Chapter 505 One Month

Asahi's attitude is very important because he has strong luck. He thinks of having a good relationship with a good protagonist, after all, the protagonist is still the protagonist, they are the spokesperson chosen by the world.

But once Asahi hated them, then the world will naturally withdraw its attention from this spokesperson.

Satomi Rintaro is like this. The world no longer loves him, and because of Asahi's disgust, he will even need to return all the things obtained by the protagonist's halo.

Under this influence, he is not doing well now. But after losing his aura, the consequences will erupt as time slowly passes.

Just like this, a month passed in the blink of an eye, and the entire Tendo Family's industry had been crushed by Shiba Heavy Industries.

As for Miori, she also is not affected by Satomi Rentaro anymore, as he no longer has the protagonist's aura.

During the period, Satoshi Rintaro came to her once, hoping that she could give up targeting the Tendo Family.

At that time, Miori only sneered, and her favorability towards Satomi Rintaro directly dropped to zero, and she even felt disgusted. She left directly without caring about what he said.

Afterwards, Satomi Rentaro's desire to continue seeing Miori was undoubtedly a fool's dream.

It can be said that this guy has already lost all his good popularity.

In one month, in addition to the fact that the family's business was completely dealt with, under Kisara's actions, Tendo Kikunojou's close associates and others, who were hostile against Kisara, were also dealt with.

Including her own brother, Tendo Kazumitsu. It can be said that in the entire Tendo Family now, except for the innocent people, there is only Tendo Kikunojou left.

In addition to targeting the business of the Tendo Family, Miori has already understood the situation clearly and knew that Asahi is indispensable for her survival… Because of that, she also went to find Asahi.

After becoming Asahi's subordinate, she can be said to have gained control of the world, and she is also given the Death Predation ability like Kisara.

As for whether to give them new power in the future, it depends on Asahi's mood.

Therefore, Shiba Heavy Industries uses the varanium obtained from Asahi to continuously seize power.

As for Tendo Kikunojou, he wants strength but no strength, and wants money but no money. All he has left is his miserable old life.

As for Seitenshi, who was put under house arrest by him, is now under the control of Shiba Heavy Industries.

It can only be said that this girl is indeed very unlucky, but it's also her fault to have very naïve personality. Because of that, she is naturally being blackmailed, unable to do anything, and must be someone else's pawn.

In the past, she might have had a chance to make a comeback, because although Tendo Kikunojou had turned against her, he didn't target her. So there is no need to worry about her safety. But now that Shiba Heavy Industries is in power, the little advantage she had is gone.

Even if she wanted to make a comeback now, she can't do it.

At this time, Tendo Clan has been immersed in the boundless darkness, and Tendo Kikunojou, who has nothing left, can only stay honestly in his own room.

It can be said that Rentaro is the only one he can see now.

Originally, Rentaro planned to stay here to protect Tendo Kikunojou, but in the end, he was directly knocked out by Aihara Enju and taken away by her. Who are you kidding? Kisara already said that the next time they met, he would die, so there's no way Aihara Enju would let him mess around and cause trouble. Moreover, the prosthetic limbs have been replaced with ordinary ones, so he doesn't have his former fighting power at all.

"Why are you here alone? Do you know that you are going to die so you wait for death here?"

Soon, Kisara came here withWhite Zetsu, and saw Tendo Kikunojou who was in a daze at the moment, "I have spent my whole life for the family and for revenge. Speaking of which, the two of us are somewhat similar…"

Tendo Kikunojou suddenly spoke, but he was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"You trash, don't compare me to you. I know who my enemy is, and I will not target innocent people."

"The remaining members of the Tendo Family will naturally be taken care of. I can still distinguish between wrongs and debts."

"I am a vengeful ghost at most, but you are a complete murderer. You have targeted all the cursed children, so what right do you have to say that you are the same as me!"

Kisara said with disdain. After all, it's a great insult to be compared to this old fellow. She could still tell who had problems and who didn't, who should she attack and who shouldn't.

"Is that so? I should have dealt with you as well, otherwise the family wouldn't be like this now, with nothing left!"

Tendo Kikunojou once again regained his dull expression, but instead of repenting, he regretted not dealing with Kisara in the first place.

"I know you old bastard have no lower limit, but you made a mistake again. It's not just me who is targeting you."

"I'm only here for revenge. After I joined that lord, it was only because my identity as an avenger was useful that he lets me take care of the Tendo Family."

"Even without me, that lord will never let you go with regard to those cursed children!"

As she said that, Kisara showed a mocking expression. She felt that Tendo Kikunojou is really stupid to think that the Tendo Family is destroyed just because of her revenge. She knew that even without her, Asahi can easily make Tendo Kikunojou to fall into even deeper despair.

"Sigh… Why should I say so much nonsense to you? But don't worry, I won't let you die so easily. I will let you live in torment forever!"

After saying that, a black aura appeared in Kisara's hands, turning into a dark scene covering Tendo Kikunojou.

This is something she has specially prepared for revenge.

It was also specially prepared for Tendo Kikunojou. When Asahi learned of Kisara's proposal, he was also taken aback.

Asahi felt that Kisara is really worthy to be called the vengeful ghost. She is very ruthless, as even Asahi is not so ruthless.

As she took her revenge, the dark curtain quickly turned into a black cage, and inside the cage, there are two energies, green and black.

The black darkness is constantly corroding the other party, while the green is healing it. This kind of pain is really terrifying.

And with the help of green life energy, this guy can live for at least a thousand years. But he is locked in a cage and can only endure endless torture.

Asahi felt that he really underestimated Kisara. He didn't expect Kisara to come up with such a way. He thought that she would kill the Tendo Kikunojou directly, but he didn't expect she would use such extreme methods, which is even more terrifying.

But this is also good, and Asahi felt that she is more valuable than he originally thought.



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