Chapter 489 Removing The Sequelae

"That's good, then this empire will be handed over to you!"

After saying that, Zeref disappeared directly. He didn't care about this empire, after all, this empire was just his toy.

They were formed when he was bored. It can be said that when the villains are very powerful, they formed a huge organization casually.

"Your Majesty, from now on, you will be… the new emperor of the Alvarez Empire, do you have any orders?"

The Winter General, Invel Yura is Zeref's loyalist and the person Zeref trusts the most.

Irene and August are indeed very strong, known as the Strongest Duo, they don't care about mundane things.

On the contrary, it was Invel, who was basically dealing with all the big and small matters, so it could be said that he was Zeref's super adjutant.

"Gather all the Mages of the Alvarez Empire. Although they are just miscellaneous soldiers, they are too weak!"

Asahi directly issued his first order, causing everyone to be taken aback, but soon, his order was carried out by Invel, and the Spriggan 12 followed him, and the army assembled quickly.

The army of more than 100,000 is all composed of Mages, and there are also some high-level Mages among them.

In addition to Spriggan 12, there are also several Ten Wizard Saints level, and there are many S-Rank level Mages, but there are also many extras.

"Your Majesty, the army has been fully assembled!"

Invel didn't say much, then Asahi clapped his hands directly, and his magic power rushed out.

There are so many people below, but there are so many strands of this magic power, and these magic power directly penetrated into the body of every Mages.

Immediately afterwards, the one hundred thousand people began to howl continuously, it was like a hell on earth, a purgatory-like scene.

"This is… Your Majesty, the Second Origin… You unlocked the Second Origin of all these 100,000 people in one go!!"

As someone known as Wizard King, August had very deep understanding of magic, so he recognized what was going on in an instant.

After hearing his words, the other members of Spriggan 12 collectively froze. After all, they all knew what Second Origin is.

In the original work, Natsu and others unlocked the Second Origin, which is equivalent to having two magic attributes in one body.

And the volume has also been greatly increased, which is equivalent to increasing their endurance.

And after they choose their own suitable attributes, the attributes will be superimposed, and their strength will be stronger.

As the Wizard King, August can naturally help people unlock their Second Origin, but there's no way he can do it like Asahi, unlocking 100,000 people at once.

What concept is 100,000 people? Even he can only unlock hundreds of people at most at one go, but Asahi can do hundreds of times of him, which shows how big the gap between them.

"Isn't this too exaggerated!"

One of Spriggan 12 feels his head dizzy.

It's too unreasonable. They even felt that it was just a dream, after all, such a thing is too unbelievable.

In fact, the reason Asahi did this is not only to make these miscellaneous soldiers stronger, but also to deter them.

Sooner or later, these miscellaneous soldiers will be useful to him. Although he can push everything easily, if he encounters a larger number of people, he will naturally need other people to deal with it. There's no way he will do everything himself, right?

Soon, these mages have all recovered. It is indeed very painful to unlock Second Origin, but compared to the harvest, there is no need to say more about this pain.

Some people, who were originally dissatisfied with the emperor's replacement, did not speak anymore, and there are only fanaticism in their eyes. This new emperor only needed to do one thing to let them know that he is much stronger than the previous emperor.

"It's really amazing, Your Majesty, you have unlocked the Second Origin of more than 100,000 people in one go. It is estimated that only Your Majesty can do this kind of thing in this world!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Irene's mouth. Asahi is really terrifying, of course, it's unknown if her smile is real or not.

"Well, those Gods won't agree with what you said. By the way, you should find time to see Erza as soon as possible. As for your sequelae, since you are already my own people, I will help you deal with it!"

After Asahi glanced at Irene, he snapped his fingers and a force directly entered Irene's body.

At this moment, Irene realized that she was sleepy, and her tongue, which had been completely numb, began to feel some sensation.

"After becoming a dragon, you lost your sense of taste and couldn't fall asleep, so after hundreds of years, you were tortured to almost become crazy. Although I helped you eliminate these sequelae, there are conditions. I want you to honestly do what a mother should do!"

Since there was not much relationship between them before, Asahi just gave Irene a reminder back then, but now, since he is his own people, then of course he would help her.

Knowing that her sequelae has disappeared, Irene felt like she had come to heaven from hell at this moment.

In fact, Irene is very entangled. When she attacked the Ishgar continent in the original work, she tested whether the old king really cared about Princess Hisui, and whether the other party cared what Princess Hisui looked like?

In fact, she is eager to find someone who has the same fate as herself because of guilt.

This is enough to show that she is not at ease. Not to mention that she committed suicide in the original work.

If she doesn't want to die, to be honest, Asahi really feels that those people could do nothing against her.

But in the end, she committed suicide, which was probably caused by the last bit of guilt.

After recovering, Irene seemed to go crazy, after all, she was almost driven crazy by the sequelae before.

This scene was also seen by the other Spriggan 12. It was not until Asahi directly transferred Irene away that everyone's expressions recovered a bit.

It must be known that Irene is the strongest Female Mage here, and she is known for her cruelty and cold-bloodedness. Few others dare to provoke her.

So when they saw Irene crying and laughing like a lunatic just now, everyone else showed absurd expressions.

They never thought that Irene would have such a day, so they really didn't know what to say.

"I personally suggest that you should forget about what you saw today, otherwise, when Irene tries to silence you, don't come to me."

After Asahi left such words, the others nodded immediately. Except for August, who would dare to provoke that 'monster'.

Even if August dared to provoke her, he is not that idle to provoke others.

Otherwise, it will be very bad when she really got angry. He still thinks it is better to stay away from this matter. And at this moment, everyone forces themselves to forget about Irene's matter.