Chapter 497 Invisible Barrier

Although White Zetsu is very strong, there is still a small problem, that is, White Zetsu is an artificial creature and is never a human.

Even though it has been transformed, Asahi did not have the ability to create a human out of thin air, so there is always a gap between White Zetsu and humans. Although they have trained a lot longer than other people, because of their limitation, the increase of their strength is getting slower and slower.

Logically speaking, humans who have reached the same level would not have this situation happen, but White Zetsu is not human.

There is nothing Asahi can do about this, but even so, these White Zetsu has reached the level of gods, and has completely turned into an army of gods.

Although they may be a little weaker compared to the gods in Campione World, they are still very powerful.

As for the Campione World, although there are many gods there, their strengths vary greatly and cannot be completely used as a unified standard.

But there are indeed many gods there. Just the large number of them are really beyond words.

In short, there are as many gods as there are myths and stories. The only difference is that their strength will not be as strong as the myths.

After bringing a few White Zetsu with him, Asahi returned to Black Bullet World. Then, Asahi gave these White Zetsu a task.

The cursed children are not only available in this place, so the task Asahi gave them is to gather the cursed children in other cities.

After gather them together, they can just wait until Orochimaru's research results come out, and he can pack everyone away in one go.

After giving the order, the White Zetsus went to do their work. At the same time, the soldiers sent by the old guy Tendo Kikunojou have arrived.

These soldiers also carried some heavy weapons and even missiles, which left Asahi really speechless.

The power in the hands of these people is much greater than that of other people, that's why they can to such evil things.

Asahi wondered whether it would be a good choice to slowly pull out Tendo Kikunojou's minions little by little, and get him to get out. Maybe this is a good choice, as he can let this old guy know the price of offending him. Of course, he still has to deal with these soldiers.

It can be seen that Tendo Kikunojou is really angry this time, as he dispatched a force of 500 people in one go.

Although compared to other worlds, it's not much, but it's not a wartime now. For Tendo Kikunojou to be able to use this amount of force without preparation, it means that it is only a part of his own private soldier. Even so, it was enough for this guy to feel a heartache if these people are annihilated.

After Jin Yang became aware of these people, he started a new round of plans and planned to continue giving gifts to that old fellow.

These soldiers are currently heading towards the outer area, but on the way, there are Jutsu Shiki created by Asahi.

After the Jutsu Shiki appeared, these 500 people were blocked directly

"What is this? An invisible barrier? Are you kidding me?"

At this moment, the 500 people were all confused. The commander of the team kept banging on the transparent barrier with his hands. But they can't get through and are completely blocked.

"Sir, this may be the kind of special technology that Kikunojou-sama is talking about. Let's withdraw for the time being and contact Kikunojou-sama before making a decision!"

The adjutant next to him said. The adjutant is a little scared at this moment, but he was not to blame for this, after all, the current situation looked a bit scary.

When this kind of incomprehensible power or technology appears in front of you for no reason, the fear stemming from the unknown is the real fear.

After hearing what the adjutant said, the commander was also a little scared and immediately ordered to retreat, but these 500 people had just retreated less than fifty meters before they are directly blocked again.

This time, they really panicked. They looked left and right, and found that everyone is actually locked in a transparent cage, and no matter how hard they hit these barriers, they couldn't find a way out.

"Shoot it with a rocket launcher, I don't believe this thing can even block a hot weapon!"

The fierce commander was frightened and immediately ordered to attack with their weapon and see if they can directly make a gap.

But the result once again disappointed him. They almost used all the weapons that can be used, but there is no response at all, and the invisible barrier still keeps them locked in this way. They still have some powerful bombs, but they did not dare to use it. After all, the space is only so big, so if the bombs exploded, it will affect their own people.

"Try to get in touch with Kikunojou-sama, hurry up!"

Since they couldn't get away from the invisible cage themselves, they could only ask for help. Fortunately, they discovered that the signal could still be sent out, so they quickly contacted Tendo Kikunojou, and the commander quickly reported the situation here.

At this time, Tendo Kikunojou was really confused. The team of 500 people was directly locked up, and they still didn't know what technology the other party used, which is the most troublesome thing.

But he couldn't just leave these 500 private soldiers there, so immediately after, additional personnel were sent. Even satellites and cameras were positioned here. As a result, he found the 500 people locked in the invincible barrier. They're still trying to pry open the barrier without giving up

Tendo Kikunojou sent someone over, but he himself was too timid to go there himself.

After the rescue force he sent arrived, they also found that they could not enter this cage.

After that, they tried a variety of methods, including using a plane to drop something from the sky, but they soon discovered that there was a cover covering the top.

In desperation, they had no choice but to try the underground, but itturned out that there was also a layer of barrier underground, which was equivalent to them being locked in a square cube, with no way to open it.

Even the people outside were cruel enough to blow it up with powerful bombs, but in the end, apart from leaving a big hole on the ground, it was of no use at all.

In desperation, Tendo Kikunojou could only use the last resort, and shot a missile directly into the result.

As a result, needless to say, it is still useless. Against the barriers that Asahi created, let alone missiles and other weapons they brough, even if they find a god to come over, they still can't open it.

Moreover, although there is air, no food or drink can be brought in. Although they carry a lot of food and drink with them, it is useless, as it can only last for a few days.

In ten days at most, the people inside will definitely starve to death. Just when the group of people is desperate, some words suddenly appeared in the sky.

The content of the text is very simple, similar to the content of the Fairy Tail's civil war.

However, during the civil war in the original Fairy Tail, Freed's condition was to defeat the others before they could come out, but this time, they need to kill someone. Since they only need to kill someone, that means that only half of the people here could survive.