Chapter 509 Battle Between Gods

"I actually recovered. I was injured by a god, and it takes a long time to heal slowly from what I know. Are you really not a god?"

Lucretia Zola was a little surprised, and she also used her abilities to plan to see what Asahi was.

But undoubtedly, what she saw was the same as Verethragna, which is just a solid fog, and she can't see anything else.

It is even impossible to determine whether Asahi is a human being or not, after all, her life level is only Tier 1, and it's not the peak yet.

And Asahi, he is the peak of Tier 2, even gods can't compare with him, let alone Lucretia Zola.

What she's doing is just useless work.

"Healing you is a reward, but if you peek at others, be careful of being killed!"

Asahi glanced at Lucretia Zola, and the terrifying aura appeared for an instant. Feeling that, Lucretia Zola felt as if she had seen an extremely terrifying existence.

Although the terrifying aura only appeared in an instant, this kind of power is not something that even those gods can exert.

The gap between the two sides is like the gap between humans and gods, maybe even greater.

It must be known that the higher the life level, the harder it is to improve it. From humans to gods, it is Tier 1 to Tier 2, and although the gods are at same Tier 2 as Asahi, it is not that simple, as the gaps between them is even more terrifying than Tier 1 to Tier 2.

With just a glance from Asahi, the trauma that has just been healed has become more serious, and even nearly caused Lucretia Zola's soul to collapse, but Asahi still spared her once and healed her again.

"I'm sorry, my lord, I did it unintentionally, please forgive me!"

Lucretia Zola did not hesitate and directly knelt on the ground after recovering again. After all, this is an existence was more terrifying than the gods and Campione. She could not provoke such a terrifying existence.

"You don't need to show such politeness, I'm just staying here for a while. Besides, my patience is limited, so next time you think of doing something, you should prepare your funeral arrangements first!"

Asahi didn't care much, as it's just a little punishment.

"I understand, my lord, thank you for your kindness!"

Lucretia Zola breathed a sigh of relief, but she was still very frightened. After all, facing such a monster that shouldn't have exist in this world, she couldn't do anything.

However, since the other party said to let her go, he would not break his promise, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

"You…what are you doing?"

Erica asked with a dazed look. She naturally knew the specific situation of the Witch of Sardinia, after all, the other party is also a famous expert.

But now, this famous expert actually kneeled directly to Asahi, and it was not on one knee, but was kneeling on both knees. This is not a symbolic respect, but a complete surrender caused by fear. Of course Erica will be confused.

"You are the one of the Copper-Black Cross… I also know your purpose, that stone tablet, you can take it away if you want to!"

As an old lady, Lucretia Zola naturally knew that Asahi was optimistic about Erica, otherwise he would not explain so much and bring her around with him, that's why she chose to give out the stone tablet very simply.

Originally, she would not give away casually. Including the original work, she wouldn't have given it to Kusanagi Godou after he sent it to her, but it's just that Kusanagi Godou is waiting for her, Vererthragna's white stallion was sealed into the stone tablet, so she naturally knows that she can't take it.

This thing is a hot potato, so it was given to Kusanagi Godou.

But now, this thing was given out as a favor to Asahi and handed over to Erica.

"You are very smart. Well, before the start of the war of gods, we will be bothering you here, but the time should not be too long, as it will start in a little more than a day at most!"

Asahi knew that the battle between gods would begin soon. Melqart's injury was almost healed and as for Vererthragna, he almost collected all of his incarnations, so the fight was expected to start tomorrow.

"I understand, my lord, you can stay here as long as you want!"

How can Lucretia Zola dare to drive the other party away? She doesn't want to die yet. Although she is already very old, as a witch, age has little to do with appearance.

There are more people who can live longer, so naturally there are more old people.

Strictly speaking, Asahi has been in the Dangai for many years. Taking all of this time into account, he is also can be regarded as a person at great-great-great grandfather generation, but because this girl is related to Kusanagi Godou's grandfather, Asahi doesn't like her.

After Erica's little maid also found this place, the night passed quickly.

Early the next morning, it started raining outside, but this rain is not normal rain. As the two gods had already appeared on the coast and planned to fight there.

"The battle is about to start, but that guy didn't even come to inform me… do you want to go?"

Asahi glanced at Erica and the others, and asked. Upon hearing this, the three nodded their heads like rattles.

No matter what, it's the battle between god. Although, they won't participate in it either, it's good to watch from the distance, right!

"All right, let's go then!"

After Asahi finished speaking, the four people disappeared from the house and came to the coast.

At this time, everyone can see Verethragna and Melqart in front of them, one is a giant with a height of tens of meters, and the other is a young man suspended in the air.

"You really came… Then, the battle can begin now!"

After seeing Asahi's arrival, Verethragna smiled. As for Asahi, he copied all the abilities of the two gods in an instant.

"Verethragna, is this the strong human being you mentioned? He is indeed very special. I can't even see through him. Is he really a human?"

Melqart was also a little puzzled upon seeing Asahi. He didn't expect that there will be a day he can't see through a human.

He didn't understand how could this happen. As for whether it's because the gap between him and the other party was too big, he was very arrogant and different from Verethragna, so he had never thought about it.

"You are too arrogant, Melqart!"

As Asahi spoke, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and directly hit Melqart.

"How is this possible? What is this thunder?!"

After being hit, Melqart was stunned. It's because he is very familiar with this aura of power. Isn't this his power? How can he be hit by his own power!

"You don't even recognize your own power?"

Thunder and storm mixed together and attacked Melqart crazily. At this moment, Asahi is all using Melqart's own power to attack him.



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