Chapter 480 Finishing The Demons

"What are you doing, don't forget that I am also a Demon now!"

Jiemma was also dumbfounded. He was so blinded by fury that he completely forgot the previous orders from Tartaor's upper-level. At this moment, he looked at the group of Demons who surrounded him with an angry expression. He didn't expect that these guys actually planned to help outsiders and get rid of him.

"Idiot, you are just a reincarnated demon. The lords of Nine Demon Gates were keeping you just because of your strength, otherwise, you think you can live until now? And now that you provoke this lord, then your life can only end here."

"I don't know what the feud between you and this lord is, but this lord is an existence that the lords of Nine Demon Gates have ordered to absolutely not provoke. You have no brains, but don't drag us to die together with you! Do it, kill this idiot!"

The leading Demon looked disdainful, and then the group of demons rushed up. Among them, except for one... demon, the others were weaker than Jiemma, but now that Jiemma lost one arm, his combat power is reduced.

In addition, there's a Demon with the same strength as him hiding behind the weaker ones to use sneak attack, so Jiemma is miserable in this fight.

As for Asahi, he is watching the show with a smile on his face.

Seeing Asahi's playful eyes looking at him, Jiemma is furious, but there is nothing he could do. He didn't understand why these demons should be afraid of this guy.

Although this guy is a character that has existed more than four hundred years ago, the demons are lawless, so how can they be very afraid of someone.

Jiemma now wants to complain, but he doesn't have the chance.

The continuous attacks fell on him, and Jiemma soon covered with scars. It can be said that this guy has been flying in the first half of his life, has suffered tragedies in the latter half of his life.

In the past, he could be domineering, but this time, he has no chance at all. Faced with the attacks of the demons, he also knows that he has no chance. There is a limit to his strength, and he can judge it himself, so now, Jiemma made the final decision.

"Not good, his magic becomes chaotic. This bastard is going to blew himself up!"

Suddenly sensing that Jiemma's power began to change, the group of demons were scared. Except for the advanced demons and Nine Demon Gates, the other demons still used magic.

After all, the collection of Curse power is limited, and unlike magic power, Curse power needs to be collected.

Now that Jiemma's magic power is disordered, his body started deforming.

High-level Mages can do this. Because of the huge magic power in their bodies, once they encounter certain deaths, some Mages will choose to die with their opponents.

This is something that only high-level Mages can do, but only few people are willing to do it.

The pain caused by the magic disorder is too terrifying, so many high-level Mages will not do such things.

As for Jackal, it probably doesn't matter if that guy blew himself up, as he can be resurrected again.

Jiemma is now planning to trigger the magic power to explode himself, but Asahi directly manipulates his magic power, making his inflated body subside again like a leaking balloon.

"-explosion is not good. It doesn't matter if you die, but it will be bad if the damage to the environment is too serious!"

Asahi looked at Jiemma jokingly, how could he let him get such a simple and easy way to die.

And Jiemma spurted out a mouthful of blood out of anger directly. It's not his fault, as it's mainly because Asahi was too irritating.

He didn't give him a chance to explode, and even saying that his explosion would destroy the environment.

Jiemma is really angry to death. When the other demons saw that this guy's self-destruct is suppressed, they immediately attacked hima gain.

This time, Jiemma did not resist, and was directly beaten by the group of demons wildly.

After a few minutes, Jiemma was exhaling more air than inhaling.

"Okay, give him a good time!"

Asahi didn't bother these demons who continued to beat Jiemma. Asahi found it very enjoyable seeing Jiemma being beaten.

After seeing Jiemma's current situation, he is indeed in a good mood, after all, who told this guy to have such irritating character? Minerva can still be saved, and Asahi only helped her because of what happened to her when she was a child. But there is no forgiveness for this guy, so Asahi doesn't want to waste his silver tongue on him.

After hearing Asahi's words, the leading demon directly acted and ended Jiemma's life.

 "My lord, now that we are done… What is this?!"

After the leading demon killed, he lowered his head and asked, but when he looked at Asahi again, he found that Asahi was gone, but where Asahi was before, there was a small golden circle left.

"What is this?"

Out of curiosity, the leading demon touched it with his hand, and then, the golden light ball spread directly, covering the surrounding area, and then exploded! At this moment, the demons began to curse in their hearts. He said to protect the environment, but now, he himself destroyed it with his attack. How can he be so shameless!

As for the environment, sorry, Asahi is not an environmentalist.

After getting rid of the demons here, Asahi left, and he happened to meet the giants who came with Flare in the along the way.

It seems that they have already reconciled with each other, and then they rushed over after sensing the magic power here, but before they could arrive, the demons have been dealt with by Asahi.

The giants in Giant Village are very enthusiastic, and after knowing that Asahi saved their daughter, they became even more enthusiastic.

Originally, Asahi planned to keep Flare here for a while and deal with some matters by himself, but these guys were too enthusiastic, so he simply chose to stay for now.

Needless to say, it was naturally a one-night banquet afterwards. No one would dislike such things as banquets.

Moreover, the giants in Giant Village cook a large amount of food, after all, there is a huge difference in body size between the two sides.

One portion of meal for the giant is enough to feed a lot of people.

Just look at the size of the steak in front of Asahi, which completely exceeds his size itself. If it is used to make ordinary steaks and the like, it will definitely be enough for hundreds of servings.

In this case, foodies will naturally be satisfied.

Therefore, the easiest way to feed a foodie is to find a giant chef, so that a meal can be done easily, and they don't have to work hard in the kitchen for half a day.