Chapter 494 There Are Always People Who Like To Court Death

After the first child took the food, the others naturally couldn't hold back anymore, just like dominoes.

Asahi already knew about it from the beginning. After all, people are like this. However, these children are indeed very polite.

There is no one who doesn't thank him when they leave, and those who leave will tell others the news.

So there are more and more people here, but they are all a group of children, and the number left Asahi speechless.

The more he looked at them, the angrier he became. He really wanted to deal with those people inside directly.

But Asahi didn't do it. After all, not everyone has a problem. In this era, to be honest, even if they are not assimilated by these people, those people would not dare to say anything, because once they say it, they will be treated like anomaly.

Rather than becoming an anomaly for these children, it is understandable that everyone chooses to be wise and protect themselves.

He aimed at only those guys who were very excessive.

"What is that guy doing and how did he make so much food out of thin air?"

There are also people monitoring this place, and the commotion caused by Asahi is not small, so it makes these people wonder.

One of them couldn't understand Asahi's behavior, and the second couldn't figure out how Asahi conjure the ingredients. Asahi has replenished the food many times, this situation is naturally caused by those children, and these people can naturally see it.

Countless foods just appeared out of thin air without any warning …

They can be sure that this is definitely not some bullshit magic trick, but a real conjuration out of thin air.

"What kind of ability does that guy have? Is it space-type technology? Since this world is already like this, it's not too strange for such a person to exist. By the way, the order from above has come down. We need to capture this guy alive!"

The person who led the team said. They are naturally not under Seitenshi, and if there's no surprise, they should people under that guy Tendo Kikunojou.

Or some other powerful officials, as they are monitoring this place just for their own interests.

When they saw Asahi conjuring food out of thin air for the first time, they quickly passed on the news. For the second time, they even filmed a video of Asahi conjuring food out of thin air, and these things were sent to their immediate superiors.

As for Tendo Kikunojou, the order he gave was very simple, no matter what kind of technology or ability it is, it must be obtained by him.

The weapons and bullets in these people's hands were replaced with tranquilizers, as he ordered them to capture Asahi alive.

"They're really courageous. I didn't plan to attack you directly, but you're already targeting me. Zeus, catch those guys, but don't kill them!"

Asahi didn't do anything, but just said directly. At the next moment, a thundercloud fell from the sky.

Both Zeus and Prometheus can change into other forms, and can be hidden at ordinary times.

It is to avoid unnecessary troubles, as the strength of both of them has reached the level of gods.

Using Zeus to deal with these guys is like killing mosquito with a cannon.

After receiving the order, Zeus rushed towards these people directly, and her body suddenly expanded.

The huge thundercloud swept these dozen people in, and then it brought them all to Asahi.

It's just that everyone was a little blackened by the electricity. Zeus didn't kill these people, but she also did not let them faint.

And being awake in this way is the most devastating thing, as they received the full pain.

"You…what kind of monster are you? Is this a new Gastrea?"

The leader of the team said while enduring severe pain. He couldn't understand what this thundercloud monster was, so he thought it was a Gastrea.

But how did the gastrointestinal organisms appear here? This is the big question.

"Zeus, these guys actually said that you are a Gastrea, what do you think?"

Asahi is a bit amused. But it can't be helped. After all, this world is a world of virus. And logically speaking, there is no special ability, but now, Zeus, which is just like a thundercloud monster, is indeed incompatible with this world.

"Master, can I just kill them directly?"

Zeus, who looked like a cotton candy, showed her face and said, as he's very annoyed by this guy's words.

"After I finish handling them, you can deal with them however you want. Now, go and distribute food to those children, Prometheus, you too. Don't hide and be lazy!"

After Asahi finished speaking, Zeus directly transformed into a human girl form. As for Prometheus, she also appeared directly from the void, and then transformed into a human form.

Without Asahi's order, no one else can order them, even those close to Asahi.

Because they are very arrogant, so even people close to Asahi can't order them.

"Big… Big sister, you just…"

The group of children looked at Zeus and Prometheus in surprise, and wanted to ask what was going on just now, but they found that they didn't know how to say it.

After all, they have never experienced this kind of thing.

The children who grew up here have not been educated, so they don't have much common sense.

Unlike those soldiers who are scared, after all, this is simply not something that humans can do.

Moreover, the other party has turned into a human being. This is not something that a Gastrea can do. It can only be done in those fictional stories.

In the face of these little girls' inquiries, Zeus and Prometheus did not hide anything and explained directly, but the children did not seem to understand them very well.

This is also Asahi's order, which tells them to treat these children well, otherwise with the mentality of these two, they will probably have cold face during the entire process.

"Okay, don't worry about those children. Now it's your turn. Well, can you guess what will happen to you?"

Asahi looked at the group of soldiers with a smile and asked.

"You…what are you trying to do? You can't afford to offend the people behind us, and you have been targeted, so even if you kill us, it's useless!"

The leader was a little panicked. The other party's methods were obviously not human at all, so he is very scared.

"I wonder if you have watched too many retarded movies. Only typical villain with a brain retard can say the things you're saying. It's as if you will let me go if I let you go!"

"And the person behind you, he's Tendo Kikunojou, right? After all, apart from this shameless scum, not many people will get people to stay here!"

Asahi rolled his eyes and said in amused tone.