild, so annoying, so I'll give them the key, let them open the gate!"

Asahi said indifferently. He will let the Kingdom play around, and finally he will capture those dragons.

"The Kingdom? Forget it, It's none of my business. At any rate, as long as you are still here, there will be no problem!"

Ultear is too lazy to use her brain. She knew that since Asahi is here, there will be no accidents.

Because Ultear really didn't see how strong Asahi is from beginning to end, and for her, Asahi felt like an abyss.

She couldn't see the bottom of this abyss at all, so Ultear couldn't decide what the other party did.

"Yukino, let him borrow your Celestial Spirit Keys for a while. By the way, do you need our help?"

After Ultear said that, Yukino took out the key without any hesitation.

"No need, you can't help this time. Even the people from Fairy Tail can't help. If you want to help, you must be at the level of Acnologia and Zeref, right now, you are still too weak!"

Asahi didn't look down on Ultear and the others, but to be fair, the mages are really too weak when the real dragons are released. People in this era can't compare with dragons at all.

"Even if we are weak, you shouldn't say it so bluntly, it hurts you know!"

The corner of Ultear's mouth twitched, and she didn't bother to talk nonsense with Asahi, but she didn't choose to leave either, as she planned to check the situation here.

Although Asahi said that they can't help, no one knows everything, so she still plans to stay.

After chatting for a while, everyone dispersed. At this time, Fairy Tail's people also woke up.

Asahi also went to find Lucy and took all her Zodiac Keys. Without Zodiac Keys, Lucy is not completely powerless. She still has weapons to use and super magic to release.

However, Lucy still chose to withdraw from the competition, and her substitute, Elfman, stepped up directly.

Each team has a substitute, and the substitute for A Team is Elfman, so after Lucy retired, Elfman joined the team.

On the other side, in order to get Cana to show off, Mystogan also chose to retire.

When everyone knew that Fairy Tail suddenly replaced their team members with substitute, it made everyone a little stunned.

They didn't think much about Lucy, after all, she hadn't performed before, and her opponent directly gave up before she could show anything.

But Mystogan is the existence that can easily defeat Jura, and he just retired from the competition. Thinking about it, they feel strange.

Since Fairy Tail has made the choice, they couldn't say anything, after all, this is their own choice.

Before the game started, Asahi came to an open field, and there are some people from the kingdom lurking around here.

"Take the key, and don't let me see you appearing near Fairy Tail again, otherwise, don't blame me if you die!"

After putting the keys on the ground, Asahi left directly, while a group of kingdom soldiers lurking around were bewildered.

They were all disguised in order to seize the Celestial Spirit Keys, which was the order of the minister and Princess Hisui.

They thought it would be difficult, after all, Fairy Tail's power is too terrifying.

But I they expect the other party to directly send the key to them, and even found out that they were lurking around for a while.

This frightened the group of people into shedding cold sweat. After taking the keys, they quickly went back.

They knew that the other party is not joking around, and the murderous intent at that moment made them feel that their life would be worse than death.

If Asahi stays a little longer, it is estimated that they will choose to kill themselves directly.

But fortunately, their task is completed. Even if someone from Fairy Tail send them the keys himself, it is still considered complete.