Chapter 507 Heading To Sardinia

Asahi doesn't want to get too involved in Kusanagi Godou's affairs now. The best thing he can do is to cut him off halfway and be done with it.

Asahi has no interest in the so-called Campione. After all, the life level of the gods in this world that he has detected are only at Tier 2.

As for Asahi, he was only one step away from Tier 3, so naturally he didn't need to worry about it.

He didn't care about their real bodies, after all, he didn't need to kill them to copy their power.

But if they really wanted to die under his hand, then he will grant their wish.

Asahi then found a person from Copper-Black Cross here. After reading the memory of the other party, he found that the plot was about to begin.

After learning this, Asahi chose to go to Sardinia first to meet the two gods. In fact, strictly speaking, meeting the gods is almost the same as meeting Campione, but in Asahi's situation, meeting Campione is better.

It's because he can copy the other party's power, and Voban and Luo Hao have a lot of powers.

After making the decision, Asahi went to Sardinia, where there are two gods waiting to be dealt with.

When he came to Sardinia, Asahi saw a girl in a red dress stabbing a huge boar with a sword.

'This is the beginning of the plot, that means, that Kusanagi Godou should be around here too!'

This scene is naturally the scene where Verethragna's boar incarnation is wreaking havoc. As for Erica, although as a great knight, it is reasonable to say that she has stepped into the highest limit of mankind, but the gap is still too big when facing a god.

The birth of Campione is undoubtedly full of various accidents. For example, Salvatore Doni, the one known as the King of Swords, this guy was possessed by a Heretic God, and then after the Heretic God inside him fight with another Heretic God and died, he picked up a good bargain at the end.

In this world, even for human who have reached their limits, they are still very vulnerable to gods and Campione. They may be able to easily kill these people even without using their power.

It's true that Erica is a great knight, but she has just reached that level, and right now, she is like a mosquito, unable to cause any harm to the boar. To be honest, was once a bit amusing.

However, Erica is also very responsible. If it was someone else, they would have run away immediately when they saw the mythical beast. There's no way they would fight against it.

As for Erica, she is very responsible for ordinary people, perhaps because she is a knight.

Although she is not pedantic, she still has the most basic sense of responsibility, so Asahi is also quite optimistic about this person.

As for her relationship with Kusanagi Godou, currently there's nothing between them at all. To put it bluntly, she and Kusanagi Godou are just using their relationship. But after the relationship between the two parties was confirmed, they were really committed to each other.

"Not good!"

At this moment, Erica was unable to resist the boar and was knocked backwards by the impact.

But she didn't directly fall to the ground.

She was supported by Asahi's energy, and was suspended in mid-air.

"You are…"

After Erica saw Asahi, she wanted to say hello, but before she could say anything, another person appeared here.

It's none other than Verethragna, who has the appearance of a young man, but is actually known as the God of Victory.

"You are very strong. I can't even sense any aura from you. You are not a fool nor a god. What are you? It is impossible for a human being to be as strong as you!"

The appearance of Verethragna interrupted Erica, and then Verethragna then said a few words to himself.

The meaning is obvious, he is very puzzled about what Asahi is. He looks like human, but no humans can be that strong. He might be god, but as a god himself, Verethragna can't sense it. As for Campione, he didn't feel the god's authority from him. He can't even feel any magic from Asahi.

This makes Verethragna a little confused. He wondered what is wrong with this guy?

"I am a real human being. You gods are so high above us that you only know too little about us humans. Since humans can kill gods and become Campione, then it's not impossible for humans to surpass the gods, right!"

Asahi said with amused tone. Actually, humans in this world cannot reach the level of gods, and even in the Fairy Tail's world, Zeref, who can be said to have reached the limit of humans, can't do anything against Ankhseram's curse.

So now that Verethragna thinks that Asahi is not human, it is understandable, after all, he has never encountered such a powerful human.

Asahi is so powerful that he, a god, can't perceive anything at all.

"Humans? For a strong person like you, you should not bother to lie. Then, maybe my understanding of humans should also be changed!"

Verethragna said as he shook his head.

"It's not difficult to understand. After all, some gods are not completely gods. You know that some of them are also promoted from humans, right?"

Asahi said with a smile. And along the way, he also copied all Verethragna's Divine Powers.

Although Verethragna's Divine Powers is not complete yet, he still has some power at least, which is better than nothing.

As for the few that are missing, he can wait until Verethragna finished collecting them before copying it.

"That's true, then you are very strong, right? Let's fight!"

Verethragna had the intentions to attack Asahi. He came down to pursue defeat, so now, it is best to have such an enemy.

"Wait a minute, your incarnations haven't been completely collected yet, right? Let's wait until all your incarnations are all collected!"

After Asahi finished speaking, Verethragna was taken aback, and looked at Asahi in surprise.

Anyone who wants to become a Campione will undoubtedly find and exploit loopholes to defeat a god. After all, the birth of a Campione is always accompanied by accidents.

Kusanagi Godou became a Campione after stealing the other party's power.

Incomplete gods and complete gods are two different concepts, so after seeing Asahi didn't take advantage of the situation, Verethragna is a little stunned.

"You are indeed a strong man worthy of respect, then, let's wait until I have collected all my powers before fighting."

"By the way, besides me, there is another guy on this island. The reason why my incarnations can fly everywhere is because of him. He should be cured in the next few days, so remember to come when the time comes!"

After saying that, Verethragna left directly, and went to find his own incarnations. As for the other one he was talking about, it is naturally Melqart, a Divine King-class Heretic God.



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