Chapter 503 Tendo Kisara's Revenge

"What a rare visitor, you actually went to find me here!"

Seeing Kisara, who appeared in front of her, Shiba Miori said in amused tone.

Of course, her smile now is a bit forced, after all, the disappearance of the varanium is also a huge blow to her.

Shiba Heavy Industries is the world's largest arms dealer, but it is restricted now. Most of their arms are now aimed at Gastrea. Although they still manufacture normal weapons, the proportions are different from before.

Since there is a problem with the supply of varanium, of course they would be very affected too.

"I'm here to help you. You know about varanium, right? In all areas, as long as they are occupied by humans, whether it's the finished mined metal or the veins, they've all disappeared."

Kisara didn't talk nonsense and went straight to the point.

"Well, it seems your source of information is very good. You must know that this news has been completely blocked by the upper level, but you actually know it!"

Miori was a little surprised this time. After all, although Kisara is a member of the Tendo Family, she has already broken up with the family, so it's kind of incredible that she can still know this kind of secrets now.

"I won't talk too much nonsense. I can provide you with enough varanium, but I want you to help me target all the properties of the Tendo Family and beat them to death!"

When she said this, Kisara's face became more and more gloomy. It can be seen that she is going further and further down the path of vengeance.

But this is her initial goal, but she was still a bit naïve. Thinking that after revenge, she can live her own life, completely ignoring the super bastard saint next to her.

For the super bastard saint, her behavior has become completely stupid, that it is unknown how her brains work.

"As far as I know, all the varanium should have been taken away by that person. How can you still have such a thing in your hand?"

This time, it was Miori's turn to be stunned. Since Asahi took away all the varanium, there's no way the others would let him go.

But unfortunately, all resistance was in vain, and even throwing missiles was useless, as they were all blocked by the barrier.

In the areas where they chose to drop the missiles, all their command posts, including the places where their high-level officials were located, were directly destroyed.

The two sides are no longer on the same level, so now, the people in other areas are trembling with fear and didn't dare to breath loudly.

"I have joined under that lord, and that lord asked me to take action against the Tendo Family, so it's natural that I have those things. Now, let me hear your decision!"

Kisara didn't want to talk too much and went straight to the last point.

If she wanted to take revenge now, she could actually just destroy them head-on directly, but she didn't do that. Instead, she chose the same approach as Asahi, and brought down the entire Tendo Family bit by bit.

"You are indeed a vengeful ghost. You are ruthless to yourself and even more ruthless to your enemies. I can promise you that as long as you provide enough varanium, I can guarantee that within a week, I will limit Tendo Clan's industry, and in one month, I'll make them crumble!"

Miori looked at Misara with a complex expression. She didn't expect this person to have come this far for revenge.

It's indeed incredible, but it didn't surprise her too much. After all, she already knew Kisara's vengeful character.

"Then it's settled, someone will deliver the things later!"

After Kisara finished speaking, she didn't stay here anymore, after all, she hated Miori.

"Wait…, do you think it's really worth it? And, don't you care about Rentaro"

Miori suddenly said, and after hearing this, Kisara was taken aback.

"Perhaps, for me, revenge always comes first. If you ask me not to take revenge because of him, I can't do it!"

After saying that, Kisara left. As for Miori, her expression became more complicated. She felt really helpless at this moment.

But she also suddenly admired Kisara a little, because the other party's determination is something she doesn't have. She also suddenly felt that Rentaro had gone too far. Kisara has such a determination and it is related to the other party's parents, so Rentaro is indeed not qualified to say anything about her revenge.

But the protagonist who is a super bastard saint doesn't think so.

As far as Satomi Rintaro is concerned, he will not change his attitude just because the other party wants revenge.

That's why it is said that he is a super bastard saint. There's nothing more important than his own opinion, and he will criticize anyone not following his thought.

After achieving her goal, Kisara left Miori's place, as she still had to deal with some things.

Business can be said to be controlled by Shiba Heavy Industries. Although these guys are only working with arms, they have extensive connections.

So now, Shiba Heavy Industries can use its connections to suppress Tendo Family's industry.

However, this is only one aspect, and there are still other aspect she has to deal with, which is the other party's manpower issues.

The Tendo Family raises a lot of private soldiers. Although they suffered a lot this time, after directly seizing the power of the area, Tendo Kikunojou has once again strengthened his force.

So Kisara naturally has to deal with these people. Of course, she will not target them indiscriminately.

She also has a lot of information and will only target a small group of people.

As for the others, if they're good people, it's fine, but if they aren't, then she'll clean them up too.

In this way, under the double-sided attack, the Tendo Family was suppressed to a limit, and against an existence like Shiba Heavy Industries, the already devastated Tendo Kikunojou really couldn't afford to offend him.

He could only watch helplessly as the other party continued to suppress his industries. In addition to that, he also received another news that made him collapse.

That is, Kisara is madly targeting his people. Many of his confidants have already died in Kisara's hands, and the information said that she is doing it alone.

To be honest, it's a lie if he said that he doesn't regret it now. If he had known that the two people he sacrificed for the benefit of the family would bring such huge harm to the family, he wouldn't have done this.

And he also got some news from Shiba Heavy Industries. The reason why Shiba Heavy Industries targeted them is also because of Kisara.

After learning about this, he was almost completely devastated.

At this moment, the vengeful ghost Tendo Kisara has become a deadly knife that is slowly approaching his neck.

But he had no way to resist or dodge, so he could only watch as his neck is cut off.

"Wait, there's that Rintaro. He must be her Achilles' Heel!"

Suddenly, Tendo Kikunojou seemed to have found a breakthrough from this hopeless situation.



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