Chapter 482 The Crazy Tartaros

"How is it, Celestial Spirit King, are you feeling better now?"

The Celestial Spirit World was restored, and the Celestial Spirit King appeared in front of Asahi again. The other Celestial Spirits no longer had the memories they had before, but the Celestial Spirit King is different. As the master of this world, he still remembered everything.

"I've recovered. Thank you for your help, if it weren't for you this time, the Celestial Spirit World would be over!"

The Celestial Spirit King was a little emotional, they, the Celestial Spirits were almost gone, but fortunately, someone helped them recovered.

"Why are you here Shodai?"

The other Celestial Spirits have recovered too. But they don't have the memory of their counterpart, and it is unknown if it's something the Celestial Spirit King did.

Otherwise, the memory should not disappear after they recovered, but it is actually better if this part of the memory is not left to them.

"I come here to deal with a little matter, but the matter has been dealt with, so I will leave first. There are still a lot of things waiting for me to do, so I don't dare to just stay here!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he left directly. How can he let himself stay here any longer.

Originally, the time ratio between Dangai and the outside is two thousand to one, but one day in Celestial Spirit World is 3 month at the outside, so if he stayed here for too long, when he returned to Dangai, the people inside might become too old, so it is better to leave as soon as possible.

In this regard, the Celestial Spirit King originally planned to ask him to stay, after all, he has helped them so much.

But as a result, before he could speak, Asahi had disappeared. In this regard, the Celestial Spirit King could only shake his head.

Since Asahi came and went in a hurry, he could only give up, and see if he could find other opportunities to thank him in the future.

As for the other Celestial Spirits, they are confused, but since the Celestial Spirit King has washed away this part of their memory, he naturally will not tell them about this aspect again.

After leaving the Celestial Spirit World, Asahi returned to Dangai. He spent almost a day in Giant Village, and there was also the problem of the flow of time in Celestial Spirit World. From his calculation, several years have passed in Dangai, so he had to go back and see.

Originally, one year was enough time for Fairy Tail's members to become very strong, but this time, in addition to more time, he also gave them a cheat. He wondered how far these guys have reached now, so he has to check it out.

On the other side, the upper-level of Tartaros, the Nine Demon Gates, also gathered together.

The matter about Asahi has spread throughout the continent. Even if Asahi slaughtered all the demons around the Giant Village, Tartaros still got news about him.

"Mard Geer-sama, this guy didn't disappear. He is still alive, and exists like Zeref-sama… What should we do?"

The Nine Demon Gates was a little flustered, as they first thought that Asahi had already disappeared.

But this time, he actually appeared again, and was exposed to the whole continent. For such a person who has lived for hundreds of years, many people have bad thoughts about Asahi. After all, there are too many people who longed for longevity.

So Asahi simply arranged a barrier within a short distance of Fairy Tail's building.

This barrier will directly detect the other party's intention, and detect if the other party has malicious thought towards Fairy Tail or not.

If they have malicious thought, oncce they get close to Fairy Tail, they will be teleported out of the town directly.

So right now, people with malicious thoughts can't get close to Fairy Tail at all.

But in fact, it's not a big deal to be close now, after all, Fairy Tail's main members are not here.

"The original plan will be suspended. What we need now is time. As long as we have enough time to activate Face, he will be finished!"

"It's true that he is very strong, but he always uses magic. As long as we activate Face, he will definitely die!"

Mard Geer also remembered the feeling of being defeated by Asahi effortlessly. He was too powerless to do anything.

Not to mention him, even as the leader of Tartaros, E.N.D., the strongest Demon, was dealt with very easily by Asahi.

That person is an existence at the same level as Zeref. As to whether he is stronger than Zeref? They don't have such thoughts. It is because Zeref is their creator, that is an invincible existence.

So they don't think Asahi is stronger than Zeref, and only think that both sides are at the same level.

But they are not very worried now, because they have Face in their hands.

To put it bluntly, the way they attacked those so-called Council's members are just adding drama to themselves. In the end, they manipulated Face to explode without the key. Isn't it madness?

And because of Asahi's existence, they didn't dare to add to drama to themselves this time. Because if they try to add drama, Asahi might come to deal with them, so they will be doing things in low-key manner.

They are now planning to keep hiding, and then activate Face. Once Face is activated, any existence that uses magic will suffer, and they, the existence that uses Curse, will be unrivaled.

"As long as the magic power in this world is eliminated, Guild Master will return again. At that time, our mission will also be accomplished!"

 "Even if it is our lord, Zeref-sama also uses magic!"

Mard Geer was very excited. Zeref is different from them. Although they are weak and were created by Zeref, they are also demons and used Curse.

In fact, if Asahi is here, he will definitely ask, aren't you idiots a product created with magic? You are not real lifeform, and just magical creatures created by Zeref.

Their existence is completely created by magic. But as magical creatures, they actually dare to use Face.

In the original work, it was because the dragons destroyed Face too fast. If it wasn't for the dragons' fast speed, it would be a question of whether these guys could be arrogant.

As a magical creature, they rely on magic itself to exist, and eliminating magic is equivalent to denying the existence of magic.

In that case, how can they, as magical creatures, survive?

Moreover, Asahi thinks that Face is just a large-scale air purifier, specifically used to purify magic power, not to eliminate magic power.

Otherwise, since the magic power will not be restored after it is destroyed, wouldn't this thing be too overpowered?

But now, these demons' prides are inflated, and they think that as long as Face is activated, they will be invincible.