Chapter 481 Celestial Spirit's Mutation

Because the other party was too enthusiastic, Asahi stayed and partied all night, and then planned to leave the next morning. Flare was left here by him. As for the place Asahi is going to go next, it is none other than Celestial Spirit World.

In the anime, the Celestial Spirit had a problem with the Eclipse Gate, but this time, the Eclipse Gate is indeed a bit weird.

There is a feeling of forcibly intensifying emotions. The conditions for the opening of the Eclipse Gate are directly abolished, and the Celestial Spirit is also the same. There was no problem opening the gate before, but there was a big problem this time.

Asahi did some calculations, and felt that it was about this time the Celestial Spirit should have had problems.

So Asahi didn't stay too long, and came directly to the Celestial Spirit World. When Lucy and the others discovered the problem in the Anime, this kind of thing has happened for a while, and when Asahi has come now, he happened to see the strangeness here.

The Celestial Spirit World, which was originally like a dream world, has become barren now, and the dreamy color has long since disappeared.

A lot of rubble is everywhere, and there are so many broken buildings. Asahi can even sense the hidden Celestial Spirit.

These Celestial Spirits don't have much combat power, and can only be regarded as cute creatures. As for the Zodiac Celestial Spirits and the Celestial Spirit King, they are the culprit this time.

Because of the influence of Space-Time, the Zodiac Celestial Spirits are directly blackened, and they plan to abolish Celestial Spirit's purpose.

But if you think about it carefully, the restrictions on the Celestial Spirit are indeed a bit too terrifying. Although the Celestial Spirit King has modified some of the contract content, there are only so few Celestial Spirit Mages in the human world.

After staying here without being able to leave for a long time, the Celestial Spirits are naturally unhappy, and this time, they are also affected by the Space-Time.

To be reasonable, the influence of Space-Time only strengthens their fury, so the group of Celestial Spirits are directly blackened.

The Celestial Spirit King has also become a monster that only knows about constant destruction, the Celestial Spirit Beast.

The Celestial Spirits are pursuing freedom now, and they can indeed do so, but after doing it, they will only have seven days to live.

Asahi is a little puzzled. He wondered if it is possible for the Celestial Spirits to have changed a batch of them? Otherwise, why would they know that about the seven-day life span? This is somewhat similar to Yhwach's situation, how did Ishida Ryuken know that the arrow made from the silver that clots a Quincy's heart when Auswahlen is used on them can be used to block Yhwach's ability.

Therefore, the forced explanation is the most deadly. After Asahi came in, he was quickly discovered by the Celestial Spirits.

"There are humans coming in. It's you, the First Guild Master of Fairy Tail. You'd better mind your own business, otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite!"

The speaker is Virgo. Virgo herself is a maid-like existence, and can also be transformed into a super brawny maid, switching between the two forms at will.

But now, Virgo is different. She has completely become a S-attribute, and she dares to say this in front of Asahi.

Since these Celestial Spirits change, they lost their original memories, so they have forgotten that Asahi can easily beat the Celestial Spirit King.

"Are you sure you are talking to me?"

Asahi looked at Virgo speechlessly, but Virgo was indifferent, and whipped the whip in her hand.

Regarding this, Asahi was helpless. He snapped his fingers, and Enkidu directly shot out, locking Virgo directly.

"Bastard, let me go!"

At this time, Virgo still had a look of anger on her face. There was no fear at all, and she only had anger at this moment.

"After turning into the dark side, you have completely lost the feeling of fear, but it doesn't matter, I will let you remember what real fear is!"

After Asahi said with a smile, a terrifying force burst out and spread throughout the entire Celestial Spirit World.

Even around him, there were many spatial cracks.

The terrifying force even continuously impacted the space barrier of the Celestial Spirit World, causing the entire Celestial Spirit World to tremble.

As long as Asahi exerts such a little more force now, this Celestial Spirit World will burst like a soap bubble instantly.

Asahi at this moment is like a wild beast. He's just standing in place, but he has brought fear to countless Celestial Spirits.

Especially Virgo, who is the closest to Asahi now, the feeling of being oppressed by this kind of power is too painful.

After being oppressed, her energy was suppressed, and even breathing is a very extravagant thing. Virgo even directly has the idea of ​​simply committing suicide.

It is estimated that only Asahi can do it. Directly using his strength and aura to suppress the other party to want to commit suicide, and in addition to Virgo, the surrounding Zodiac Celestial Spirits are also the same.

Although they didn't come over, it wasn't because they didn't want to come over, but because when they encountered Asahi's explosive force on the way, they could only kneel in place.

This force is not a joke. Under the suppression of Asahi's terrifying force, even the Celestial Spirit King, who has turned into Celestial Spirit Beast, can't move.

"In the face of the strong, I don't say that you must be in awe towards the other party, but at least, you should have some respect. Even if you become a rabid dog or a beast, you must not forget the most basic fear. Since you have forgotten, then I will help you find it again!"

Asahi's voice is not too loud, but in Virgo's ears, it sounded like the devil's voice from hell, and she was extremely frightened at this moment.

Only Asahi can scare the blackened existence like her into such a state.

However, Asahi didn't do plan to kill Virgo. After all, he came here to deal with the problem, not kill the Celestial Spirits.

He doesn't need those fancy operations such as forced closing of the gate. He just needs to deal with the Celestial Spirit Beast and be done with it.

Since Celestial Spirit Beast was the blackened Celestial Spirit King, he only needs to deal with the Celestial Spirit Beast to deal with the problems.

Asahi is too lazy to care about these Celestial Spirits, and came to the Celestial Spirit Beast directly. This guy now does not have any sanity.

But he still couldn't move. After all, Asahi didn't remove his suppression at all, so the Celestial Spirit Beast is also very frightened.

He's too lazy to talk nonsense with a beast, so Asahi threw a small sun over, and directly blasted the shell of the Celestial Spirit Beast to pieces.

Then, it's appearance is revealed. It's a special small space, in which contained the Celestial Spirit King and chains representing the zodiac, and a little purple planet.

Asahi didn't hesitate and directly destroyed the small planet, and the violent explosion broke the chain.

Later, the Celestial Spirit King was also blown out of this small space, and after the Celestial Spirit King escaped, it directly affected the surroundings.

With the influence of the Celestial Spirit King, the entire Celestial Spirit World returned to a normal state, and the dreamy Celestial Spirit Realm once again appeared.