Chapter 506 Leaving For The Next World

With her revenge completed, Kisara naturally had no other thoughts. Her bond with Satomi Rentaro is now completely cut off, so she returned to the location of the cursed children.

"Congratulations, your revenge has been completed, but you have also lost a lot."

"How about I give you a choice to live in another world and start a new life of your own?"

After seeing Kisara again, Asahi found that her expression had become more numb, so he gave her a new choice.

"Another world? My lord, who are you? What is the other world you're talking about?"

Kisara became very confused, and finally, there was some change in her expression.

"I am not someone from this world. The worlds are constantly fusing, and after the fusion, a channel will appear between the two worlds."

"By going through the channel, people in the two worlds can go back and forth freely. However, the passage has been sealed by me."

"I can directly teleport you to other worlds. There are still a few worlds under my control, so you may be interested in one of them. . This can be regarded as a reward for your work this time!"

After saying that, Asahi directly transmitted the basic situation of the worlds to Kisara's mind.

"Incredible, such a special world still exists!"

After learning about the worlds' information, Kisara was really shocked. After all, it was very exaggerated.

"I… can I choose to follow you, my lord? I also want to see a wider world!"

After knowing these things, Kisara seems to have found a new direction. She wants to become stronger and see more of the world.

"You really exceeded my expectations. Originally, I thought that after you completed your revenge, you would find a place to live peacefully for the rest of your life. I didn't expect you would make such a choice, but it's okay, you can join me. Of course, your strength is too weak, so you should train for a while."

"There are several power systems, you can choose one. Let's talk about joining me after you become stronger. The current you are not qualified to see the new world, as the new world is still not under my control. That world is too dangerous for the current you."

"After all, you can meet a lot of gods at will, and this is not a joke!"

After saying that, Asahi gave Kisara more time to choose her own future. In the end, Kisara chose the power system of the One Piece World, because the swordsmanship of that world was indeed very suitable for her.

And she just needs to constantly make herself stronger, stronger, and stronger. As long as she has the Energy Source, it is not a problem.

And this world almost has no value at all, at least, Asahi can't improve the Energy Source again.

But there is still one world to be checked. Although the Campione World uses magic power, that is just a way of saying it. There is a little difference between that world's magic and Fairy Tail's magic. So Asahi can get some good things in this world, and he can also get more Divine Power and improve his Energy Source.

Now that the Tendo Family's affairs are over, Asahi plans to leave.

And in this world, the one he chose as his spokesperson is the Shiba Heavy Industries. He left a space gate to the Shiba Heavy Industries, as well as a way to contact him and the authority to manage this world.

Moreover, the antidote has already completed, so mass production has already started, and every cursed child was injected with it.

Asahi also sent the Four Sages to Orochimaru's group of scientists. Although they are not top-notch, they are still somewhat useful.

As for whether he will help them get the Energy Source, this requires Orochimaru and the others to send him the report. If they are valuable, he will give them the Energy Source, but if they're not valuable, then he'll just let them turn into pile of bones in a hundred years.

Not only he dealt with the virus on the cursed children, Asahi also eliminated the virus in the air of this world.

After these viruses are gone, the rest was handed over to Shiba Heavy Industries.

Asahi can easily handle all the troubles in this world, but he didn't do so. Instead, he left it to Shiba Heavy Industries to deal with it for him, letting them act as the savior, so that there will be no more cursed children in the future.

Because of this, the world has finally completely stabilized. Since there was nothing good about this world, and he has finished venting his anger, Asahi quickly dealt with it.

If it was a more valuable world, Asahi wouldn't do such thing.

Originally, after completing a world, a new world would be opened, but Asahi has suppressed the opportunity. After all, there is still another world that has not been dealt with. He felt that he should deal with it one by one, and don't be greedy.

So Asahi has already planned to move to another world at this moment.

In fact, there have been some problems in the other world, as the Campione have some incredible abilities.

After the passage was opened, some Campione and gods with special abilities noticed the passage.

However, Asahi ignored it at the time. After all, with their strength, they could not break through the barrier he created.

When they arrived here, they could only watch the passage helplessly. After a period of fruitless investigation, those Campione chose to leave some people from the Mage Association here.

To be honest, this is the first time that Asahi has seen the passage being revealed so easily, 'As expected of a world with many gods, some of the abilities are indeed quite special.'

On the opposite side of the barrier, there are many people from the Mage Association who have already set up camp here. Asahi did not alarm them, but directly passed them and entered the Campione World.

"I wonder what is the current timeline. Let's check it out first!"

Asahi used his terrifying perception to explore the situation in this world, and then he saw that this world has a lot of powerful aura.

These auras all reached Tier 2 life level, and there are six that are completely different from the others.

He doesn't need to think about these six to know that they are Campione, but since there are only six of them, it means that Kusanagi Godou has not succeeded in killing a god in a weird way.

Although every Campione's success in killing gods is accompanied by accidents, but their accidents are not as serious as Kusanagi Godou's.

The other Campione are already very powerful before they killed a god.

Especially Voban and Luo Hao, one is proficient in almost all magic, and the other is proficient in all martial arts.

Only Kusanagi Godou, an ordinary person, completed the God-killing, and the most bizarre thing is, his power can only be used once a day. So if it wasn't for Verethragna giving him ten incarnations, then he was a real one-shot man. Even after knowing that he was in the center of the whirlpool, he still didn't try to learn something to protect myself.

This strangeness really made Asahi speechless.



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