Chapter 478 The Giant Village

Seeing Asahi left all of them here, Fairy Tail's members were also helpless, so they had to find a place to rest by themselves.

At any rate, they can get what they want here, and all the facilities are fully prepared, so they can train however they want.

This is very convenient for everyone. Although the training will be very hard, but everyone here knew that there will be no result without hard work.

In this way, Fairy Tail's members launched a vigorous training meeting here.

After this period of time, they will become, strong enough to show off. They wondered what expressions Gildarts and the others have when they see them next time.

After all, by training here, plus the Energy Source, to be honest, as long as the time is long enough, any one can reach Acnologia level. Human talent is limited, but they have been gotten a cheating device from Asahi, so limited talent is just a joke now.

After leaving, Asahi brought Flare directly to the village of giants. This village was frozen by Silver.

And the reason is totally unreasonable. For Silver at that time, as long as it is fire, it must be evil, and then he will take action.

After he was finished, he knew that he was wrong, but he just ignored it, which shows how much of a bastard he is.

"It's really frozen!"

Seeing the appearance of giant village at this moment, Flare also panicked. To be honest, she hadn't known Asahi for a long time, so she thought that Asahi was fooling her, but now, the facts have proved that he did not fool her.

So at this moment, she is feeling uncomfortable, thinking of the giants who raised her being frozen, it's no wonder that she is anxious.

She then rushed into the village immediately, and then found the giants, but without accident, they were all frozen.

However, after being frozen, the giants still retained their vitality. It seems that the ice didn't impact much on their vitality.

Silver uses Devil Slayer Magic, which can increase combat power and damage when dealing with Demons, but it will be greatly reduced when dealing with ordinary humans.

In addition, the vitality of these giants is also very tenacious, so they were not directly killed.

Moreover, after recovery, they can jump around casually. It can be said that this is the drawback of Devil Slayer Magic.

"Even the Eternal Flame on the mountain were completely frozen!"

In addition to the giants, Flare also discovered that the flame on the mountain was frozen, and that flame was called the Eternal Flame.

This Eternal Flame has always guarded the village, but now, it is also frozen.

"That flame is the flame left over after the death of the dragon named Atlas Flame."

"He is different from other dragons. He is a fire elemental dragon, whose body is completely constructed from countless flames."

Asahi explained, and then pointed his finger at the altar. At the next moment, a ball of flame appeared, and it blasted towards the altar on the mountain.

The flame hit the altar and directly ignited the flame again, the Eternal Flame was revived again, but Asahi did not wake up Atlas Flame's soul. Since he already died, Asahi didn't bother to care.

After the flame was revived, the heat was not enough to melt all the ice because there was no help from Atlas Flame's consciousness, so Asahi strengthened the power of the flame, and the heat formed a wave and spread out in all directions.

The flame quickly melted the ice, and the giants returned to normal, but there are still fragments of the ice in their heads.

"Go and catch up with them first. Don't try to escape. After all, you were raised by them. Even if you are scolded, you have to go. This is your responsibility. I will go deal with some small mice!"

After saying that, Asahi left, while Flare looked helpless.

To be honest, she wants to run now, but after hearing Asahi's words, she can only bite the bullet and go find the giants.

Although she is a human, she was picked up by the giant and was raised by them, so she can't be ungrateful.

This is her responsibility, and she must admit her mistakes when she does something wrong. If Asahi remembers correctly, although these giants have huge bodies, they are very docile in character and will not scold her.

As for Asahi, he came to a temporary small residence, which has devil aura in it.

When he came to this village, he had already sensed it, but he also didn't understand these demons.

This place was frozen by Silver, so there's no need for them to stay here anymore.

In the original work, it was purely accidental that Minerva met Erza here.

After Erza and the others received the mission, they first went to see Warrod, and then they got the mission information from Warrod, and they were sent here directly by Warrod.

To say that Tartaros came here deliberately for Elisa and the others, that is totally impossible.

But now, Asahi has also seen them.

But after Asahi read the memory of a little devil, he understood what these guys are planning to do.

They are indeed here for a purpose. It was for this cold ice, as these ices was created by the Devil Slayer Magic.

It has an absolute targeting effect on Demons, so these things are slowly collected by them, and the Demons at Tartarod are responsible for analyzing this kind of things and trying to find the weak points.

It has to be known that Silver has always been controlled by Keyes, and Keyes naturally knows that he has developed the Devil Slayer Magic.

To put it bluntly, Silver is releasing the power of the Demon in his body in another way to attack the Demon.

This is actually very common, as the Dragon Slayer Magic is also the power obtained from the dragon.

They are all relative, so the power of the Devil Slayer Magic is naturally obtained from Demons.

After Asahi came over, he also saw an old acquaintance.

This old acquaintance is none other than the former Guild Master of Sabertooth, Jiemma.

It's just that the current Jiemma doesn't look like a human at all, but become a real demon.

Jiemma's strength was not bad compared to other mages, as he's at Wizard Saint level.

After he left Sabertooth, he encountered the Demons, and in order to unlock the seal Minerva placed on his body, Jiemma promised to let the Demons transform him into a Demon.

Such a transformation is very risky, but he still succeeded. And not only did he regain his strength, but he also became a lot stronger.

So he is very satisfied with his current appearance, but in the original work, both father and daughter have become Demons. But this time, he is the only one. Moreover, he is facing Asahi now.