Chapter 504 Revenge is Great

At his wits' end, Tendo Kikunojou found the last straw, which is Satomi Rentaro.

This person is the last person who can help him, but to be honest, he is just doing something useless.

To put it bluntly, Kisara was only used by Asahi to disgust Tendo Kikunojou.

It's just to make him to feel regret even more, not for anything else.

So even if Kisara betrayed Asahi for Satomi Rentaro, the worst thing he could do was deal with it himself.

After all, all the resources and power Kisara has come from Asahi, so what Kisara can do, he can do it much better.

Because of that, Asahi is also looking at the situation now, to see what kind of choice Kisara will make.

In the evening, Kisara came to her next target's home, but here, she met two acquaintances.

The target has disappeared, and the acquaintances are naturally Satomi Rentaro and Aihara Enju.

"Stop it, Kisara, what's the point of doing this!"

The super bastard saint Satomi Rentaro looked very much in pain at this moment, because this is his good friend.

This super bastard saint, as mentioned before, has the heart of the saint, and does the things of a bastard saint. He can be said to be a rather contradictory person.

Although he looks really kind, but what he did is not something a good person should do.

In short, Asahi is completely indifferent to this protagonist. In the several worlds he has experienced, which protagonist is not very awesome?

Although there are some problems in their personality, they are not the same as this guy, so he is really upset with this person. That's right, the protagonist in the Campione World next door is also very disgusting.

The biggest failure of the God-Slayer next door is the main character, Kusanagi Godou.

Not to mention the fact that he is being treated like a fool by others when he has the power. As far as the character of the other Campione is concerned, they actually think that Kusanagi Godou is a good guy. In terms of the character introduced, none of them can look down on Kusanagi Godou at all.

But the result is that the character and behavior are completely opposite, so the biggest failure lies in the protagonist.

Asahi also didn't have a good impression of this protagonist at all. Of course, those are off-topic. The most important right now is still the Black Bullet World.

"Is it wrong for me to take revenge? Since he sacrificed my parents for the benefit of the family, then I will make his entire family go to hell. If you still think of me as a friend, just pretend you didn't see this."

"That old bastard came to you, right? I can basically guess it, so now, what is your decision?"

After struggling for a while, Kisara still chose revenge. Revenge is the greatest thing, far better than the so-called love.

If she really has to discard one thing, she will choose to discard love. It's just as simple as that.

And the most important point is that she has no way to turn back. After becoming Asahi's subordinate, it is equivalent to blocking her own escape route.

When she joined, Asahi has already made it very clear to her, and she has also made her own choice.

"In that case, I can only stop you from continuing to make mistakes!"

Satomi Rentaro didn't hesitate at all and directly assumed a fighting stance.

"The friendship you're saying is just bullshit. To be honest, in your heart, the Tendo Family will always be more important than me, right? I can see it clearly."

"Excuse me, White Zetsu-san, please take action. After all, if I do it, they will be dead. So please help me keep them alive!"

Kisara also didn't force Satomi Rentaro too much, but directly asked White Zetsu do take action.

The reason why she can kill Tendo Kikunojou's people is because of her Death Predation. But against her 'friends', she couldn't use it, as the victim will die instantly.

As for her basic combat power, she is really no match for him. It's because she has a problem with her body and is not completely cured. But it's also to remind herself not to forget the hatred, that's why Miori said that Kisara is ruthless to herself.

Now that she has made a decision, she'll go all the way to the dark side.

Before, she was a vengeful ghost, but she still had concerns. But now, she has become a complete vengeful ghost, and will not be affected by other people anymore.

"Wait…, where are you going!"

Seeing that Kisara was about to leave, Satomi Rentaro immediately rushed over, intending to stop Kisara.

However, as soon as he moved, White Zetsu appeared in front of him, and then punched him directly, knocking Satomi Rentaro to the ground.

"This is the last time. I won't kill you two this time, but next time, if I you stop me again, be prepared to lose your lives. There will be no relationship between you and me in the future!"

After dropping the last sentence, Kisara left. As for Satomi Rentaro, he wanted to catch up, but he was crushed by White Zetsu.

As for Aihara Enju, she wanted to help Rintaro, but her Promoter was already knocked out by White Zetsu.

After Satomi Rentaro fell unconscious, White Zetsu directly removed the prosthetic limbs on his body, then he just left him here. (T/N: From what I know, Rentaro doesn't have prosthetic limbs, but instead, his limbs were infused with varanium. So just take it as the Author changing the plot.)

As for Kisara's revenge, it still continues. And after her meeting with Satomi Rentaro, this vengeful ghost becomes even more straightforward.

This time, Satomi Rintaro's role can be said to be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

And the situation here is naturally known by many people, because there is surveillance camera here.

"Sigh, it has developed like this. It seems that I have to rethink some issues. I was actually outclassed by this woman!"

Miori also saw this video. Right now, her company's power is already much greater than Tendo Kikunojou's.

Because of that, Miori suddenly felt that Satoshi Rentaro felt very different from before. The shining person she had seen before seemed to have disappeared, and this person became more and more mundane and off-putting.

She felt that she seemed to be one step slower than Tendomu, who had already made her choice.

Before this, she felt that after Kisara has completely given up on Rentaro Satomi, she can take advantage of it.

But she suddenly didn't want to think about it anymore, as what this person showed this time made her a little disgusted.

In fact, the reason why they feel this way is because the world is connected.

When the world is connected, the laws are also shared, so the world will naturally focus on stronger people and people with stronger luck.

There is nothing in Naruto World before, but after experiencing several worlds, Asahi can be said to be at the peak.

The combined fortunes of several worlds, plus the fact that he is the most powerful being in the world, have benefited him a lot.

Because of that, he naturally became the protagonist of every world. As for the situation of the original protagonists, it depends on Asahi's attitude.



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