Chapter 477 Training In Dangai

Warrod's problem is actually not big. Asahi only needs to control the disordered magic power in his body, and it is not difficult to do this.

So Asahi quickly helped Warrod sorting out his magic power. After it was sorted out, Warrod's body began to change in the direction of a human. Although he will not completely change in one go, he will definitely become a normal person within a month of at most. Of course, he will still be an old man when he becomes a normal human.

"I feel much more comfortable. My body used to be a little numb before. Although I like the vitality very much, it's still worrying to be assimilated."

After the magic power in Warrod's body is no longer chaotic, his body also recovered a lot.

"That's good, by the way, I'm going to train Fairy Tail's members later. Although their strength is good, it is only good. Compared with the real powerhouse, the gap is still a bit too big!"

Asahi and Mavis already talked about it. In fact, he has also mentioned this issue in the past few days.

Fairy Tail's members is indeed strong, however, compared with a year later, the gap is not small.

One year later, each of them will have the ability to resist Spriggan 12, excluding the freaks like Irene and August. So Asahi plans to give them a good training this time, at least, to ensure their own safety.

They have already got the Energy Source, so as long as they trained for a period of time, their strength will naturally skyrocket.

In this way, after Warrod chose to come too, Asahi gathered everyone together. It happened that those recent missions were almost done, so there was no need to worry about problems when leaving.

Furthermore, there is a huge difference between the flow of time between Dangai and the outside world, so leaving for a while is not a big problem at all.

After everyone had gathered, Asahi led them to the training ground built in the Dangai.

A test site has been established here, as well as a training ground, which covers a large area.

With Asahi's means, there is no need to worry for Koryu rushing in, so right now, these two huge places are like tree roots, firmly fixed in this boundary, and cannot be shaken.

"Where is this place?"

After taking a look around, Erza and the others asked curiously. From what they see, there is a large building complex here.

"This place is called Dangai, and it is located on the gap between world. If an average person is here, they will be swallowed by this place, but I have established this place, which is suitable for people to train."

"In this place, the flow of time is two thousand times slower compared to the outside, which means that if you stay here for a few years, only one day will pass outside."

"The Energy Source I created in your body is not as simple as you think."

"The Energy Source in your body is the product I have spent a lot of effort to create. It can not only make you stronger."

"It can also increase your life level. You might not know what life level is, but I tell you the most important point, that is, once you can increase it, your lifespan will be infinite!"

Asahi revealed his big white teeth as he said that, and then a group of people were stunned by him one by one, and some even fainted directly.

Of course, everyone is not afraid of death, but everyone knows that death is basically commonplace, and who can not die?

Although there is indeed an existence that has lived for hundreds of years in their world, they are all legendary figures. But now, they did not expect that they can do it themselves.

This Energy Source is completely horrifying.

After Asahi's many modifications and improvements, the time to step into Tier 2 has been shortened by a lot, and this Energy Source itself increases their life span, and it is also a large amount.

Even if they lie down like a salted fish and don't train at all, this Energy Source can directly help them reach Tier 2.

It can be said that their luck is quite good. Although the people who got the Energy Source will have less strength improvement than before in the future, but their life level will improve faster and faster, which can be said to be a big advantage.

"It's too scary to have an infinite lifespan!"

The people who finally came to their senses began to chatter continuously. They were really frightened by Asahi's words. After all, it's infinite lifespan, who wouldn't be frightened? Even a pig wants infinite lifespan, let alone human.

Although they are Mages, no matter how they think it, it still feels too terrifying.

"It's really amazing. I didn't expect that the Energy Source that Shodai gave us at the beginning would have such an effect besides becoming stronger!"

Makarov also kept sighing. He also didn't want to die, and if possible, he plans to live with these children.

As a father figure in the guild, he naturally can't let go of these children, but he is already a bunch of old bones.

Even if he can live as well as Warrod, how many more years can he live? But now, Asahi said that he can get infinite lifespan.

"Okay, as long as you understand. Then, this place will be your training place from now on."

"By the way, your own life span has actually been enhanced, as my Energy Source has this effect."

"So you don't have to worry about becoming old when training here. Your life span has basically reached thousands of years the moment you got the Energy Source."

"Of course, infinite life span does not mean that you will not die. You will still die if you are killed, so you shouldn't be courting death."

Asahi gave a warning. He didn't want these people to mess around, after all, unlimited life span doesn't mean being immortal. There is a big difference between them.

"We understand, but if we trained here for a few years, and only one day has passed outside, doesn't that mean that we can train here to the level of the Dragon King?"

Natsu said excitedly, and then the others are also excited. But it can't be blamed on them.

It's because what happened before has left a very deep impression in their minds. When in the Capital, they can only hold one dragon after working together. Although they are fighting against a high-level dragon, it is still a fact that they need to group up against one dragon.

That's why they are eager to become stronger now.

"That's right, the rooms here are basically empty. Don't go in if there is a sign on it, because someone has already used it."

"You can find those vacant rooms yourself. I'm going to leave for a while, to deal with some things, but I'll come back soon if there is no accident, of course, for you, maybe it will be several years!"

After Asahi finished speaking, without giving other people time to react, he left with Flare.

He has not forgotten the promise he made to Flare. The matters with the Giant Village also need to be dealt with. If there's no accident, there should still be a few demons there. Of course, he also needs to deal with the Celestial Spirit's matter.