Chapter 488 Taking Over The Western Continent

"Amazing, they killed Acnologia so easily!"

Natsu and the others' eyes widened, and the most shocked ones are Weisslogia and Skiadrum, as the two are really frightened.

It's okay if it's Asahi, but now, the two girls Asahi brought could actually kill Acnologia in an instant.

Of course, what they didn't know was that Zeus and Prometheus had been transformed many times by Asahi.

So right now, the strength of the two of them is really terrifying, and they have reached the level of the Gods of this world.

Strictly speaking, they can be called God of Flame and God of Thunder.

"Since Acnologia has been dealt with, everyone can go back now. But I still want to say something to you two. Be careful of humans, it is best to leave temporarily after meeting your children, I don't need to remind you what kind of people's hearts were four hundred years ago, right!"

Asahi glanced at Weisslogia and Skiadrum and said. Humans are always complicated, even if it is not four hundred years ago.

And once they become greedy, the things that humans can do are always beyond their imagination.

Weisslogia and Skiadrum are different from Igneel, Grandeeney and Metalicana. Igneel and the others have Asahi, and with Asahi here, no one can do anything to them, and there's also Fairy Tail behind them.

Although it is possible to be targeted, Asahi has put some secret protection on them, at least to ensure that they will not encounter any problems.

But Weisslogia and Skiadrum are different. Although they are powerful, there are many people who want to slay a dragon.

And people in this world often come up with some weird things, so who knows when they will be tricked.

Dragon is not invincible, so it's better to be careful. After listening to Asahi's words, the two dragons are also helpless.

What happened four hundred years ago is still vivid in their minds, after all, it has only been less than 15 years for them.

They really didn't know what humans will do to them, dragons, so they plan to avoid humans temporarily after meeting their children.

In this way, everyone returned to their respective guilds. Igneel and the others also used their own secret methods to reduce their size, and then entered the fairy tail.

Everyone here has seen and fought with dragons, but they haven't communicated with dragons, which makes the situation awkward.

However, after talking for a while, they learned that these dragons are indeed not those unreasonable kinds, the type that only knows to cause chaos without reason.

After talking, they felt that the dragons are actually very easy to get along with.

Regardless of the species, whether it is a human or a dragon, they have different personalities. There's good and bad among them, so this is not surprising.

Time flies, and after one week passed, Tartaros has been dealt with by Zeref.

After the Nine Demon Gates and the other demons disappeared, the entire Tartaros was in chaos, including the Dark Guilds under Tartaros.

Back then, after Oracion Seis and Grimoire Heart are defeated, Tartaros brought most of the Dark Guilds directly under their banners, so they can be said to be the leader of all Dark Guilds.

But this time, all the demons were wiped out, so with no head leading them, the other Dark Guilds began to compete for the leader's position.

But it is a pity that because of the noise they caused to fight for this position, they attracted the Council directly.

The Council, whose members has been changed, finally did something good and dealt with most of the Dark Guilds in one go.

However, the people of the Dark Guild perfectly mastered what cockroach-level vitality meant, and many of them escaped.

However, the Dark Guilds still hit the lowest point this time, and it will be too difficult for them to recover.

It was also today that Asahi received news from Zeref.

After receiving the news, Asahi directly went to the Western Continent. In the entire Western Continent, there are more than seven hundred Magic Guilds, but they are all integrated and became Alvarez Empire.

All members of the army are Mages. On the other hand, in the entire continent of Ishgar, even if the Dark Guilds are added up, the number of guilds is only a little more than 500, so it can be seen that the gap between the two sides is really huge.

After arriving at the Western Continent, Asahi saw Zeref and Spriggan 12 are here.

"It's been a long time, Irene!"

After seeing Irene, Asahi could only shake his head. Although he reminded Irene, only a small part of Irene's reason for leaving Elisa was because of the country, and most of it was still tortured by the dragonification's sequelae.

"It's been four hundred years, but you used the Eclipse Gate to come to this era, so strictly speaking, it's not that long!"

Irene said. She naturally knew about Asahi coming to this era through the Eclipse Gate.

But she was still very shocked by Asahi's strength, after all, the other party's strength was really terrifying.

Irene knows very well that even if there is no Acnologia, Asahi still has the ability to deal with the dragons.

"We'll talk about the old days later, Zeref, what's the matter?"

Asahi looked at Zeref.

"I have already told them. From now on, you are the emperor of the Alvarez Empire!"

Zeref opened his mouth and said, but the people behind him didn't respond much. It seemed that Zeref had already given them the news first.

Although it can't be said that all the people here are Zeref's loyalist, but Irene and the stronger ones definitely are.

Since their leader and the stronger ones agreed and approved of this matter, there was naturally nothing for others to say.

As for being convinced or not, Irene has told them about Asahi's achievements. The thousands of dragons that died in Asahi's hands are not just nonsense at all.

So they collectively compromised. They didn't dare to say anything, and just followed the crowd decisively.

"You are indeed very amazing. If it was replaced by someone else, they would probably be fighting me now!"

Asahi nodded. It can be said that Zeref is similar to Orochimaru, as they are good at controlling people's hearts.

Even if he directly asked his subordinates to change to another boss, his subordinates didn't resist at all.

"The Alvarez Empire itself is mine, so naturally there is no big problem for me to make any decision. Then next, it's time for me and Natsu!"

Zeref said, and Asahi took out the book and destroyed it directly. He had already destroyed the connection between Natsu and the book, so Natsu will be fine even if the book is destroyed.

"Natsu has no connection with this book anymore, and naturally has no contact with you. I have already told Igneel about you. You can just go and find them!"

Asahi said simply. He doesn't care about Zeref anymore. Although he has promised to kill him, Natsu now has this ability and strength, so it's better to leave it to Natsu, after all, Zeref wanted to die in Natsu's hands the most. Moreover, killing Zeref would give nothing to Asahi. Without experience, he is too lazy to do it.