Chapter 463 What is The Weapon in Erza’s Hand?

"What do you mean? How is it possible that Fairy Tail delivered the key directly to you?!"

Both Princess Hisui and the minister who got the keys looked in disbelief.

Originally, Princess Hisui is very vigilant in doing things. But the Future Rogue come to her, and said that there will be 10,000 dragons attacking the kingdom.

Princess Hisui thought he was just joking around at the time, but as Future Rogue's predictions become more and more accurate in the future, Princess Hisui and the higher-ups of the kingdom have compromised and trusted him, but Princess Hisui is still a little unwilling to believe him.

In the original work, she only made a decision after seeing Fairy Tail winning just like what Future Rogue predicted.

But this time, after Asahi got involved, there was a big problem with Future Rogue's predictions starting from the Grand Magic Games' performance.

"Princess, now is not the time to pay attention to this. Since the keys is already in our hand, there is no need to worry about dealing with 10,000 dragons in the future. We can also relax!"

The minister said with a smile. Although the king has not died yet, the king is very unreliable.

He has already handed over the affairs of the kingdom to his daughter, so Princess Hisui is the one with real power, and the king is just an old naughty boy. After all, this guy is still being referee while dressed as a pumpkin on the venue.

"No, the prediction has completely deviated from the beginning of the Grand Magic Games. According to that person, Fairy Tail indeed has two teams, but there is a huge error in the both members and competition rankings."

"The previous prediction is indeed correct, but it is different now. The more you follow him, the more you need to be careful. If there are always problems with the prediction, then he is not worthy of trust!"

Princess Hisui shook her head. Although many of the previous predictions have been fulfilled, Future Rogue is different from the Future Lucy.

Future Rogue went back to the time when Fairy Tail disappeared seven years ago, so he has a thorough understanding of the direction of history.

As for Future Lucy, she came directly to the beginning of Grand Magic Games.

"Princess, that person has predicted things for seven years, even if it is a little inaccurate, it is understandable!"

The minister said, mainly because the past predictions were too accurate, so he already trusted the other party very much.

"The further you go, the more you can't relax. The specific decision will be made after the Grand Magic Games ends. I still need to look at the situation!"

After Princess Hisui put the keys away, she said to the minister and left. The minister was also very helpless about this.

And the conversation between them has already been heard by the Future Rogue. I order to monitor the two, Future Rogue has separated a part of himself and entered the shadow of the two.

So their conversation is not a secret to Future Rogue. As for what Future Rogue will do later, it is unknown, but it is true that no one bothers Fairy Tail now.

The competition has also started. The third day's game is called Pandemonium. The kingdom uses a lot of magic power to simulate a giant building. There are many monsters in the giant building, and the monster are classified from D to S according to their combat power.

Of course, it is not the same as the Mage, after all, among the Mage, D-Rank Mages have almost no combat power.

But D-Rank monsters in Pandemonium can destroy a house in an instant, so this is terrifying.

And they also said that if S-Rank monster survives till the end, its strength will be increased by three times, and Ten Wizard Saint is not necessarily its opponent.

This also shows that this is not the same rank for Mage, otherwise, S-Rank Mages from other guilds can't be compared to Ten Wizard Saints.

The rules were quickly explained, and this time the players who participated in the competition were the same as the original work, Erza and Cana.

Erza drew first, and Kana drew last.

"The result of the draw has come out, then player Erza, you need to choose the number of monsters you want to challenge, but it is best to do what you can, otherwise, once you are defeated by the monsters, then all the defeated monsters will be reset to zero!"

Kabo said. The contestants can choose the number of monsters they wanted to challenge in Pandemonium, and then the monster will appear randomly.

After the contestants finished defeating the chosen monsters, they can get the corresponding score, but if they choose 50, but only defeat 49, and then defeated by the last one, it is still considered a failure and they will get zero score, so this also requires very precise judgment.

"All 100 will be my opponents. My challenge right will be 100"

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Erza's mouth, and she said something that stunned everyone.

"One… One hundred?! Are you really sure?"

Kabo was dumbfounded. He felt that the appearance of Fairy Tail existed solely to break the rules.

In the past, these rules were not completely fair, but they also tested comprehensive ability relatively.

But this time, Fairy Tail came here specifically to break the game, and it feels like every game is just giving them points.

In the end, Erza decided to challenge 100 monsters, which made the players behind Erza feel as uncomfortable as if they had eaten flies.

If Erza really defeated the 100 monsters, what would they do? Of course Erza is tough, but Kabo also said that the monsters are terrifying, so they think that it shouldn't be easy for Erza to deal with all 100 monsters in Pandemonium.

Erza, who entered Pandemonium, was also projected on the big screen, and everyone could now see what Erza is doing.

After Erza entered Pandemonium, she directly use her Requip Magic, but this time, the Requip is very unexpected, because the armor on Erza's body did not change, but there were two more things on her hands.

"This is… Shodai…"

After seeing this thing, Makarov couldn't help but was taken aback, and then he looked at Asahi with a disbelief expression.

"I lent them to her. Caladbolg has excellent offensive power, and Rho Aias has excellent defensive power!"

Asahi smiled as he spoke. At this moment, Erza's left hand is holding a strange petals-like shield, and her right hand is holding a spiral sword.

These two things were lent to Erza by Asahi. They can be said to be ultimate defense, and ultimate attack.

Although he didn't dare to say that these two things can make Erza walked unabated in this world, but it is perfectly okay to walk over in Pandemonium with eyes closed.

After all, no monster can directly break Erza's defense, and no monster can withstand the attack of Caladbolg.

And once Erza liberated Caladbolg, the fun would truly begin.

"Erza took this thing out as soon as the game started. It seems that she intends to end the game directly. I'm looking forward to it!"

Asahi looked at Erza's actions, and naturally knew what Erza is going to do.