Chapter 496 The Furious Tendo Kikunojou

"A miracle, it's a miracle. My body… Thank you for your grace!"

As the old man said that, he was about to kneel again, this time, Asahi directly used his energy to support the other party.

If it wasn't for the fear that the children wouldn't recognize him after the old man became younger, Asahi would just have rejuvenated him directly.

'Well, I can do that after the children are gathered together.'

The old man went to gather the children, while Asahi was waiting here. As for Zeus, he had thrown the things directly from the sky, creating a big hole in Tendo Kikunojou's house.

This frightened Tendo Kikunojou. As for Zeus, she immediately left after dropped the things. After Tendo Kikunojou's men approached the things carefully, they found a box and a memory card.

"Kikunojou-sama, it seems that those people in the outer area are all killed by someone!"

After checking the box, the subordinates soon found that there was no danger, but they were all familiar with the head inside the box.

Asahi also read their memories before killing these people. He found that they are all trash, so he didn't think too much and just killed them.

So this time, no one was left behind, because everyone here is the type who deserve to die.

After knowing the identities of those people, Tendo Kikunojou's face turned dark, but soon, he felt that it was unreal.

He naturally knew who had done it, 'It must be that guy with special abilities or special technology.'

But now is not the time to think about this. He couldn't understand how the other party killed his people in such a short period of time and sent them directly in front of him. After all, the distance from the outer area to here is not something that can be covered in such short amount of time.

But it still fell from the sky, and no trace of the plane was found yet, so he couldn't figure it out.

"Does he really have space technology? Otherwise, how could it be possible to send things in such a short time? Find out what is recorded in that memory card!"

Tendo Kikunojou didn't think much about it. Except for special abilities and special technology, he couldn't think of other possibilities.

So he immediately chose to check the memory card, but after the content appeared in front of him, everyone can see that Tendo Kikunojou's old face turning black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Are you declaring war on me? Well, I want to see what you are!"

Tendo Kikunojou is extremely angry at this moment, and the others did not dare to say anything. Actually, they also admired this guy as he dared to send this kind of thing to Tendo Kikunojou directly. They felt that he is really not afraid of death, otherwise, he would not have done such thing.

"Send someone to the place where they were before, and bring some heavy weapons. I want to see what he is!"

The already angry Tendo Kikunojou didn't care about anything else and sent his people there directly. Although he is usually very calm, the other party has provoked him Since the other party dared to do so, he wouldn't be polite and pay him back.

The subordinates who received the order moved quickly. All of this was seen by Asahi. But he didn't care, as they are just people sending themselves to death.

After Asahi withdrew his perception, he wrote some Jutsu Shiki around the outer area. These Jutsu Shiki will wait for Tendo Kikunojou's people to come before it activated.

After they come, it will be triggered directly. Ordinary children will not trigger it, only they will. And once it was triggered, they wouldn't be able to do anything.

After the matter was settled, Asahi went back to build a house.

That's right, he's building houses. It's because he will stay here for a while until the antidote is developed, so he needs to build a place for everyone to live.

Furthermore, it takes a certain amount of time to gather everyone, and they still need to live here for a period of time.

Using Wood Release, Asahi quickly built a group of wooden villas, and the surrounding environment was also completely improved by him.

What he did was naturally seen by these children, and all of them regarded Asahi as a pillar at this moment.

After all, not only Asahi gave them food, he also gave them a place to live in, moreover, they were all made out of thin air.

It can be said that he has become the real king of children.

"Lord God is too powerful. But there are still some troubles on my side. There are some children who are not here and they are scattered far and wide, so it will take a while to gather them all!"

Hearing the old man's words, Asahi didn't say much about it.

"Do your best. I will find some helpers for you later. With their strength, even missiles are useless against them. Just ask them to send you to wherever you want to go!"

"Right now, we must deal with the things here as soon as possible. I need to gather all the children in the outer area, and no one can be left behind!"

Asahi said, as he planned to send some of the transformed White Zetsu over. After thinking about it carefully, Asahi felt that it would be more convenient to call White Zetsu. After all, they can easily move to wherever they want. After leaving Zeus and Prometheus behind, Asahi went to the wild and directly grabbed a few Gastrea, sealed them up, and completely cut off them from the outside world.

Then, he can just give them to Orochimaru and the others, after all, Orochimaru and the others will not be infected by this virus.

After grabbing a few Gastrea, Asahi went to Dangai.

Since knowing the time flow of Dangai, , unless they were going on vacation, they...the scientific madmen would all stay in Dangai.

"Long time no see, Asahi, I didn't expect you would send us some special things!"

The current Orochimaru has a higher level of vision. He doesn't think there is anything good about this thing and just thinks that this thing is special.

"This is the product of a new world. There is a virus in this thing that can cause biological mutation."

"These guys might be transformed from ordinary animals and humans. I need your help to research something that can eliminate this virus!"

Asahi said. He felt that it would be better to eliminate this thing, but after it is eliminated, those children will have no special powers.

There are not many things he is proficient in, so it's better to leave this matter to the professional.

"Is it also contagious? Interesting, leave it to me!"

After Orochimaru licked his lips, he entered the research state.

As for Asahi, he came directly to White Zetsu's training base. After such a long time outside, these guys have already entered Tier 2 life level. After all, they fully respect Asahi's orders, and they won't be lonely or anything like that, so other people's training time here can't be compared to them.

At this time, all of them are existences at the level of gods.