Chapter 495 A Gift For Tendo Kikunojou

"Since you know the people behind us, you still dare to say this, aren't you afraid of death?"

At this moment, the leader was stunned. Although Seitenshi is the boss of this place, the person with real power is actually Tendo Kikunojou, the shameless old fellow who can do anything to get what he wanted.

Tendo Kikunojou is somewhat similar to that of the Marvel's William Strykerin.

Basically... they are all carved from the same mold. And to be honest, these guys are a bit ridiculous.

According to their philosophy, Stryker went berserk because his wife died at the hands of his mutant son.

Then the question is, if her wife is accidentally killed, won't this guy hate all human beings?

The same is true for Tendo Kikunojou. They attribute their incompetence to other people. If they fail to protect something, they will blame others for it, which is not a good thing.

"He is nothing but trash. Who gave you the confidence to think that I would be afraid of that guy?"

Asahi is a little puzzled. These people had also watched him use special abilities, so how can they think that he would be afraid of an old man? Because it's because the other party holds great power in this place.

"No matter how powerful you are, you are just one person. Since you have angered Kikunojou-sama, you will die miserably!"

The leader showed a ferocious smile at this moment. He felt that it would be too stupid to compare a person with a force.

Of course, he overlooked one of the most important issues, that is, Asahi is not a normal person. Asahi's strength can't be compared with any force, but this guy doesn't know this, and Asahi didn't bother to care anymore.

"Zeus, I will leave this guy to you. Remember to take videos of them when you deal with them, and then leave the bodies. Later, I will treat them as gifts to the old guy. Remember to shoot the video and try not to expose yourself."

Asahi then threw these guys to Zeus. As for why he didn't want to expose Zeus, it was naturally to leave some thoughts to others, otherwise, it would not be fun if they were scared to death.

To deal with this kind of person, it is necessary to boil the frog in warm water, and let him come to an end little by little!

"I understand, don't worry, master, I will handle it well. I can just make use of the existing resources in this world!"

After saying that, Zeus directly gathered the group of soldiers and left. As for Asahi, he started distributing food again.

The number of children gathered here has increased again. After all, there are too many children in this place.

On Zeus's side, she did not expose herself, but used the Gastrea of this world. However, she also kept the heads of these people, put them in a big box, and prepared the videos.

After returning to find Asahi, she saw Asahi was talking to an old man.

From the old man's mouth, Asahi also learned some news. Not everyone is hopeless, as there are indeed people who came here to help these children, but they were inevitably expelled in the end. Over time, not many people came here.

The old man is also very helpless about this, but after seeing Asahi today, his mood improved. He felt fortunate that there are still people who remember these children.

After all, if it wasn't for these children, although the people inside could still survive, it is important to know that there will still be Gastrea entering the place, which is very dangerous, and some people will become Gastrea at that time.

Therefore, without these children, things would have gone haywire a long time ago. But there's nothing the old man can do. He is quite old, so he naturally knows what those people think.

It's just because of the problems of this era that they have exposed their hidden nature.

"Master, I have prepared everything you want!"

Zeus carried a big box and handed a memory card to Asahi.

"Very good, help me send those things to this location."

After Asahi finished speaking, he told Zeus the coordinates of Tendo Kikunojou, and then Zeus went to deliver things again.

It's just that when Zeus walked… Her speed was indeed a bit weird, and her method was also very weird, which scared the old man.

"This is…"

The old man doesn't know what to say. He is different from these children, as he still knows basic things.

What Zeus has done is not something that humans can do.

"She's a life I created. In the eyes of ordinary people, she has almost the same abilities as a god."

After saying that, Asahi raised his hand. At the next moment, a single sprout appeared on the ground, and then, it grew rapidly and became larger.

Soon, a small tree appeared here out of thin air.

"God… You must be a God. Only Gods have this ability!"

The old man was dumbfounded, but after coming back to his sense, he directly regarded Asahi as a God. In his opinion, except the Gods, no one can do such a thing.

"Well, you won't believe in whatever I say. But I always think of myself as a human, it's just that I'm stronger and have some special abilities!"

Asahi said with a smile, and did not call himself a God. Although in these worlds, he can indeed be called a god, but Asahi has always considered himself to be human.

"Lord God, please save these children, they are innocent and shouldn't experience such a thing!"

The old man didn't care about what Asahi said. He directly knelt on the ground and begged Asahi to help these children. Asahi felt that he is a very kind old man.

"Okay, there is no need to be so polite. This time, I came here for this matter, but I am different from you. I can't get their approval in a short time, so I need your help. I will definitely help them find a suitable home to live in!"

"But this also takes time, so before that, you need to gather all the children together. I will prepare a place to live!"

Asahi didn't intend to take them away directly. He needed to research the antidote, so Orochimaru and the others are needed.

Without the antidote, he can't take these children away.

"I understand. I'll go and gather the children together right away!"

The old man's mood looks very good at this moment. After all, he has given a lot to these children, but these children still could not get the recognition of those people and could only live here in misery. But now, they finally have the chance to live happily!

"Then I'll trouble you. But let me treat your body a little bit!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he poured some life force into the old man.

At the next moment, the fatigue and hidden wounds inside the old man's body were completely healed.