Chapter 487 Zeus and Prometheus's Reappearance


There was a terrifying dragon roar, and a horrifying beam of light spewed out from Acnologia's mouth. The target he attacked is one of the dragons without the help of the Dragon Slayer, Weisslogia.

Weisslogia is not stupid enough to confront Acnologia's roar head-on, after all, he couldn't resist against at all.

Perhaps he can counter it with his roar, but only someone powerful like Igneel can do so. As for him, there's no need to think about it.

Therefore, facing the roar that suddenly shot towards him, Weisslogia directly avoided it, dodging it very timidly.

But this is also normal. After all, if he doesn't dodge, he would meet death. Against Acnologia's roar, even Igneel would be killed if he didn't use his roar, let alone other dragons.

After creating a gap, the unwilling Acnologia chose to leave.

Originally, he had his own pride, so he intends to defeat them one by one, but with Natsu and Igneel, and the other two dragons with their Dragon Slayers putting too much pressure on him, in desperation, Acnologia can only choose to run.

He had no other choice. No matter how unwilling he is, he can only run away now, otherwise, he will be killed sooner or later.

Even now, there's a lot of wounds on Acnologia's body.

"Don't try to escape!"

After seeing this scene, Igneel chased after him resolutely, and then he slapped Acnologia with his claw fiercely.

Originally, Acnologia could easily dodge it, but now that he is busy fleeing, he has no time to react at all.

Igneel's claws directly settled on Acnologia's tail, and he directly grabbed Acnologia's dragon tail.


There was another loud roar, but this time, the roar was filled with anger, indignation, and unwillingness.

"Hahahaha, Acnologia, I didn't expect that you would have the day to escape with tucked tail!"

Igneel was also a little stunned, but then he laughed. As for whether Acnologia could really escape, he didn't think the other party could escape. After all, the strength of the two sides is similar, so it was almost impossible for Acnologia to get rid of him quickly.

While laughing, Igneel just chased and approached Acnologia crazily. The other dragons also quickly followed after them. But Acnologia is very stubborn, even in such situation, he still runs wildly.

Acnologia was chased like a bereaved dog. No one has ever seen such a scene before. The few dragons, and the few Dragon Slayers chasing over Acnologia was naturally seen by the others too.

Human beings are a little curious about what is going on in this dragon chasing battle, but they can't participate in it because the strength gap is too big.

It's not that they are not curious, but there's nothing they could do to find out.

"Acnologia, stop being so cowardly, this is not like the usual you"

At this moment, Asahi is too lazy to continue watching.

To be honest, he was really happy to watch it just now, and he found it interesting to see this guy looks like a chased dog.

But after a long time, he was bored, so he simply showed up and hit Acnologia's head with a punch.

In fact, at this time, if Natsu and the others brought Mest, it would be much simpler and convenient.

Mest can teleport, and even if it is Acnologia, he could do nothing against teleportation, so although Mest can't bring too much people, he could take Natsu to attack Acnologia directly. At that time, the role of a super god assist will shine.


After being punched to the ground and making a huge hole, Acnologia let out an angry roar.

It was already very difficult to run away, but now, just as he thought that he could run, he was punched directly again, which was a bit annoying. The dragons chasing after him also approached him again, and then surrounded him.

"What's the matter, even if you welcome me, you don't have to make such a loud noise, right? By the way, how did your wings recover?"

Asahi looked at Acnologia with a smile. Acnologia had been tragically almost died in his hands before. He also lost one of his wings, but now, he has recovered.

'Is it because his wing is not something on the limbs, so it has no effect like in the original work? This guy was also bitten by Igneel, and then lost one of his arms permanently, but now, his wing has recovered.'


However, Acnologia didn't reply this time, but just let out a roar. He had nothing to say to Asahi.

His only thought now is to kill Asahi, nothing more. As for the rest, he'll think about it after taking care of Asahi.

He's really angry when he saw Asahi, and in the current situation, he knew that it was useless to speak, as the strength and mouth of this guy are not forgiving.

So Acnologia directly chose to release the roar. Since he couldn't run away, he will just fight with the other party directly.

"I'll leave this guy to you two, beat this guy!"

Asahi didn't bother to do anything to Acnologia, but directly threw out two figures, and these two figures are two girls.

They are originally Zeus and Prometheu, but after Asahi gained Big Mom's ability, he changed their souls and also added his own power.

Asahi also added personality and magic to them, just like what Irene done to her weapons, which makes the two looks like human.

Although Zeus and Prometheus already have personality, since Asahi dislikes Big Mom's soul, he changed them.

So right now, they have become these two girls. One is wearing dark gray and black clothes, the other is the opposite, as she's wearing golden clothes, but the clothes of both are very gorgeous.

After receiving Asahi's order, the two of them also showed a hint of smirk on their faces.


As soon as Zeus waved her hand, a series of thunderbolt and lightning fell from the air, forming a giant beast that surrounds Acnologia.

This scene also scared Igneel and the others that they quickly escaped collectively. After all, this lightning is a bit too powerful.

And Prometheus was not to be outdone. She condensed a flaming giant sword in the air, which is about a hundred times the size of Acnologia. It can be seen that the two's strength has been upgraded to exaggerated level.

When the lightning and flame sword fell, Acnologia was also completely stunned, as the scene was too terrifying.

The energy fluctuations from those attacks are also terrifying. After all, this is Asahi's power, not other people's power.

Therefore, after this attack fell, Acnologia is no longer an opponent. Under the lightning and flame sword, he directly turned into nothingness. Even his body disappeared directly.